John Hawkins at Right Wing News has an interesting interview up with Tony Blankley, author of American Grit: What It Will Take to Survive and Win in the 21st Century.
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Commentary on popular culture and society, from a (mostly) psychological perspective
Labels: interesting books
I haven't read the book but, based on his interview answers, Blankley seems far too eager to give up free market principles and personal liberty principles for a government based safety blanket.
I haven't read the book either although we have it so I probably will at some point. I did read that Blankley is big on going back to a draft which doesn't seem like a good idea, although this would put him in step with Democrat Charles Rangel who wants to reinstate the draft:
I'll be interested to hear your opinion of the book when you're done.
As for the draft... I consider it like borrowing money. Generally a bad idea. You're taking resources you don't have to apply to a problem. Stay within budget! If you have X troops then don't commit yourself to something that requires X+Y troops. It's very easy for the price you pay for that extra Y to far outstrip any benefit you think you might get.
Start the draft back up, can you imagine the riots in the streets.
Reinstating the draft is a terrible idea, from a military perspective.
We had a much larger military during DESERT STORM and we didn't need a draft to have it.
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