New Year's resolutions made easy
Why try too hard on your New Year's resolutions when you can take the easy way out? David Harsanyi on his New Year's resolution:
That sounds good, and in my own contrarian way, I understand. However, I rarely do New Year's resolutions. If I have a goal, I break it down into small doable segments and work on one of them every once in a while until I finish what I want to accomplish. This year, I do think my resolution will be to do something about this damn Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) that I got from computer overuse. Darn you people on the Internet, you are so interesting, I keep clicking on to see what you say. I need to stop but it has gotten to be a habit and I am paying for it with a left arm that I can barely lift over my head. So my goal? Physical therapy in 2009. Good times.
What about you, do you have a resolution? If so, what is it it and how will or won't you achieve it?
Meanwhile, I'll be making only one, completely horrifying resolution this year. Not only do I plan to regularly eat cheap, salt-infested, cheese- drenched meat products, but I also plan on washing them down with various brands of needlessly sugary beverages.
That sounds good, and in my own contrarian way, I understand. However, I rarely do New Year's resolutions. If I have a goal, I break it down into small doable segments and work on one of them every once in a while until I finish what I want to accomplish. This year, I do think my resolution will be to do something about this damn Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) that I got from computer overuse. Darn you people on the Internet, you are so interesting, I keep clicking on to see what you say. I need to stop but it has gotten to be a habit and I am paying for it with a left arm that I can barely lift over my head. So my goal? Physical therapy in 2009. Good times.
What about you, do you have a resolution? If so, what is it it and how will or won't you achieve it?
I tried to think of something on which I could improve but the task was fruitless. I've resolved to continue to be the same wonderful person I've always been.
Same one I make every year: No Resolutions!
Dr. Helen, are you left handed? If the injury is from mouse clicking and moving, and not typing, can you switch hands? The mouse can be made right handed or left handed - I know you know that. Just a thought.
One of my New Years resolutions is to promise to stop giving unsolicited advice. er... after midnight.
For my New Year's resolution, I hereby resolve to never predict another Dallas Cowboys' victory ever again.
Hang in there, doc.
I am hopeless with my left hand as I am very dependent on my right but that is not a bad idea. Thanks!
I resolve to get older...
Happy New Year, Helen! Mine are to be more disciplined with the computer---spend too much time here ofte---walk more, laugh and forgive more and learn how to be a grandmother!
Asperx17's eyes watered in the infrared glow from the control console. His head spun, his brains were scrambled - having trouble maintaining links with each other, let alone maintaining his equilibrium on this accursed low gravity world. It was way, way past mid-senescence. The last time he had been up this late was during the Acturian Wars. He hissed contentedly, recalling his days a an eager Junior Fragmentation Officer in the Planetary Disablement Task Collective, still wet behind the antennae.
"What did you say this was?" he asked.
"Medicine" said Asperx32. "It tested 'safe' for carbon-based life forms. That's us! The elixir is amazingly well preserved after all these millennia. A wonder that glass container didn't shatter!"
"And they used it to celebrate time-turning?"
Asperx32 belched. "Apparently so. But it was not like our Galactic Reset. They called it "New Years" - whatever a "year" was...we think it had something to do with inter-glacial periodicity. Just before they were all wiped out in the last Ice Age they stopped using machines. Froze to death scratching the ground for sustenance. Strange!"
Asperx17 held the container up to the light .. I can just make it out if I de-collimate the whitebeam fliter...J...A...C...K...D...A..N..I..E..L..S....." He resolved to be more resolute in the future.
I had terrible RSI a few years back and physical therapy was useless for fixing it. But now I've been mostly pain free for years by having a better ergonomic setup (trackball and keyboard actually on my lap and properly adjusted chair). But I also needed to take a good break from the computer for my wrists to heal.
For anyone who really wants to succeed with their new years resolution, we've developed a social, goal-achievement web application that walks you through all the steps of Goal Achievement. We'd love to help you improve your life! Visit us at
Happy New Years!
Robin Krieglstein
CEO GoalTribe, Inc.
New Years resolutions always eluded me, until I found one I could live with.
I resolved to no longer have any New Years resolutions. If something is worth doing, do it.
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