Thursday, December 07, 2006

Request for Questions

Glenn and I are doing a question and answer podcast where our readers can submit questions to be answered by either one of us or both in an upcoming podcast. We typically have interesting guests and experts on our show and let them do the talking--it's probably better that way. However, this time around, we will do the talking and answer questions you have about blogging, podcasting, advice, politics, law, psychology or just general ones that I have not mentioned. We will choose some of the questions to answer and will post the podcast with the final questions. Remember, the answers we give may be humiliating, humorous, unserious or just plain non-PC so only submit if you feel this is something you can tolerate. Please, only real questions, no trolling. You can post the question below or email me at Thanks.

Update: Thanks for the questions--both the polite ones and the snide as they will make for interesting commentary. Questions are closed for this thread.


Blogger DRJ said...

Thank you for taking questions. My question is for both Dr. Helen and Prof. Reynolds.

Our son is a junior in college and he plans to attend law school in 2 years. We believe he has the grades, ability and temperament to work in a quality law firm or to teach. Can you share your perspectives on the pros and cons of an academic career?

1:29 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what would your 3 wishes be, they have to be totally selfish like a small island with animals etc.

i find its always interesting to find out what people really want out of life,

3:11 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two are an interesting couple. How did you meet, and what did you think of one another then?

Sort of a human interest question...but maybe too personal.

4:03 PM, December 07, 2006  
Blogger Helen said...

These are great questions so far, thanks!

4:07 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

answer questions you have about blogging, podcasting, advice, politics, law, psychology or just general ones that I have not mentioned. . . . Remember, the answers we give may be humiliating, humorous, unserious or just plain non-PC so only submit if you feel this is something you can tolerate.

Question: Have you 2 always been this humble?

5:01 PM, December 07, 2006  
Blogger Will Conway said...

To Both;

How do you get more than 25-50 visits on your blog a day?

~Will Conway

8:35 PM, December 07, 2006  
Blogger ada47 said...

I really like your podcast and visit your blogs frequently. I notice that you’re both against single-payer health care, as are, I think, most realistic people right now. However, I’m very interested in health care policy, and I would love to see a bipartisan solution emerge for our national health care crisis. On that note, I’m rather intrigued by the plan that MA Gov. Mitt Romney has come up with, which is essentially government mandated universal health care, using private, market based insurance, with government subsidies for low income individuals. Now that Romney has all but declared his intentions to run for President, and given the state of health care in the US, it’s a safe bet that health care will be a visible issue in ’08. Would you like to comment on Mitt-care and any other aspects of health care policy?

10:30 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are your two photo poses so silly?

One is a coy faux-sexy glance to the left. Your right. (A metaphor for your politics?)

In the other photo, you seem to be about to have an orgasm with a disfocused large microphone.

And clearly you like pearls.

What's up?

11:26 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg Kuperberg's back! And photo-trolling on your blog.

How do you feel about that?

11:31 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


The topic just below this one, "New Internet Video", has a couple comments by Canadians on how they think their healthcare system is pretty problematic. And they pretty much imply we'd be fools to adopt a similar system. Care to address their observations, in this thread or that one?

1:14 AM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, give it a rest. "Family found safe" isn't excluding the dad. Its the shortest way possible of saying the father's (the still-missing guy's) family was found.

Headlines try to cram a lot of info into a tiny, attention getting blurb. It's trying to impart the idea, "a man's nuclear family (his wife and children) was found and is safe, but the guy himself is still missing."


10:15 AM, December 08, 2006  
Blogger Helen said...


Would the paper ever print "Family found safe: Mother still missing"? Maybe they would, let me know if you have some examples.

10:42 AM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Oh, give it a rest. "Family found safe" isn't excluding the dad."

Well, yeah, it is - if the father is dead, and part of the family, how can the family be safe?

But I see what you mean, and surely it was James Kim's intent, or second choice. I don't suppose the mom would have done any different; in fact I bet there was some pretty intense discussion of the option of leaving between the two of them. What do you think?

1:13 PM, December 08, 2006  
Blogger Captain Holly said...

I've got a good question (if it's too personal for you, my apologies):

What guns do you and Glenn own, and which caliber and pistol do you prefer for personal defense and concealed carry?

2:09 PM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Family found safe."

"Mom, kids found safe."

I dont think using headline #2 will cause newspapers to go bankrupt over the cost of the extra ink.

4:35 PM, December 08, 2006  
Blogger Cham said...

anon824, you are right, it was confusing. When they said "family found safe" I first they found the dad. "family" to me means both parents and kids. This whole episode of the lost family was a very sad tale and I hope upon hope that the entire nation learns a very good lesson from what happened.

7:43 PM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fwiw, I a father of two and I have no problems with the wording of the headline.

But, here are some questions:

Do you celebrate the anniversary of your death in any way?

or, put another way, do you celebrate the restarting of your heart after it'd been stopped for a while on an annual basis?


Looking back, what are the three most ridiculous piece of early-adopter technology either your or Glenn purchased?


What's with the trailer to 'Six'? - to my mind, it's a complete muddle.

Have you considered hiring Allahpundit to recut it? That boy could put some sizzle to that there steak.


And, no, I don't actually know who Allahpundit is.


Has Glenn ever used his Instapowers for evil? Or does he only use them for Good?


Which would make a better vanity plate for Glenn's car?



Cremation, Burial, or some 'lost at sea' deal where your bodies are never recovered?


Which is the better explanation for Objectivism - Rand didn't get laid enough or she didn't drink enough?


The fact that's a dichotomy doesn't make it false.


Which is the most fun - night before Christmas, Christmas Morning, or Christmas dinner?


8:58 PM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you hold yourself out as such exemplary parents -- giving professional advice to others -- how come only one kid?

Do you ever feel bogus giving advice on rearing sons when you really have no direct experience?

What of your personal behaviors have you changed most after having a heart attack so young?

10:56 PM, December 08, 2006  
Blogger DRJ said...

If we get to vote, I like the vanity plate question and I'd like to know your answer, too, Dr. Helen.

11:48 PM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both lawyers and psychiatrists (ignoring the distinction between psychiatry and psychology) are stereotypically assumed to exhibit certain negative personality traits, particularly in their relations with other people. Do these traits ever manifest themselves in your relationship and, if so, which traits in particular, do you recognize it (at the time), and how do you deal with it?

If that's too personal ...
As you are unusual in not subconsciously believing that boys are actually snakes and snails and puppy dog tails (or whatever version of the nursery rhyme you grew up with), was there some singular event that disabused you of the common notion, is it a consequence of your rearing, or was it a conclusion you reached as an adult? How would you describe it, and how would you suggest (if it's possible at all) affecting the same point of view in others?

2:13 AM, December 09, 2006  
Blogger Serket said...

I have two questions for you, but I don't expect a reply for two reasons: I am about 3-months too late and these are personal questions.

1) How does the Insta-daughter respond to the fact that her parents have different last names and believe in different religions?

2) Do both of you combined make at least $10,000 per year through the internet? With ads, articles, Amazon referrals, etc. I actually wouldn't be surprised if you make much higher than that figure because apparently grammar girl uses ads for her full income.

4:39 PM, March 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

視訊做愛視訊美女無碼A片情色影劇kyo成人動漫tt1069同志交友網ut同志交友網微風成人論壇6k聊天室日本 avdvd 介紹免費觀賞UT視訊美女交友..........................

10:39 PM, May 19, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

0401 影音視訊美女聊天室視訊ggo0401 影音視訊美女聊天室gogogirl 視訊美女gogogirl 視訊美女av080 toav080 to視訊美女視訊美女正妹視訊gogo正妹視訊gogo正妹牆視訊交友高雄網正妹牆辣妺視訊辣妺視訊辣美眉173show影片辣美眉173show影片sex520免費影片sex520免費影片85cc免費影城

12:02 AM, June 08, 2009  

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