Podcast on 9/11 Conspiracy Theories
Do you ever wonder who the nuts are that think the US government caused 9/11? Well, apparently, they are everyday Americans and others with thinking processes that border on the delusional and involve magical thinking which requires some serious grown-up intervention. The intervention manual has been written by the team at Popular Mechanics
in their new book, Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts.
Today, we talk with David Dunbar, Executive Editor of Popular Mechanics and his co-editor, Brad Reagan, about their new book that debunks the 9/11 myths using facts and interviews with experts to dispel step by step any government involvement in the tragedy of 9/11. If you want to listen to real experts discuss the reality of what happened that day as opposed to conspiracy theorists who change the facts to fit their pet theories, take a listen.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking here or subscribe via iTunes. You can find an archive of our previous podcasts at the GlennandHelenshow.com. And there's a lo-fi version for dialup users here. Leave questions or comments below.
Oh, and if you've had trouble playing these from my site, try this Flash player and see if it works better.
Today, we talk with David Dunbar, Executive Editor of Popular Mechanics and his co-editor, Brad Reagan, about their new book that debunks the 9/11 myths using facts and interviews with experts to dispel step by step any government involvement in the tragedy of 9/11. If you want to listen to real experts discuss the reality of what happened that day as opposed to conspiracy theorists who change the facts to fit their pet theories, take a listen.
You can listen to the podcast by clicking here or subscribe via iTunes. You can find an archive of our previous podcasts at the GlennandHelenshow.com. And there's a lo-fi version for dialup users here. Leave questions or comments below.
Oh, and if you've had trouble playing these from my site, try this Flash player and see if it works better.
I like it. But for all you know, I'm one of the conspirators.
Well that's nice, Dr. Helen. Anyone who believes something different from you is pathological. Very Soviet. I guess you shouldn't be blamed, that's the way your whole field is going.
I'll comment further after I've listened to your podcast.
People whose thinking processes involve magical thinking? You mean like christians?
I'm ordering, "Six: The Movie" for my university's video collection some time this Fall.
Anyone who believes something different from you is pathological.
Not necessarily, but someone who creates an idiotic, nonsensical theory that ignores the known facts certainly should be checked out.
People whose thinking processes involve magical thinking? You mean like christians?
What do Christians have to do with any of this? Is Dr. Helen a Christian? I've read her blog for awhile now, and I don't even know. And what about Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, or Jews? Or is it just Christians?
9/11 conspiracy theories have nothing to do with the facts. Come on guys! we watched it on TV! Conspiracy theories have to do with denial and fear of whats happening.
Thanks--I hope your university finds it useful.
Good points.
Any action comtemplated between two or more people is a conspiracy. Therefore what happened on 9/11 is a conspiracy, no matter who caused it. Now, I have no idea who caused it. I only know that it is physically impossible for it to have occurred the way the US government said it did. You better examine things a little more carefully. Len
Best troll line in this thread -- after an angry denuncation: "I'll comment further after I've listened to your podcast."
Yeah, bud, we're all holding our breaths.
Given the topic of conspiracy theory, here we have Andrew Sullivan trumpeting that he believes that the recent UK plot that was foiled---involving both the British and US governments---was a fraud.
Supposedly to move attention away from Ned Lamont?
I think it is time to quit reading Sullivan. He clearly is in the tertiary stages of Bush Derangement Syndrome.
"Eric Blair"
anonymous 1:18-
Best troll line in this thread -- after an angry denuncation: "I'll comment further after I've listened to your podcast."
Yeah, bud, we're all holding our breaths.
Well, bud, if Dr. Helen unequivocally states that anyone that disagrees with her thoughts on the subject is pathological that statement in itself can be disputed.
Now this is the best line in the thread so far from Len:
"I only know that it is physically impossible for it to have occurred the way the US government said it did. You better examine things a little more carefully."
Thanks for mentioning that, Len. These "magical thinkers" that think the implosion fairy took down building 7 need some serious adult intervention.
Len Writes: Any action contemplated between two or more people is a conspiracy. Therefore what happened on 9/11 is a conspiracy, no matter who caused it.
Which means that my post here on this comment thread makes the thread part of the conspiracy! Holy cow, I'd better watch out!
What's scary is how quickly the conspiracy nuts fall into blaming others - Jews, Republicans, and apparently, if you’re SM777 above, women who aren't, er… docile enough.
I’ll admit that I’m an antiwar liberal – but frustration with the left’s refusal to really actively debunk these theories pushed me to conservative blogs for commentary …. If nothing else it gives me hope that there’s something rational people can still all agree on.
Having listened to the podcast, I'll admit being totally underwhelmed.
As for me, I'd like to learn how Hani Hanjour grew that magnificent head of hair he sported on 9/11, given that he was virtually bald in the ATM photo ... and he must have gotten that Charles Atlas book, while he was at it. I'd like Dr. Helen to explain how Hanjour got on that plane without a ticket (according to the WashPost) -- it would save me bundles on overseas travel. :)
And then, there were the Odigo warnings, the dancing Israeli commandos on the rooftop, the devout Muslim suicide pilot with a weakness for cocaine and pork chops, the call to Mohammed Atta, Sr. on the 12th, the amazing indestructible passport, the seismic evidence showing that Flight 93 crashed in Shanksville at 10:06 AM, et al., ad nauseum....
To say that there are no colorable grounds for suspicion that the official story is a fabrication is to be completely divorced from reality. I agree with anonymous, and respectfully suggest that Dr. Helen should follow the Biblical admonition to heal thyself.
Don't know if anyone is actually following this thread anymore, but I thought I'd make a couple points:
- I thought the podcast was pretty insulting and unprofessional.
- I wonder if Dr. Helen and her husband have actually watched "Loose Change" - it's here:
(if that link doesn't work there are others that do)
- There are several articles that answer many of the Popular Mechanics arguments, the Scholars for 911 Truth website would be a good place to start:
- As Dr. Helen accuses "conspiracy theorists" (note the argument by definition) of employing "magical thinking", note that there is a lot of magical thinking being employed by supporters of the way the "War on Terror" is being waged. This article addresses how implausible an actual peroxide-based binary liquid bomb would be:
There are good facts delivered by PM's book, however, they did not answer as to why the outward blasts coming from the WTC buildings where right in the center and happened several floors down (meaning that the forced air from the pancake theory would not effect those floors at that instance). Also wWHY DOES THE GOVERNMENT NOT RELEASE THE VIDEOS FOR THE PENTAGON?!?!? THERE IS NO REASON TO KEEP THEM CONFISCATED UNLESS THEY ARE HIDING SOMETHING! PM's book does not address all the issues, just the ones they think can be addressed. Why were non of the passengers on the planes list arabic, and why are 9 of the nineteen hijackers found alive somewhere else? There is still alot that needs to be researched!! I hope the government is not involved but with all the lies and the witholdint of valuable information, we as Americans need to find out what is going on!
Dear Helen
I am CEO of a successful technology company. I studied 8 years at a major university to PHD Level. I believe we went to the moon. I don’t believe in any other conspiracies. I am not a Conspiracy Nut. I appreciate scientific methodology and the process of reason to a very deep level.
After watching Loose Change and doing copious amounts of my own research I am convinced of the following:
1) A plane did not hit the pentagon
2) The Twin Towers and WTC7 were not brought down as in the official story
3) Much evidence has been covered up or withheld for no reason.
Before listening to your podcast my heart was racing. Could this give me the evidence that I wanted to believe? That 911 was not an inside job.
Sadly it didn’t. I am not saying Bush and the Alien Illuminati did this, but it was not done as the official story and your “popular mechanics” claim.
You made so much ridicule of these “outlandish conspiracy theorists” and of non-mainstream media, which is unjustified and illegitimate. There are a whole bunch of fruitcakes and nutcases who believe that 911 was a conspiracy along with blowing up the levees. But not all people. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world believe there are significant inconsistencies with the 911 official account. All are not insane.
I suggest, if you are still interested in the process of scientific enquiry, that you take a methodological approach, on your own, to the evidence. Or you can stay jumping on the mainstream media bandwagon.
The same bandwagon that carried the WMDs across the sands of Iraq.
Best wishes
Mat Ripley
Says it all:
"How can we account for our present situation unless we believe that men high in this government are concerting to deliver us to disaster? This must be the product of a great conspiracy on a scale so immense as to dwarf any previous such venture in the history of man. A conspiracy of infamy so black that, which it is finally exposed, its principals shall be forever deserving of the maledictions of all honest men.…What can be made of this unbroken series of decisions and acts contributing to the strategy of defeat? They cannot be attributed to incompetence.…The laws of probability would dictate that part of…[the] decisions would serve the country’s interest."
-Joseph McCarthy, 1951
Today's left is the militia movement of the nineties: paranoid to the core. Hopefully it doesn't take a McVeigh to snap the paranoids to their senses this time around.
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ha ha ha, well I guess when the guys from Popular Economics Magazine write a book debunking profits made on 9/11 going to a handful of powerful americans I'll stop being a "nut" and fall back in line.
oh yeah and nothing helps debunk conspiracy theories better than asking officials what the official answers are.
"oh well we talked to people who are both experts and witnesses who work at the pentagon... and I was suprised when they told me it was an inside job afterall..."
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