Buying Votes for Cigarettes
This weekend I picked up the new copy of John Fund's book, Stealing Elections, Revised and Updated: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy.
Glenn and I had interviewed Fund for a podcast on voter fraud in October of 2006 and he had some pretty interesting things to say. You can read the transcript here (you will have to scroll down the page and click on "more" to get it). But here are some highlights from Fund in that interview that may be relevant to the upcoming election:
In the introduction of his recent book, Fund points out that voter fraud can be found all over the US:
Frankly, if I was homeless and someone did that to me, I would take the cigarettes and write in Philip Morris on the ballot.
Well, in my book, "Stealing Elections," I basically say we have two problems. We have what political scientist, Walter Dean Burnham, calls the sloppiest election system of any industrialized democracy and because of that sloppiness people with bad motives have often a very easy time finagling the system, adding votes or subtracting votes. Sometimes you can’t tell where the sloppiness ends and where the fraud begins.
I do know that there’s a lot more scrutiny and the general public believes that there’s more fraud, if you look at the Zogby poll or the Rasmussen poll. Something like about twelve percent of Americans don’t believe their ballots are counted properly or the votes are stolen so that their ballots are invalidated.
In the introduction of his recent book, Fund points out that voter fraud can be found all over the US:
Election fraud, whether it's phony voter registrations, illegal absentee ballots, shady recounts, or old-fashioned ballot box stuffing, can be found in every part of the United States, although it is probably spreading because of the ever-so-tight divisions that have polarized the country and created so many close elections lately. Although most fraud is found in urban areas, there are current scandals in rural Texas and Minnesota.... Wisconsin officials convicted a New York heiress who was working for Al Gore by giving homeless people cigarettes if they rode in a van to the polls and voted.
Frankly, if I was homeless and someone did that to me, I would take the cigarettes and write in Philip Morris on the ballot.
Labels: interesting books, politics
There are few things as annoying in American politics as a leftist who will on the one hand scream about Republicans stealing elections, and on the other hand demand that the poor and elderly not have to carry IDs with them to vote.
Have you seen the poll at Althouse?
Wowzers!. McCain by a landslide.
Somebody's perpetrating a myth, eh? I don't suppose the msm or the pollsters can be that far off, can they? I guess we'll see shortly.
This is very disturbing to me. Each election cycle there are more news stories about fraudulent registrations collected by ACORN.
Does Mr. Fund's book have any suggestions for what ordinary people like myself can do to stop this abuse? If so, I'll buy it in a heartbeat. I really don't want a repeat of the last gubernatorial election we had here in Washington state.
If my memory is correct, several members of Washington ACORN were convicted of turning in false voter registrations. And then of course there were the vote counters in King County who kept finding "lost" ballots and counting and re-counting until they got the numbers they needed.
P.S. I read the reviews on Check out the first (and at this time the only) 1-star review. It's a doozy!
Why are the most vitriolic reviews of conservative books written by people who have not read them?
Why are the most vitriolic reviews of conservative books written by people who have not read them?
Cultivating exceptional levels of vitriol allows no time for simpleton pastimes such as reading.
That's all I can figure at least.
"Does Mr. Fund's book have any suggestions for what ordinary people like myself can do to stop this abuse?"
There are a couple chapters in the book on ACORN, one entitled. "Barack Obama and ACORN: Perfect Together." Fund points out that the candidate who has called for the most open political process possible and who dismisses complaints of voter fraud even in notoriously dodgy Chicago's precincts owes his first political office to his ability to detect fraud and throw every single one of his opponents off the ballot. Hypocritical, huh? Anyway, there is a chapter "Where do we go from here?" that gives some guidelines to reduce voter fraud. One thing Fund says is that volunteers at the polls are vanishing as elderly workers die or retired. Perhaps volunteering at a poll might help? I signed up to assist in the McCain campaign --by making phone calls or whatever else is needed. Don't know if this will help but at least it's something.
Helen. Readers can link directly here.
The Dems have been purchasing votes for some time. In the black communities, it's called "walking around money", where they give cash to people to vote for Democrats. As long as we have a toothless FEC that don't monitor Democrat Party election fraud in the big cities, this will continue. ACORN should be de-funded and it's leaders jailed.
Thanks, the URL I used was an old one.
Was it 2000 or 2004 where a Democrat party insider was caught with a voting machine in their car after the polls closed? Hazy memory.
I worked at a boarding high school in small town Iowa, and one third of the student body were internationals. The town knew us. Very hippie, very obvious. Well darnitall...those foreign minors got to vote! Another flavor of rigged elections. Dems running the polls and letting the hippie kids vote.
Vote fraud is big around these parts. I was really mad because a candidate for county magistrate was going door to door buying votes for $1000 - on the street around the corner from mine but never came to my street! Boy was I mad.
Because y'know, vote buying is illegal, but vote selling isn't. heh heh heh
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