Homeschooling among Black Families is on the Rise
La Shawn Barber has an interesting post on the rise of homeschooling among black families:
Read the whole thing.
I am extremely pleased to know that the number of homeschooling black families is increasing.
Before I elaborate on the race issue, let’s look at class. According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, half of homeschooling families have incomes of $50,000 or less. Three quarters earn $75,000 or less.
Contrary to popular opinion, homeschooling is not a phenomenon of “the rich.” Well-off families often opt to send their kids to private and parochial schools. A high income is not a prerequisite to homeschooling. Having an intact family is more likely the key to successful homeschooling. Somebody has to be the breadwinner. I can’t imagine one parent working and homeschooling.
What I’m about to say next is controversial....
Read the whole thing.