Monday, December 25, 2006

Previous Posts
- Sun Kissed
- Fear
- "Are food reconditioning camps in our future?" Dr...
- Podcast on Martha Stewart's Legal Trouble
- "I hope that some day, you marry a guy who chokes ...
- The Scarlet R in Action
- Cathy Young has an interesting post entitled, "The...
- Brainwashing 101 Coming to a High School near You
- I'm all for Warnings, but for Professors, not Clothes
- Richard Carlson, Psychologist and Author, Dies Une...
As long as your around, Dr Helen, I'll always be happy. But how about some bikini pictures?
Merry christmas to all especially Glenn from all of us
Anonymous 10:36
Awwwhh, there's little Maria (or her Arabian equivalent) and her siblings. We are supposed to feel guilty for being as prosperous as we are, taking vacations in the Keys, being safe and comfy here in the U.S. while they suffer, are we not?
If you are so concerned about them, why don't you go over there yourself and help them? It's surprisingly cheap; $100 would probably make the difference between life and death for 5 or 6 of those kids, if you are willing to go there yourself to supervise it.
It's really not the money at all. You have to be willing to make a long term commitment to those whom you wish to save; you have to be there with them and for them; rather than just using them as pawns in your desire to criticize those with whom you disagree.
Interesting point, Tomcal.
The anonymous poster didn't even give warning regarding the nature of the increase its shock value.
Your points are quite well taken.
Interesting to remember that, in the space of time it took the anonymous poster to download that image, link to that site, and insert into the comments section---that same poster could have contributed some time or money to a charitable cause.
So let's review: the anonymous poster is chiding others for not caring about the downtrodden...while ignoring those downtrodden to score minor political points.
And to do such a thing on Christmas Eve, no less. The anonymous poster must have quite a bit of psychological Samsonite.
Merry Christmas to all...
..y que todos tengan buen noche.
Merry Christmas, Dr. Helen. I only stumbled upon your fair site recently, but the quality impresses. I look forward to more in 2007.
Merry Christmas!!
BTW - I don't follow links left by anonymous posters and certain non-anonymous posters. The results are very predictable.
Anon 10:36
Well I put my glasses on and now I see that those kids are already dead, apparantly killed in an attack in the City of Tikrit, Iraq last March (Saddam's home town), with allegations that U.S. forces shot them all in the head after the building they were in, an insurgent headquarters, was hit by an airstrike.
Not much you can do for them; and there is not much you can do about the Iraqi resistance using children as human shields, and then killing the injured and mutiliating the dead in order to parade them out for the media.
You can, however, still go over there, or any other country with suffering "little Marias", and help millions who are still alive. So why don't you get up and do it?
I don't agree with Glenn that the situation in Iraq is winnable. Bush and his advisors failed to do their homework on the culture before changing the agenda from finding WMD to "nation building".
I have quite a bit of experience with different cultures. I don't believe you can change one in which various sects have fought against each other for over a thousand years, using the most barbaric tactics imaginable, with each faction believing thay have a mandate from god.
I do believe we had to go there to check for WMD. Finding none, we should have left. Our major mission in the mideast should be to ferret out and kill terrorists who threaten our security.
Care to discuss this civilly, or do you want to keep posting pictures of dead and suffering kids? I have drawers full; took them all myself. I prefer words for this issue. It's one case where a picture is not worth a thousand of them.
Lapu lapu,
Yes, it is unfair of you to use my blog to make insulting comments to my husband. I cannot think of a more cowardly and inappropriate way to communicate with someone. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Get yourself a blog and write to your heart's content about the problems you see out in the world, my husband's blog included, if that is your desire, but do not come here in such a slimy backdoor manner--you must be one sick puppy if you are that desperate for attention. Please work on your communication skills!
I hope yours was happy and healthy, Dr. Helen. Mine was. (Even the in-laws didn't get me down this year, which might be a first for 15 years with DH.)
My, my. One "Merry Christmas" greeting, and look what happens in the comments! Helen, I was going to chew out "Lapu Lapu," whoever he/she is, for hijacking your blog like that. But you did it so well, I'll end with my best wishes to you and Glenn, and to your readers, for a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.
Lapu Lappu:
Since you admit that your beef with Dr. Helen's husband has nothing to do with her, why don't you express your sincerity by deleting that stupid picture?
dadvocate said: "I don't follow links left by anonymous posters and certain non-anonymous posters. The results are very predictable."
That is very wise of you. I was naive enough to expect a sincere picture of his family. Though I am not familiar with Chris Floyd.
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