Podcast with Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay

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Music is by Mobius Dick. Show archives are at GlennandHelenShow.com.
They also talk about Venezuela and how Hugo Chavez is the Al Sharpton of South America.
I wasn't aware that Al Sharpton was ever in the military or elected to public office.
No, Sharpton was never in the military or held public office (luckily) but if you listened to the podcast, you would know why our guests called Chavez the Al Sharpton of South America. In short, it's because Chavez mouths all the correct lefty catch phrases while lining his pockets.
you would know why our guests called Chavez the Al Sharpton of South America. In short, it's because Chavez mouths all the correct lefty catch phrases while lining his pockets.
I think it's more likely that you and your right-wing buds simply think in clichés.
The show is not available from iTunes as of this time....
Before discounting Dunnigan and Bay, you might want to check their track record. While they haven't always been correct (who has?), they would appear to be somewhat more credible than, say, Wesley Clark or Samantha Power. FWIW, I recall GWI, and the gloom and doom of how (as a colleague of mine at the time put it) "Yeah, well, Iraq is no Grenada!" As an exercise, try Googling some sort of combination of "Iraq, Ted Koppel, Nightline, Arabian Nightmare, James Dunnigan, Austin Bay." If you were an adult during Desert Shield and can recall your thoughts on the impending conflict, did they square with the eerily prescient thoughts of Dunnigan and Bay? These guys haven't only worn the uniform, they've made the study of warfare and related issues their area of specialty (and contrary to popular belief, the former does not confer the latter).
Before discounting Dunnigan and Bay, you might want to check their track record. While they haven't always been correct (who has?), they would appear to be somewhat more credible than, say, Wesley Clark or Samantha Power.
Saying that Chavez the Al Sharpton of South America is inherently goofy. It's just an inflammatory comparison that's not made with the intent of fostering a deeper understanding of either party, but one made simply for demonization. Perhaps now Jonah Goldberg will claim that Hugo Chavez is the Al Sharpton of Liberal Fascism? I really don't see what Dunnigan and Bay's supposed track record compared to Wesley Clark and Samantha Power's have to do with this silly statement. I mean, do you think that since William Shockley helped invent the transistor that I have to take his crackpot racial theories seriously? And I don't think that Chavez and Sharpton are in it simply for the money.
If you were an adult during Desert Shield and can recall your thoughts on the impending conflict, did they square with the eerily prescient thoughts of Dunnigan and Bay?
Don't patronize me, boy.
To all,
Please do not respond to FGFM, he is some troll from the Sadly No blog and is just here to irritate others, not to engage in any type of decent discussion. His attention span, I am sure is short, and he will go back where he came from after a bit of time if given no futher encouragement.
Please do not respond to FGFM, he is some troll from the Sadly No blog and is just here to irritate others, not to engage in any type of decent discussion.
On the contrary: I am not a troll, have a very limited association with Sadly, No!, and think that what you consider to be a "decent discussion" is a bunch of wingnuts sitting around megadittoing each other. I'm obviously scrapping for a fight, but it doesn't look like you and your regulars are up to the challenge. For example, don't you think that comparing Chavez to someone like Bonaparte, Castro, Lenin, Mao, etc. would be a little more appropriate?
His attention span, I am sure is short, and he will go back where he came from after a bit of time if given no futher [sic] encouragement.
Doctor, I think that you are going to find that I am very tenacious.
I will grudgingly comply with your wishes, Dr. Helen. Even though there is a teenaged "boy" out there who is sorely in need of an education (particularly WRT the meaning of the word "patronize;" what I'm doing now is more properly associated with the term than pointing out that your "right-wing buds" demonstrably know whereof they speak). Should you change your mind and allow us to tear the boy limb from limb, I will gladly oblige. The boy will find that tenacity is not always a good thing, especially when it is coupled with willful ignorance.
And BTW, that's "Dr. boy" to you, fgfm.
particularly WRT the meaning of the word "patronize;"
All hail the dictionarian and the semicolonphile!
Should you change your mind and allow us to tear the boy limb from limb, I will gladly oblige.
I am wingnut, hear me roar!
And BTW, that's "Dr. boy" to you, fgfm.
"I'm impressed!" - Jodie Foster
And furthermore, Dr. Crimso (if that is in fact your real name), if you had been an adult during the French Revolution, you'd understand that Edmund Burke had some misgivings about it.
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