Another Gun Book
After talking with Dave Kopel on our podcast the other day about issues of gun rights and gun control, I decided I needed to learn more about the practical side of gun ownership and self-protection. So, I just ordered another gun book by John Farnam entitled, Guns & Warriors.
I posted a review of another one of the Farnam's books (written by Diane Nicholl & Vicki Farnam), Women Learning to Shoot,
a while back and was very pleased with the quality and information in the book. In Guns and Warriors, the chapters look just as informative with titles like, general advice, travel advice, accidental shootings, police incidents, terrorism, and several chapters on history. I look forward to reading the book. You can see more about Guns and Warriors and read a sample chapter at DTI publications.
I also recommend:
Coopers Commentaries (some quick stuff to peruse while killing time):
Farnham also offers a class and there is occasionally one in Atlanta.
just getting to the range regularly.
So you know the Farnam's. They are top notch.
In previous posts I have mentioned an employee I helped to get a felony conviction against a nut who was stalking her. She is taking Vicki's Women's Self Defence class in November.
Farnham classes are expensive, difficult, sometimes frustrating, and worth every penny.
I should also mention that the training she has been receiving leading up to the Farnam class (the Farnam's usually want a certain amount of experience before atmitting you to their classes) has gone a long way toward re-building her self confidence, erasing the victim mentality, and easing the psychological toll that two and a half years of being stalked took upon her.
Stalked, huh? Riiiggghhtt. That's what ALL the girls say. Hell, any time a woman claims such things (physical abuse, stalking, rape)--why, it's safe to assume she's lying.
Not worth a response.
I hope you'd be as eager to secure a felony conviction on a female engaged in stalking, harassment, assault, false claims, and other felonies/torts. There's a lot out there.
I don't doubt it, but none have ever threatened me, my family, my friends, or my employees with death. If one did, rest assured she would suffer the same fate.
I don't doubt it, but none have ever threatened me, my family, my friends, or my employees with death. If one did, rest assured she would suffer the same fate.
They certainly do that to. And some convinced by their false claims do that as well.
Anonymous - get a life!!!
Annonymous above seems rather bitter. Would he care to share the details of his experience with us?
I do have one - one you couldn't handle for a week.
You wouldn't believe me if I did.
That is for your readers to decide. Perhaps you should give them a chance.
Otherwise they might see you as simply a woeful rejected lover; or worse, someone who should be under closer supervision, on the offhand chance his anger should drive him to violence...
Sorry - you really wouldn't believe it. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with rejection.
Your crack about supervision is pretty funny. I've been threatened with violence several times on-line, and there were never any comments about anyone supervising them. I haven't threatened anyone and there's speculation about a need for "supervision." Sorry - I'm normal, sane, and law-abiding.
Uhhh, and if I was talking about female stalkers, harassers, and false claimers obviously I'm not the one with the problem handling rejection. (I'm male.)
Dr. Helen,
At the risk of sounding sexist, I think you are officially a gun babe.
Dear Mr. Anonymous,
I'm really surprised that my post simply backing up Dr. Helen's comments about the Farnams' and DTI's skill and value as self defense instructors with a real life example has prompted such a vehement response. I believe that all citizens should, at least to a degree, prepare to, and regularly practice the skills required to, defend themselves against the possibility of a violent attack. I believe that doing so builds self esteem and self confidence in anyone, male or female; I have seen many real life examples, with friends who have both experienced attacks and those who have fortunately have not. I include myself in the latter group. If you choose to prepare yourself to the point of being armed and willing to use lethal force, you can’t find a better outfit than DTI to train you.
Regarding the stalking incident I used as an example, I don’t know what happened to you but it must have been bad. I believe that statistically stalking is a crime where approximately 75% of the perpetrators are male, and 25% female.
Two of the most famous examples, John Hinkley, who stalked Jodie Foster and ultimately shot President Reagan to prove his worth to her; and Margaret Ray, who stalked David Letterman and astronaut Story Musgrave, are male and female respectively. So let’s just stipulate, for the sake of discussion, that stalkers are 50% male and 50% female. That doesn’t in any way change my feeling that we all should be prepared to defend ourselves and others from violence. Women, obviously having different bodies and psychologies than men (yes I do believe that men and women are different psychologically from birth), have different tools to work with in fending off a violent attack. This is why the Farnams and DTI offer special self defense classes and books specifically for women. But whether you are male or female, if you want the best training available you won’t go too far wrong having them as your teachers.
Well, Mr Anonymous - yes, i agree with you to a point - that there are some nasty women out there, who are willing to lie, make false accusations, etc, all to screw over the guy they hate. However, such skanky, lying women are few and far between. So, I think youare clearly in the wrong, when you generalise and state that all women arelying, cheating, vindictive, nasty veangeful persons.
I didn't say that all women were bad, I was only referring to the skanky, lying, etc. ones I had experience with. And I think you would be surprised how many are out there and how some abandon their senses and join with them - a lot of the bad ones are very manipulative and know just what emotional buttons to manipulate to motivate and gain the support of the emotionalist ones.
It's an outgrowth of the nanny state, the war against men, the demonization of anything masculine, etc.
Dr. Helen,
I watched that video of you practising at the range. It looked to me like that gun (a Glock 17?)is just a little big for you until you overcome the flinching thing. The best way to overcome flinching is to "dry-fire", shoot the gun with nothing in it, hundreds of times until you condition yourself not to flinch. In some guns, dry firing can damage the firing pin, but you can buy dummy rounds to eliminate that possibility.
Many of the worlds best marksmen always dry fire 10 or 20 times before starting a practice session, and dry fire 10 or 20 more times at the end of the session. Flinching is something you have to continuosly have to condition yourself not to do because the fact is that most guns really do hurt your hand when they go off. Almost everyone will fall back into the habit without dry-fire practice.
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A final comment, just to rile the PC crowd....
You should practice with targets that have realistic looking faces and eyes. Many people will hesitate if someone they are about to shoot looks them in the eyes. There seems to be a natural tendency in most of us to preserve life, not to take it. The phenomena really came to light when military snipers with telescopic sights were able to look into the eyes of enemy they were about to kill, and it also comes into play in close quarters situations.
So when you practice, you need to condition yourself to overcome this natural tendency. You do it by shooting targets that look like real people, not just circles or silhouettes. Every time I do it, and I don’t like to do it, it gives me the creeps, even though I know it is just a picture or a mannequin.
Try it some time and see for yourself how your body reacts to those eyes looking at you as you take the shot.
I have heard that LFI, the Lethal Force Institute, offers great classes, but don't have personal experience with them. There is a good bio of Col. Cooper on Wikipedia. I was unaware that any commercial training organization carried on for him after his death.
Just looked at the LFI website. they, like DTI and other top-notch trainers, spend as much time training for what to do after a lethal force encounter as during it.
If you carry a gun, also carry the card of the lawyer you are going to call immediately, and before saying anything to anyone, in the unfortunate event that you have to use it.
Whaddya know, I just took a woman's self defense class myself about 6 weeks ago. Then bought a .38 Special and I'm looking forward a Glock 19 maybe next year.
It is a great feeling, almost exhilarating, to have some measure of confidence with a handgun. All my life I've had recurrent dreams of strange men coming in my window, always just about the scariest and most helpless scenario I can imagine. I'm pretty sure it goes back to when my mother's boyfriend actually DID come through my window when I was about 5, plus some other pranks by my older brother, who loved scaring me. I was one fearful kid.
So now, the dream is, a guy is outside my window AND I HAVE A GUN. {poof}
Which is why I find you blanket denunciation of women unacceptable.
One more time: If you're referring to me, I didn't make a "blanket denunciation of women".
However there are a lot of wacko women out there, and not enough normal women willing to call them on it.
Cassandra: Good for you :)
ronin1516: Thanks for the info.
I just came home from a class on nighttime handgun self-defense. Actually I dropped in on a class that had been going on all day but I wanted to practice my nighttime skills.
To my surprise there were 5 women in the class, probably from age 30 to 45. I have never seen such a group of friendly, self-confident women in my life. Of course they were all pumped up from the day's activities and I am sure the entire effect won’t last forever, but part of it will.
Just a little more anecdotal evidence that learning self defense builds confidence and self esteem.
tomcal -
Been a while since my first Basic Pistol class, but I also remember a good number of women attending. A couple were alone, some were with their husbands. Also a mixture of attitudes - some pretty confident (mainly due to previous experience with pistols), others somewhat fearful. All performed well in the practical test.
After the class, I had the impression that some of the women were really excited about their new found skill but others weren't sure if guns were really "for them." Both reactions were valid. The fact that they all tried it for themselves was admirable.
The .22 is highly underestimated in my opinion.
I don't really ever want to shoot, and any gun at all will discourage a percentage of aggressors. We all know that the .22 can be lethal at close range.
The S&W Airlite 317 8 round revolver is my choice - weighs less than 11 ounces. At 10 yards With some practice you can shoot a 5 inch group in double action, and 3 inches in single action. Loud but no recoil to speak of, and a work of art besides.
For long range work, I agree; bring in the heavy artillery.
As for long range, there is something very satisfying about doing all the math and nailing a target 3/4 of a mile away. Never had a chance to work with something of longer capability. But for me, Long Range is the most fun.
tomcal - you ought to look into the 600meter rifle competetions that the NRA and US Shooting sponsors.
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