Friday, October 24, 2008

Charles Krauthammer: "Today's economic crisis, like every other in our history, will in time pass. But the barbarians will still be at the gates. Whom do you want on the parapet? I'm for the guy who can tell the lion from the lamb."



Blogger javadoug said...

"Then here, on this mountaintop, with the world below me and nothing above me but the sun, I shall live my own truth." -- Anthem by Ayn Rand.

There is only one truth in this election: I will be voting for McCain!

9:57 AM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Todd said...

The basic decision is, do you want the opportunity to better yourself and to reap the rewards resulting from that effort or do you want to be taken care of at a minimum level set by someone else?

I personally would rather have the opportunity for greatness knowing that there is also opportunity for failure than to simply exist at some minimal state where any attempt at improvement is punished.

10:52 AM, October 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I noticed where Glenn speaks of Baskin Robbins doing their part for Obama. The local 7-11 stores have Obama coffee cups (medium size, the most popular). If you want a medium coffee at the 7-11, you have to use an Obama cup.

2:17 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger TMink said...

Good thing I don't get those headaches when I skip my coffee!


3:11 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Larry J said...

Thank goodness for early voting. I've already voted for McCain/Palin.

4:21 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger Helen said...


Isn't 7-11 the PC joint that doesn't allow employees to have guns? I remember seeing a show about a guy who saved his co-worker from getting shot while working there as a clerk and they fired him. Figures they would have Obama cups.

5:09 PM, October 24, 2008  
Blogger BarryD said...

Well, I voted for McCain/Palin, early, also.

I can't think of much that Obama stands for, that I don't find at least undesirable. Well, that thing about leaving babies to die, I guess I can really get behind that. But otherwise, there's not much.

Still, there's one consolation I'll have, should Obama win. As much as I dread everything that it appears Obama/Pelosi/Reid will do to destroy the economy and eliminate some fundamental freedoms I really value, at least John McCain will lose. So that's something, I guess.

With all due respect to his military service and incredible personal sacrifice, McCain has never been interested in free markets or spontaneous organization. He's no economic libertarian, which I am. In fact, I truly doubt that "spontaneous order" is something he has ever heard about, or ever thought about, much less that he supports. His inability to articulate just WHY Obama's socialist mindset is a problem underscores this. "Socialist" as an epithet is silly, especially if one can't explain what, exactly, the problems with socialism are.

Furthermore, CFR is a vile infringement on free expression. Obama's going back on his pledge to use public money, the odd names of some Obama contributors, and the Obama campaign's refusal to divulge the names of contributors have all been decried by pundits. But McCain DESERVES to be beaten in exactly that way. More than anyone currently in politics, he is responsible for the system that makes this possible.

Finally, McCain's campaign has been really bad. Sarah Palin, the person, I really like. Sarah Palin, plus McCain's speechwriters and handlers, I don't. I like the real woman. If I wanted to vote for a TelePrompTer-reading pseudo-populist, I could vote for you-know-who.

So, much as I dread Obama/Biden winning, at least I'll take some solace in McCain/Palin losing, while I convert my liquid cash into hard assets, like ammo, bottled water and MRE's.;-)

5:18 PM, October 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know if was a 7-11 or not, Dr. Helen. But it would not surprise me. I suppose if criminals are shamed in the papers for being so mean, they will voluntarily turn in their guns.

Heck, I just wanted a cup of coffee.
I went elsewhere.

11:27 PM, October 24, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, I still believe in my heart that McCain will win the day.

McCain's biggest problem is television. Obama is a pretty boy. Like Clinton was.

When the rest of the world likes Obama more than McCain, and the rest of the world is further to the left than most Americans, it's obvious that McCain is the right choice. This election, like all others in this country, is about America. About us. Not anyone else, not any other nation.

7:56 AM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger GawainsGhost said...

A politician is a politician is a politician. People in positions of power make decisions based on their own interests. Period.

This is why I favor limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, term limits. I don't want politicians in positions of power making decisions based on their own interests with my money.

Effective government is only possible through an educated populace. Rush Limbaugh is correct; it is the job of the conservative movement to continually educate the American people. Politicians are never going to change, but they can be held accountable by the people, properly educated.

The great failure of the Republican party is that it lost its way as soon as it was given majorities in both houses of Congress and the Presidency, in 2004. To say that they spent money like drunken sailors would be an insult to drunken sailors. Instead of limiting government, they expanded it dramatically. They refused to secure the borders and allowed millions of foreigners to flood into the country illegally. They refused to enforce the law. And, even worse, they failed to regulate the banking industry as these foreigners were given no documentation loans to buy houses, which led directly to the financial crisis. They failed to stand up to the Democrats who were using Fannie and Freddie as political slush funds and in the process bankrupting both. It's no wonder they lost majorities in the House and Senate in two years, or that as a minority they were even less effective in opposing the Democrats and their ill-conceived policies.

Now the Republican party has nominated as a candidate for President a politician who has made a career out of criticizing the conservative base and making deals with liberal Democrats. If I wanted to vote for somebody like that, I'd vote for a Democrat.

Do I fear the prospect of an Obama Presidency with a liberal supermajority in both houses of Congress? You're damn right I do. The man is a Marxist tool, and the Democrats are socialists. But I fail to see the difference between that and a McCain Presidency with a liberal supermajority in both houses of Congress. The man is a liberal tool, and all he's going to do is criticize the conservative base and make deals with liberal Democrats. Yeah, sure, he'd doubtless be a better Commander in Chief, but he's not going to do anything to stop the country's slouch into socialism.

The entire Republican party needs to be reconstituted from top to bottom around conservative principles. That begins with educating the people on the virtues of conservatism and the values of American traditionalism. Otherwise, the only distinction between Republican and Democrat will be in the spelling of the parties.

My individual vote one way or the other is not going to determine the outcome of this election. Therefore, I intend to vote my principles, as I have nothing else. I'm voting against every incumbent, regardless of party, and casting my ballot for the Libertarian, Bob Barr.

9:40 AM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am voting against every incumbent as well. However, I am voting McCain because I believe a well placed vote for Barr is wasted at this time. The rise of a third party will most likely come from this, though.
Libertarian, perhaps Nationalist.

Clinton won first time on 38% of the vote. Our buddy Ross Perot made that possible by just being a third choice. The majority of the vote was actually against Clinton. Granted, some of the Perot voters would have gone Clinton were Perot not there. But I believe it to be a forgone conclusion Clinton would not have won.

That kind of stuff troubles me to no end.

9:53 AM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The giant sucking sound was a powerful statement. One that has come true. But Perot himself has plants outside the U.S., in Mexico mainly.

9:57 AM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One more thing. I believe a McCain presidency will be a springboard for Governor Palin. I can get behind her.
I AM behind her.

10:02 AM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger pst314 said...

The Micro Center chain of computer stores display Obama's books at the checkout counters, as per a directive from central management.

10:03 AM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger pst314 said...

"I'm for the guy who can tell the lion from the lamb."

Part of the problem is people who can't tell the difference; another is those who side with the lion. It seems clear that Obama falls more into the latter category, although many liberal voters presumably are in the former.

10:05 AM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger fboness said...

The problem is that lambs can't tell the difference between sheepdogs and wolves. All they see are sharp teeth.

11:39 AM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger BarryD said...

"But Perot himself has plants outside the U.S., in Mexico mainly."

Huh? Are you accusing Ross Perot of being a pot farmer?

1:31 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger DADvocate said...

I'll be holding my nose, but I'll be voting for McCain.

6:26 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger Michael Lee said...

Who was it who called all you conservatives voting for McCain Ess-Sandwich Republicans? He was right.

You people really think that McCain is a "tough guy" when it comes to politics because he was tough guy in North Vietnam.

Don't get me wrong, on a personal level, I admire John McCain and I look at Barack Obama and see a moral fetus.

Neither understands economics, and at least Obama can be taught. McCain doesn't care. And if there's nothing else we've learned this last 4 years, it's that having your heart in the right place about Islam isn't enough.

I was going to vote for Obama before he voted for the bailout. Every politician who voted for that economic monstrosity is dead to me and I will contribute money and time to put stakes through their zombie hearts. Especially the ones who reversed their original votes.

This election is about choosing style over lack of substance. None of you are voting for McCain--you're voting against Obama. You're projecting your fear that you have no voice in this election--and you don't--and turning McCain into a symbol of what he definitely isn't. He's playing you for little bitches.

6:31 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

michael lee, I personally believe McCain to be a closer to center version of Jimmy Carter in one manner. Sincere, but naive.

In the house and senate, I am taking no chances. As I have said, I am voting against all incumbents in my party.
The dems will not, though. So, we still have a problem there as well.

And as I have said, I am voting for McCain only because I am hoping it will help launch Governor Palin into the oval office.

Yeah, I am "Joe".

I am also "diva".

10:29 PM, October 25, 2008  
Blogger pst314 said...

"The problem is that sheep can't tell the difference between sheepdogs and wolves."

Ah, you've read that essay too?

11:08 PM, October 25, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:34 AM, April 15, 2009  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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10:03 AM, May 05, 2009  

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