A Doggy Christmas
What's with all the toys and books that are coming out right now that are featuring...dogs? I recently bought a copy of The Dangerous Book for Dogs: A Parody by Rex and Sparky
from Amazon.com and am now being treated to all kinds of items for and about dogs in my inbox. The most recent book was by radio host Mark Levin who wrote Rescuing Sprite: A Dog Lover's Story of Joy and Anguish.
This book review from booksforkidsblog makes the books sound fairly interesting:
There are plenty of other dog books to get for the dog lover on your Christmas list that you can read about here. But I must say, the tackiest toy that I have seen so far for dogs has to be this--a political pet dog chew modeled after Hillary Clinton
with the following description:
Uhh, personally, I think a letter to the editor might be more constructive, but if this type of sublimation brings you joy, why not?
Mark Levin's just published memoir Rescuing Sprite (Pocket Books, 2007) recalls the brief 26 months he spent with his dog, A shelter dog which Levin's family chose as a companion to their two-year-old Pepsi, Sprite turned out to be a dog of great personality and capacity for love.
An inseparable companion to Pepsi, Sprite also bonded with every member of the family, and when he started to have physical problems, the whole family rallied to try to save him. Although at last they had to let him go, his death made such an impression on Levin that he stopped work on a political book he'd planned to write and devoted himself to this memoir of Sprite.
There are plenty of other dog books to get for the dog lover on your Christmas list that you can read about here. But I must say, the tackiest toy that I have seen so far for dogs has to be this--a political pet dog chew modeled after Hillary Clinton
Think the junior Senator from NY is more interested in regaining the White House than in making life better for all Americans? You can't get even - but your pet can! Toss her (likeness) to your dog! Seeing your dog happily drag this personality around the garden will harmlessly satisfy your ire. (You could write a letter to the editor, but this is more fun!) The chewable pet toys are made from long-lasting PVC and soft rubber so dogs can have years of fun and so chewing is not harmful for their gums.
Uhh, personally, I think a letter to the editor might be more constructive, but if this type of sublimation brings you joy, why not?
"Seeing your dog happily drag this personality around the garden will harmlessly satisfy your ire."
Maybe. But what about the "long-lasting PVC"?
Isn't that at least as indigestible as the long lasting subject?
I don't know whether to inflict this on Coco.
Sorry to make a post that is COMPLETELY off topic. But I thought some might find it worthy of thought. Have you ever read the US - Education portion of the online NY Times? Is it just me, or is it overwhelmingly pro-girls in education and entirely indifferent to boys?
Some examples:
"Girls Make History by Sweeping Top Honors at a Science Contest" becomes a feminist piece for among other things, discrediting the Harvard president who resigned when he suggested there might be innate differences between boys and girls in math and science.
"In College, Women are Leaving Men in the Dust" which also becomes a feminist piece that one, doesn't blame boys lack of success on the education system failing them but rather claims that girls are just doing incredibly well in it. And two, tries to blame boys' under achievements in school on video games and apathy.
"Amazing Girls" is a running feature they have going highlighting girls who a driven to be socialite and academic perfectionists.
"What Boy Crisis?" Which dismisses the existence of sexism towards boys in school altogether, rather, feminism is succeeding.
So what do you think? Is it all just coincidence? Where does such open and angry anti-male, pro-female sentiment come from? And how does it proliferate into such esteemed newspapers as the NY Times?
A shelter dog which Levin's family chose as a companion to their two-year-old Pepsi, Sprite turned out to be a dog of great personality and capacity for love.
You can tell he's a capitalist. My grandma is quilting a sweater for her friend's dog.
Is this supposed to work like some sort of canine voodoo doll?
Dogdoo, perhaps?
I like dogs, why would anyone torment one with such an unsightly chew toy?
Sorry, I'm no Hillary fan, but getting a Hillary dog chew toy is a little bit mental. We don't need to replace BDS with HDS, gawd help us all.
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