Carnival of Homeschooling
The 19th week of the Carnival of Homeschooling is up at the Why HomeSchool Blog. I like the post by She's Right in which she talks about her disdain for the NEA.
Commentary on popular culture and society, from a (mostly) psychological perspective
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it.
from She's Right
I don't get it. If the homeschooled children are scoring well on the national standardized tests, and getting into the colleges of their choice, without costing the "state" anything....why complain. Except maybe they are jealous.
They claim no one but a licensed educator can teach the children. I guess children who homeschooled before public education was invented were downright ignorant...despite studying Latin and Greek and reading the classics, and all manner of course materials that most of today's kids would choke over.
I further submit, however, that homeschooled children are not available for the PC indoctrinating that goes on in the schools.
"Except maybe they are jealous"
Ha! Terrified of the competition, more like, and I am speaking as one who has taught in public schools.
That snipe about "wannabe teachers" made me spit coffee. The truth is that teachers are very often wannabe parents - many seem tomthink that they know better than the parents what is good for the kids, as least judging from comments they often make. Or maybe they have all changed in the last few years
It's not hard to figure out. Follow the money. More heads in the schools represents more need for teachers. More need for teachers represents more power for the union. From the NEA's standpoint it's about union preservation NOT test scores.
Parents are held to the very highest standard. We answer to to God for how we raised his littlest ones. You can't get much higher than that. What worries me are the parents who take that standard and shove it off to the government with a lower standard than that. And the result things like what I posted on my blog today...
12 second grade boys sexually assaulting a second grade girl.
Yes, Will parents should be held to a higher standard. But not just homeschool parents ALL parents. Things like this should never be in the memory banks of a our little girls and boys.
will says:
"i do think a homeschooling parent should be held to higher standards"
Currently we have a situation where homeschoolers are doing much better. In same cases way much better. And at the same time we have public schools which have been declining over the last twenty years. Instead of worrying about a possible parent some where who might not be doing as well as people think the parent should, it seems to me people should be focused on holding the public school to a higher standard.
My sister-in-law is a public school teacher. She spends more of her time working on the documentation required for the state and federal government rather than direct instruction for any given student. It's really appalling.
The thing that irks me is the NEA cry about holding home schooling parents to a "higher standard." To whom are we accountable? I think that the NEA has forgotten that THEY are accountable to US (i.e. parents), and not the other way around.
I home educated my youngest through junior high. I knew exactly what she was learning and how she was progressing. I knew the qualifications of her instructors. I didn't need standardized testing (although we did use it) or certification to be assured that her teacher was doing what she was supposed to do and was able to teach the subjects.
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