The Sagan Diaries
John Scalzi's new book, The Sagan Diary,
comes out next week. He asked me and some other women to read an audio version of the book and now has it up on his blog, Whatever:
I read Chapter Five--it was fun--you can go to listen here.
I have something special for you today, and something I am extraordinarily proud of. To celebrate the release of "The Sagan Diary," (which you can get through Subterranean's Web site and through Amazon) I and Subterranean Press have arranged for a reading of the book -- the entire novelette -- here on the Whatever. But it's not me who will be reading the book. "The Sagan Diary" is meant to be the thoughts of Jane Sagan, as she looks over her life after the events of The Ghost Brigades and prepares for the life which will be detailed in The Last Colony. I wanted voices closer to hers than my own.
So I asked some friends if they would speak for Jane Sagan: I asked Elizabeth Bear, Mary Robinette Kowal, Ellen Kushner, Karen Meisner, Cherie Priest and Helen Smith. Happily for me (and for you) they said yes. Each of them recorded a chapter (or more, in the case of Mary Robinette Kowal), and took the words I wrote for Jane and gave them extra dimensions — made more of them than I would be able to make of them myself. If you’ve wondered what Jane Sagan sounds like, she sounds like this. I was delighted to hear her voice coming through these readings, and deeply humbled by the efforts these women provided in letting Jane speak with them and through them. Without prejudicing your own hearing, let me say that I found myself getting emotional listening to these words given voice. Listen to it; you’ll figure out where.
I read Chapter Five--it was fun--you can go to listen here.
The problem with comment moderation is now I don't know if somebody's already pointed out that you dropped the 'i' from Scalzi!
Doug Wade,
Thanks--it has been added back.
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