We have a disaster all right- the federal government. We just finished talking about stay-at-home mothers. At the end of WW2 the average middle class worker paid about 4% in taxes. Ozzie worked, Harriet was there for the kids. Now Ozzie's grand-kids pay 40%, so mama has to work too.
I can remember as a kid growing up that some pay raises only put me in a higher tax bracket so I actually brought home less than before I got the raise. Looks like those days are returning.
We have a disaster all right- the federal government. We just finished talking about stay-at-home mothers. At the end of WW2 the average middle class worker paid about 4% in taxes. Ozzie worked, Harriet was there for the kids. Now Ozzie's grand-kids pay 40%, so mama has to work too.
40% for what?
40% for what?
Get on your knees and give thanks you don't get all the government you pay for.
IRADA, just wait.
I can remember as a kid growing up that some pay raises only put me in a higher tax bracket so I actually brought home less than before I got the raise. Looks like those days are returning.
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