Looking ahead to 2010
What are constuctive things that right-leaning folks can do if they don't like the change in guard this time around? How about look ahead to the 2010 Senate election cycle and try to help those Republicans coming up for re-election keep their seats and assist the Democrats in losing theirs? I picked up a copy of Michael Barone's excellent book, The Almanac of American Politics, 2008
to see what senators are up for re-election. Here is what I found:
Democrats up for re-election
Bayh, Evan (D-IN)
Boxer, Barbara (D-CA)
Dodd, Christopher J. (D-CT)
Dorgan, Byron L. (D-ND)
Feingold, Russell D. (D-WI)
Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI)
Leahy, Patrick J. (D-VT)
Lincoln, Blanche L. (D-AR)
Mikulski, Barbara A. (D-MD)
Murray, Patty (D-WA)
Obama, Barack (D-IL)
Reid, Harry (D-NV)
Salazar, Ken (D-CO)
Schumer, Charles E. (D-NY)
Wyden, Ron (D-OR)
Republicans up for re-election
Bond, Christopher S. (R-MO)
Brownback, Sam (R-KS)
Bunning, Jim (R-KY)
Burr, Richard (R-NC)
Coburn, Tom (R-OK)
Crapo, Mike (R-ID)
DeMint, Jim (R-SC)
Grassley, Chuck (R-IA)
Gregg, Judd (R-NH)
Isakson, Johnny (R-GA)
Martinez, Mel (R-FL)
McCain, John (R-AZ)
Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK)
Shelby, Richard C. (R-AL)
Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
Thune, John (R-SD)
Vitter, David (R-LA)
Voinovich, George V. (R-OH)
I wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger might run against Barbara Boxer for her Senate seat or if Chris Dodd will survive his ties to the housing crisis? Perhaps if conservatives and libertarians work together to defeat a few Democrats and keep Republicans in place, 2010 will be a more welcoming place for us. Anyone out there with any concrete ideas on how to go about doing this--other than the obvious such as putting up and running websites like EvanBayhwatch.com etc?
Democrats up for re-election
Bayh, Evan (D-IN)
Boxer, Barbara (D-CA)
Dodd, Christopher J. (D-CT)
Dorgan, Byron L. (D-ND)
Feingold, Russell D. (D-WI)
Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI)
Leahy, Patrick J. (D-VT)
Lincoln, Blanche L. (D-AR)
Mikulski, Barbara A. (D-MD)
Murray, Patty (D-WA)
Obama, Barack (D-IL)
Reid, Harry (D-NV)
Salazar, Ken (D-CO)
Schumer, Charles E. (D-NY)
Wyden, Ron (D-OR)
Republicans up for re-election
Bond, Christopher S. (R-MO)
Brownback, Sam (R-KS)
Bunning, Jim (R-KY)
Burr, Richard (R-NC)
Coburn, Tom (R-OK)
Crapo, Mike (R-ID)
DeMint, Jim (R-SC)
Grassley, Chuck (R-IA)
Gregg, Judd (R-NH)
Isakson, Johnny (R-GA)
Martinez, Mel (R-FL)
McCain, John (R-AZ)
Murkowski, Lisa (R-AK)
Shelby, Richard C. (R-AL)
Specter, Arlen (R-PA)
Thune, John (R-SD)
Vitter, David (R-LA)
Voinovich, George V. (R-OH)
I wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger might run against Barbara Boxer for her Senate seat or if Chris Dodd will survive his ties to the housing crisis? Perhaps if conservatives and libertarians work together to defeat a few Democrats and keep Republicans in place, 2010 will be a more welcoming place for us. Anyone out there with any concrete ideas on how to go about doing this--other than the obvious such as putting up and running websites like EvanBayhwatch.com etc?
Labels: political activisim, politics
A single party controlling the executive and legislative branches is definitely bad news. I'm not sure simply backing whatever flavor of GOP candidate in your area is the right way to go. The GOP has been off-message for a long time. No fiscal conservancy, big government in the market, big government in the home. I want "The party of Lincoln" back. There's two years (for senate) and 4 years (for pres) to get the message across. The time to start is now. Get the GOP on track.
The GOP needs to spend some time in the wilderness. This is a necessary time for reflection and an opportunity to get some so called Republicans so far into the wilderness that their bleached bones never find their way out.
The Party of Lincoln was in power for the last 8 years! The Republican Party of 2008 is very similar to the one that existed in the 1960s: a big government, centralizing party of imperalists. You don't have to be a confederate sympathizer to admit that the Republican Party's origins were as the party of big government. The Party of Reagan was a fluke in the history of the Republicans.
If the Republican Party is to repent and become a real conservative-libertarian party, it's going to have to repudiate Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Bush. What those men stood for are exactly the sort of policies that caused the Republicans to lose their gains from 1994.
Thanks for the gut check. "Party of Lincoln" is just a useless bumper sticker friendly phrase anyway.
I agree, dump the loser policies of the past and build a reasonable platform that doesn't doesn't try and please everyone at the same time (Big Tent) and doesn't cater to the single issue voters. I wouldn't use Regan as a model personally but he's a far cry closer to the ideal than the three you call to task.
Thanks Dr Helen for the list for 2010. I would like for someone to compile a list of up and coming "blue dog" Republicans who would be potential candidates for future elections. By Blue dog I mean those who hold to the "core values" of smaller government, protection of 2nd amendment rights, reducing taxes and spending etc. etc. (as opposed to the so-called get-along Rhinos.) These potential candidates may have differences about other issues but that's a good thing. I spoke with Lars Larson about this last night and he recommended having an annual national conference where these folks gave speeches and even debated issues. This would help to showcase for us and for the general public who these people are and what they believe (and how well they can make their case). It would also highlight that the Republican party isn't a monolithic party but we do have a principled message. By identifying such a group conservative bloggers and radio talk show hosts could then rally support for these folks and commence the construction of a coalition that could become a tsunami in upcoming elections.
But somehow we need to know who constitutes these people are now and not wait until its too late.
I think that the GOP has to figure out what it is, before worrying about winning elections. The current GOP has little to draw votes.
Please read Rick Moran's column at Pajamas Media today. Then read portia9's comment.
We are fools to let this nation slip into something other than the republic it is - or was.
Portia9 knows it.
Begin by stop whining. Next, look at how the nation has changed its demographics. Then ask why the base stands for what it stands for and if that old time stuff still resonates with the young, the blacks, the Hispanics, the orientals, the suburban whites who voted against the GOP this time. And then ask if Gov Palin remains the new leader of the GOP. If not, who leads?
the p;arty followed Bush lockstep and now wants to know how it failed? Ask those wise high IQ conservatives who supported Obama. Or ask why the very conservative Economist paper (England) endorsed Obama. Or why the very conservative Chicago Tribune supported Obama.
name calling, anger, rage, innuendo is not sufficient a platform when the nation has unresolved and complex problems.
Begin by looking in the mirror.
damn. don't have time to discuss it with you now fred. Too busy at work.
Hold that thought!
something to chew on though. Tell what you just said to the deranged lefties who have been screaming for the last 8 years.
Ah-Nult probably will not run, is what I'm hearing here in California. I think he found that trying to govern a state controlled by Democrats to be a lot less fun than he imagined.
Fat chance of Arnold winning Boxer's seat with is call today for $4.4 Billion in taxes to cover the State's deficit. He'll be lucky to survive a recall election.
Governing California has its own set of problems.
Chief among them is that the state is built on illusions, whether that's symbolized by Disneyland and Hollywood in the south, or new age cultism and business fads in the north.
There are damn good reasons why the state is beyond broke, it has record foreclosures, it just voted for an imaginary bullet train, etc.
California isn't grounded in reality; it's founded on dreams. And nobody wants to be told that their dreams might take time, work, or anything else to accomplish. That dream might have been a beachfront house on a trailer park income, an Ivy League quality education for free, an IPO that turns a pizza-faced kid into an overnight billionaire, whatever it is.
Nobody wants Dad to come in and cut off the allowance, or Grandma to gently remind them that they're 35 and living in their parents' garage, so maybe they won't be the next Hollywood discovery.
Arnold tried it, and got slapped down. Repeatedly.
I'm a native of California, and lived there for 42 years.
Of course, there are some other specific issues, like public employee unions running the state, etc. But IMHO it boils down to what I wrote above.
You can't govern a bunch of emotional 6-year-olds, if they get to vote.
Fred - some supposedly "conservative" newspaper endorsing Obama means nothing to me. They are all hacks. Chicago Tribue, bwahahahhaha!!!! *snort*
"name calling, anger, rage, innuendo is not sufficient a platform when the nation has unresolved and complex problems."
LOL. That's exactly what the left did the last 8 years and they're the winners. Let's face it, the GOP is dead. Deader then a doornail. We have defacto one-party rule of the new Bolshevik Party. I hope you enjoy living in the new Soviet Union.
Would this be the "very conservative" Chicago Tribune whose editorial board recently opined that it was time to outright jettison the 2nd Amendment? The paper that created Obama in the first place by launching sex scandals about not one but two of his opponents in a row? Please.
For most of us, "10% less liberal than the New York Times" does not make something "very conservative."
Re Fred comment
The Economist had not been considered conservative for the last 5+ years if not more. For that matter GOP had not followed Bush lockstep (although they could have and should have done more to resist his Big Government initiatives).
Going back to the post's subject, frankly I see only three names o both R and D lists that I would like to see returning to DC in 2010 (in no particular order, Coburn, DeMint and Brownback). Bring the new blood in!
Also, I really doubt that Mr. Obama will actually run for re-election in 2010. Somehow that seems impossible.
oh yeah, listen the racists form Tennessee!
The hilarity of the Chicago Tribune being a conservative paper aside, let's get to the issue at hand. First of all, conservatives nationally have to start networking to identify and support actual conservatives, with the objective of getting the Republican party to despose go along to get along incumbents like Arlen Specter. Frankly, I'm hoping that Sarah Palin spends her time setting up a movement like that.
Oh goodie. I get to assuage my sad feelings of conservative loss by re-electing Arlin Specter!
I think I'll crawl in a hole :)
A single party controlling the executive and legislative branches is definitely bad news.
I don't recall Republicans/conservatives saying this when GOP and Bush controlled exewcutive and legislative.
How about having faith in the American people?
70% of Americans support traditional marriage
70% of Americans support English as official language
70% of American oppose racial preferences
80% of Americans support secret ballots for unions.
Yet, how many times did you hear McCain or any Republican address these issues?
A single party controlling the executive and legislative branches is definitely bad news.
I don't recall Republicans/conservatives saying this when GOP and Bush controlled exewcutive and legislative.
Yeah, me either, but it was just as true then...
Thankfully we at least still have a senate that can filibuster and both parties have shown a (wise) resistance to implementing the "nuclear option".
Richard - and 80% support Soviet Union style socialism. What's your point?
Run on anti-illegal immigration. It's a winning issue, and a place where the GOP can pick up black voters and even increase their share of Hispanics, despite what the pundits say.
Assuming there isn't amnesty next year. I doubt Democrats will miss the chance to add 30 million new Democrat voters for the 2016 election, and make conservatives a truly permanent minority. If that happens, this is all academic.
I'm surprised by the suggestion that someone like Chris Dodd can be dislodged in a hardcore Democrat state like Connecticut.
Democrats don't care if their electeds are crooks. They won't care if he is was in the bag for Fannie, Freddie and Countrywide and facilitated the crisis. It's all about promoting the ideology.
It is a serious error for conservatives and libertarians to assume that liberals and Democrats share a moral sense with them. Sen. Stevens notwithstanding, Repubs traditionally depose their sleazebags. Dems reelect and promote their sleazebags: Murtha, Frank, Jefferson, Hastings, etc.
How about having faith in the American people?
70% of Americans support traditional marriage
70% of Americans support English as official language
70% of American oppose racial preferences
80% of Americans support secret ballots for unions.
Yet, how many times did you hear McCain or any Republican address these issues?
And let's hope they don't address them in the next election either. Of your 4 examples 3 have to do with increasing the power the government has in the lives of the American people. How about having faith in the American people indeed! Goodbye nanny state! Leave the market(English, union ballots) and my home (marriage) alone!
Dump racial (and gender) quotas. All they do is provide ammunition to bigots. We have a black president for crying out loud! I think it's been shown that given will and talent anyone can find success in this country.
posting test
Thors Dad suggests an annual conference of "Blue Dog" conservative up and comers. That's an excellent idea - very similar to the strategy used by Bill Clinton when he began creating the "Clinton brand" prior to running for President. He positioned himself as a modern, centrist, reasonable "New Democrat." Say what you will, his strategy worked rather well.
We need to see the Bobby Jindals, Sarah Palins, Michael Steeles, and other young conservatives begin to establish a general "conservative brand" - and then begin to market their own identities. And we need not limit this to a single national effort. The best work will happen at the state and congressional district level.
I assume that Barack Obama will at some point be ditching his Senate seat. Unless he gets cold feed and decides he really doesn't want to be president.
Had this same conversation with a fellow conservative last night.
We need to somehow identify up and coming conservatives in those areas that we can start working with now. I love Thor's Dads idea of creating a forum to highlight true conservative ideas. This could work to help get these folks' message out to the locals as well as help raise money nationally for them.
And Matthew is also right, we have to hold the line on illegal immigration - its so frustrating. This is killing the lower income blacks and the legal hispanics. When Obama isn't able to pay their mortgages and car payments - maybe they will be looking for someone who at least won't advocate for people who are taking their jobs, overwhelming their schools and driving down their wages during an economic downturn. I had a bunch of legal and American workers working on my house while a bunch of illegals were working on the house next door and believe me there is a lot of anger over how this has impacted their wages. Why hire a legal worker when you can hire several illegals from the Home Depot parking lot for the same rate. And unlike the illegals these folks aren't living 20 to a house - they all had wives and kids they were trying to support, they were overall hard workers and they just wanted to maybe get their shot at the American dream.
And while I'm venting, it's even more illuminating that all my Progressive neighbors (folks who support open borders and "living wage laws" etc.) hire illegals and think I'm crazy to pay the rates I do. And they are the ones basically not paying someone a decent wage. Do as I say, not as I do should be the Democratic Party motto.
Hi Pat El and raving mainyyak
I'm glad you like the idea - I wish I had the time and money and connections to do it. One change though - I think I'll call them "Red Dog Republicans". I also think identifying them and giving them a forum would bring much needed cash their way for building a campaign warchest. And yes, we should identify candidates for every level of government. But again just getting them identified would be helpful.
Really, what purpose will it serve? With Soros money and MSM bias (to put it mildly)colluding with the far left on one hand; and Republican political gutlessness on the other (correctly identified by B. Frank), why bother to put Republicans in office? They won't accomplish anything. Other than Iraq, they didn't accomplish anything the past eight years...and they had to apologize and grovel for accomplishing that. What's supposed to have changed?
The pundits are saying the Republicans were wrong on the 'issues'. What issues? Issues had nothing to do with this election. What issue did Obama ever have to take a stand on? No matter what McCain or any other (R) says on any issue all Obama has to do is smile and say, "I can do better." and it's a done deal as far as the media is concerned. And why shouldn't it be? Soros is the media's best customer...and the customer is always right.
With the media in the tank for the left and Soros billions, I have to agree with alex: The Republican party is dead.
Since no one else has seemed to even bother.......
nick, you're an idiot.
Good post about California Bear, absolutely true.
and Thor's Dad, lemme know when the Red Dog's meet up, I'll be there.
Sorry if it's been said before, but I'm too tired to read all the comments. Me, and Mr. Jim Beam. But Republicanism lost the election. Conservatism is still alive, and has to fight to put things right.
On the subject of immigration, I would love for someone to propose an approach in which the *legal* immigration process is streamlined and simplified to the point where it's almost as easy as appealing assessments and paying property taxes is for me (God love the Internet and tech-friendly local governments!) while *illegal* immigration becomes much tougher. Going through the legal immigration process should not be the nightmare that every immigrant tells me it is. I'd be willing to see my tax dollars go toward revamping the computer system, revising forms - whatever it would take to make the process less of a friggin' black hole.
Then, expand legal immigration, but require that would-be citizens have to pass a basic English test to gain citizenship and that neither they nor their families are eligible for welfare benefits. Guest worker program? Sure, if employers sponsoring guest workers are willing to provide them with basic health insurance to relieve some of the burden on emergency rooms. And build that wall on the border and crack down ruthlessly hard on the gangs of illegals in places such as L.A. All the time, stress the fact that there is a significant security angle to this, because there is.
As one who only goes to CA rarely and for business reasons, I was overcome with laughter when working on a project in Roseville, outside Sacramento, a couple years back.
I saw brand new neighborhoods with huge, beautiful, expensive homes. The windows were covered with sheets!
For sale and foreclosure signs were abundant, and an incredible number of homes were still being built. I guess it wasn't so funny after all.
I can see a home tripling in value over the course of a mortgage. Maybe a (healthy) nation's economy can absorb that. As the bubble expanded, homes tripled in ten years in many areas. Some places even more. And I'm one of those who is bent out of shape that a car payment can exceed a mortgage payment. I guess I'm just not up with the times.
I've already contacted the local Republican party and I will be attending their next meeting. I've never been active in Republican politics, although I have supported various conservative issues in the past. But this election made me realize that I need to get involved on the grass roots level and be a voice for the small government, fiscally responsible, Constitution adherent American. Richard Shelby, our senator who is up for re-election in two years, is a major earmark recipient. I want to stand against that attitude, although I don't think that necessarily means trying to get him replaced. If all of us who are disgusted with how the Republican party is going actually enmeshed ourselves in local and state politics, our voices would be a lot stronger when it came time to build a policy platform.
Conservatives and the Republican party would do well to get more involved in community events on the local level--that is, show how much more successful a non-government response to problems can be. The local Republican party here had a great big office rented downtown, but no one to staff it during a children's event, which could have generated some goodwill. Maybe these are just little things, but when you put them all together...? There was an inspiring example of a grassroots organization at the opening of the RNC, but you had to watch CSPAN to see it--errrgh!
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