Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas to all my readers who celebrate, Happy Hanukkah to my readers who, like me, are Jewish, and Happy Holidays to the rest. Here is a picture of the White House that we took the other day on our tour. As you can see, they had some beautiful Christmas trees up--although it was so cold and dark that night, I could not really fully appreciate them. I do now though, looking at them from the warmth of my computer.
To you and your husband the insty guy, Merry Christmas and may your joys be plentiful today and all other days.
To you and yours, have a blessed Christmas, Dr. Helen.
Happy Hanukkah Helen!
Hot Dog! I didn't know you were an MOT! Happy Chanukkah!
The best to you and your's.
enjoy all things and I wish you and Glenn a lovely and productive and wonder-filled new year...
Hope you have a wonderful holiday season. Happy Holidays!
Hodey ho.
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
Merry Christmas to you and Glenn!
Happy Hanukkah, Doc.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of us!
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I wish we could raise our glasses together in person, please accept my comment-style warmest wishes and to you, Glenn, Instadaughter, the rest of your family, and fellow mini-pundits who comment here...
Happiest of holidays, and a very happy new year to all.
Merry Chrismukkah to you and yours!
Dr. Helen,
Happy Hanukkah to you!
I came across one of your articles before and after reading a posting on women and sex by another woman totally influenced by the societal "gender feminist" programming...I searched for the article on sexual compromise and felt obliged to comment.
It seems like any voice of reason like yours or Christina Hoff-Sommers or Danielle Crittenden or Naomi Wolf on a good day gets totally drowned out by the male=bad propaganda drumbeat that has infected all of society. The "equity" or "power" feminism was badly needed in society, but the tables have turned in most cases and we rarely discuss the power inequality in relationships as if that isn't part of the world we live in.
You are doing your part, but I find many normal and moderate women just would rather leave control to the feminist extremists rather than fight to take back the movement. The rest have mostly swallowed the lies and then follow the dogma to continual failure and unhappiness.
You clearly can't solve the whole problem yourself and men have to start standing up for ourselves, but it does seems like a reverse of the Salem situation making it quite hard to protest. I'm not sure who besides the lawyers profits from this situation, but it isn't women who end up being unhappy and go from failed relationship to relationship.
Do you have any suggestions as where or how to find more balanced women who haven't been fully programmed? I'm not sure if being Jewish or from the South has anything to do with it, but I might convert and move if that's the case;)
Maybe a litmus test for us normal men on the first few dates to save us from pain later. Please make this into a column if you can.
"Maybe a litmus test for us normal men on the first few dates to save us from pain later."
Great idea. This would make a good segment on PJTV or column. Thanks!
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