Are Obama's positions those of most Americans?
I was flipping through a new book on Obama entitled The Audacity of Deceit: Barack Obama's War on American Values,
and read an interesting chapter entitled, "The Barack Obama Test."
The author used questions gathered from The Associated Television News/Zogby America poll of 1005 voters to find out if people agreed or disagreed with the positions of Obama. Some questions were posed to all Americans and other questions were posed to the 70% of Americans who paid taxes and then to the 30% who do not pay taxes (isn't it amazing that almost 30% of Americans do not pay federal taxes! Personally, I think that if we have a federal tax, then all Americans should be required to pay taxes of some sort--but that's a whole other topic).
Here are a few examples of questions that were asked: "Should a doctor give medical care to a fetus that survives an abortion, or should medical care not be given?" Obama's position (according to the book) is that care should not be given; only 17.7%of Americans agreed. A full 67.8% believed that medical care should be given and 14.5 % are not sure.
On a Second Amendment question, "Would you favor or oppose a law that banned the sale of handguns?" 36% of Americans agree with Obama and would favor such a law but 59% of Americans opposed it and 5% aren't sure.
Let's turn to taxes. "How much should Americans who earn $1 million per year pay in federal income taxes?" 50.1 % of those who paid taxes said that Americans who earn that much should pay 35% or less and 52.3% of those who do not pay taxes thought that 35% or less was fair. Not bad--almost even--but Obama's position (again, according to the book, his positions seem to be changing) is that the taxpayer should pay 35% or more and only 33.2% of all Americans agree with him, 33.1% of taxpayers and 33.4% of those who do not pay.
Healthcare is another area where most Americans have a different take than Obama, unless they pay no federal taxes. The question posed was, "Do you agree or disagree with Barack Obama's $65 billion dollar plan to institute taxpayer-funded universal health coverage, which would provide health insurance for those currently uninsured, including illegal immigrants?" 31% of those who paid taxes agreed with the plan and 65.1% disagreed, with 3.9% unsure. Those who did not pay taxes were split with 46.5% agreeing with such a plan and 45.5% disagreeing; 8% were unsure.
The author correctly points out that many Americans who say they are for the change that Obama has in mind have different positions than those taken by Obama but don't seem to realize it. Maybe after reading this book, they will.
The author used questions gathered from The Associated Television News/Zogby America poll of 1005 voters to find out if people agreed or disagreed with the positions of Obama. Some questions were posed to all Americans and other questions were posed to the 70% of Americans who paid taxes and then to the 30% who do not pay taxes (isn't it amazing that almost 30% of Americans do not pay federal taxes! Personally, I think that if we have a federal tax, then all Americans should be required to pay taxes of some sort--but that's a whole other topic).
Here are a few examples of questions that were asked: "Should a doctor give medical care to a fetus that survives an abortion, or should medical care not be given?" Obama's position (according to the book) is that care should not be given; only 17.7%of Americans agreed. A full 67.8% believed that medical care should be given and 14.5 % are not sure.
On a Second Amendment question, "Would you favor or oppose a law that banned the sale of handguns?" 36% of Americans agree with Obama and would favor such a law but 59% of Americans opposed it and 5% aren't sure.
Let's turn to taxes. "How much should Americans who earn $1 million per year pay in federal income taxes?" 50.1 % of those who paid taxes said that Americans who earn that much should pay 35% or less and 52.3% of those who do not pay taxes thought that 35% or less was fair. Not bad--almost even--but Obama's position (again, according to the book, his positions seem to be changing) is that the taxpayer should pay 35% or more and only 33.2% of all Americans agree with him, 33.1% of taxpayers and 33.4% of those who do not pay.
Healthcare is another area where most Americans have a different take than Obama, unless they pay no federal taxes. The question posed was, "Do you agree or disagree with Barack Obama's $65 billion dollar plan to institute taxpayer-funded universal health coverage, which would provide health insurance for those currently uninsured, including illegal immigrants?" 31% of those who paid taxes agreed with the plan and 65.1% disagreed, with 3.9% unsure. Those who did not pay taxes were split with 46.5% agreeing with such a plan and 45.5% disagreeing; 8% were unsure.
The author correctly points out that many Americans who say they are for the change that Obama has in mind have different positions than those taken by Obama but don't seem to realize it. Maybe after reading this book, they will.
Labels: interesting books, politics
Well, those people are "basically decent," and "basically sound. They just "You know, listen to the wrong talk radio shows or watch the wrong TV networks."
How else to explain their not agreeing with the one?
Obama plays on class hatred and jealousy, just as Democrats have done for decades. Many support him simply because he says he will tax the rich and those big, bad corporations.
dadvocate hits the Bingo on the first play.
Many support him simply because he says he will tax the rich and those big, bad corporations.
We are almost there now, if by "tax the rich" you mean "tax only the upper 50% of income earners". It won't be long before 1/2 the population essentially have an unstoppable vote to steal from the other 1/2. At that point the apocalypse is nigh, because that always ends badly. As for the corporations, I haven't heard Obama's plan for how people will find gainful employment after he steals ever more of their employer's earnings.
The road to Socialism is Democracy -- Karl Marx
I'm really tired of this divisive exchange, so I've got some things to say about change, like the change we must change to hold change so dear. I really like change, have I made myself clear? -- Barak Obamanation.
Provided our republic, and also capitalism, are basically allowed to remain the same, the people who have money now will end up with it again after it is all re-distributed. That's a no brainer.
The government will have to continue to take it away from those who understand what money is, and how to acquire what it (truly) represents - and give it to those who do not.
Actually, the government doesn't know what to do with money either, except spend it.
By the way, it is my belief that now, more than ever, it is time to clean house. Congress, bureaucrats, even civil servants in positions where they can affect what goes on.
The house and senate, with the ultimate power they have (and want) are considering going home and leaving our current crisis to the Feds? Throw the bums out. Every freaking one of them. It's not working. And those of us who holler at the darkness have no power to change it. And no more bullshit about how much my vote counts. There is more than enough blame to go around. And not one single solitary taxpayer in this nation is guilty of any more than voting for who was available to vote for, based on what they believed to be true, or at least the lesser of evils.
It is time to place our military at our own borders (and hope they remain neutral) to protect us from outside "influence" while we re-arrange this monster that will no longer obey.
BR549, it is that or secede. Seriously, states that are full of producers are getting sick of this situation. Alaska is not the only state with a nascent independence movement.
Unfortunately, Dr, those who are even marginally for Obama will not so much as touch the book.
I'm convinced that a significant chunk of those who vote for Senator Obama will be unable to answer questions about what he stands for. They'll vote for him because they like how he looks or sounds.
I'm a big supporter of the right to vote. I'm also a big supporter of people who don't stay informed to spare us their vote.
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