No Wonder those Little Dogs Never Stop Barking
Okay, this post about what one of those yippy little dogs would say to it's female owner (Paris Hilton, perhaps) is just hilarious (Hat Tip to Professor Brannon Denning who is guest blogging at Instapundit).
Update: I wonder what in the hell that little yippy dog would have to say if it's owner bought it this?
I can't believe that this gadget uses nanotechnology--aren't there more useful areas than little dog barks to develope this powerful technology? On the other hand, after listening to one of these little dogs for awhile--maybe not.
Update: I wonder what in the hell that little yippy dog would have to say if it's owner bought it this?
Sounds like that little dog has an inner body image of itself as a rottweiler. Sort of canine anorexia in reverse. Thanks for the chuckle!
To Love, Honor and Dismay
Very funny! I know I anthropomorphize my kitties, but I know I'm doing it. I'm not oblivious. Besides, they aren't really my "babies;" they are domestic lions whose behavior I love to watch. Desmond Morris' "Catwatching" book is great. There are dog and horse editions too.
I *must* find a bark collar made for people. There are seriously some people out there that need to shut up!!!
first its not nano tech, nano tech uses sub molecular robots to move atoms around, they mean nano meaning small, but not that small..
my pets are my friends, and i would treat them better than any kid, animals give you complete love with no other reason.
in the cf world, animals are our furbabies, they are what we give our love too, we all hve seen the humanised acts they do.
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