College for the Non-PC
The Corner has a post on a book entitled All-American Colleges: Top Schools for Conservatives, Old-Fashioned Liberals, and People of Faith
that looks good if you or someone you know is now looking at colleges:
I wrote about a similar book here that also might be helpful for those who don't want the Indoctrinate U experience.
It’s 450 pages of sheer wisdom and sound guidance: All American Colleges tells you the top 50 U.S. institutions providing programs that connect in a special way with the core values of the American founding and the vibrant intellectual traditions of the West — schools and programs that are, in fact, often transformative. If you have a kid or grandkid entering junior or senior year of high school, then you’ve got to get this book.
I wrote about a similar book here that also might be helpful for those who don't want the Indoctrinate U experience.
Labels: interesting books
I am glad to see books like these get some attention as parents need to know what their options are. It goes deeper than this though and it can’t be fixed easily. I am currently taking online collage courses through DeVry University and practically every assigned text book use in every coarse has included its share of PC hot-points. From science texts that push the facts of global warming to psychology texts that push the unfairness of our justice system to business texts that cover fact of the gender wage gap. When PC is so ingrained into the fabric of our educational system, how can that ever be fixed? As an example of how deep and silly this PC business in education has become, I am currently in a psychology coarse and in the text book, ever other gender reference is female. The text will say "he" then "she", "him" then "her" to the point of being annoying. I understand wanting to be more inclusive but to the sentence level? They could have at least made the gender choice on a chapter by chapter bases to give the reading some consistency.
The answer is to pursue hard-core science or engineering degrees. Sure you have to take general education PC-bullshit courses to fulfill GE requirement, but at least by the 3rd year you're pretty much home free doing the technical stuff only.
Ah, yes. I wish I would have had a book like this before I went to undergrad and grad school. It took me until about the 3rd year of graduate school to stop getting angry about the liberal and atheistic indoctrination. Eventually, I became immune to it and didn't let it bother me. So, I suppose in some ways it was good for me (helped learn how to deal with BS on a higher level), but for the level of irritation, I doubt it was worth it.
Liberal indoctrination is total BS, at least here in TN. As a 20 yr professor I can say the students at the largest undergrad program in the state are about as conservative and religious as any campus I've ever been associated with, far more conservative than the faculty, and that hasn't really changed much. It's about a 55-45 mix of liberal and conservative... which for a student body, is extremely conservative relative to most universities. You won't see a whole lot of diversity regarding religion, i.e... out of approx 23,000 students, only 60 identify themselves as Jewish, 0.26%, not exactly a marketplace of variety of religious beliefs.
What is interesting about religious colleges is that their online student newspapers are often set up where they do not accept public comments on their stories and articles. You'll find this more to be the rule than the exception in conservative Christian colleges... part of the sheltering process I suppose.
Talking about "programs that connect in a special way with the core values of the American founding" ... would exactly would that mean? Places where people tend to think the same perhaps?
I, too, am intrigued about these "core values of the American founding and the vibrant intellectual traditions of the West". Does anyone have these outlined anywhere?
I'm glad it is BS in TN.
I wish it was BS elsewhere.
With all respect, being at one and only one university the last 20 years, in a red state non the less, which (to the university's credit) is not part of Indoctrinate-U does not render the entire problem "BS" nationwide. That would be like a black who claims that racial discrimination is BS because he has never been discriminated against in the neighborhood he has lived in for 20 years.
In fact, may people nationwide have pulled their kids out of public schools because of what I call Indoctrinate-K12. Some states, coincidentally all blue ones, are looking at outlawing homeschooling in response. Is that to say all schools are bad or all homeschooling is good? of course not. Isolated examples are not always representative of the entire population.
"programs that connect in a special way with the core values of the American founding"
Does that include the genocide and displacement of Native Americans? Or does it include denying women the right to vote? Enslaving Africans perhaps?
Or does it include an isolationist world view expressed by neo-cons and xenophobes?
Old-fashioned indeed.
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Well, ellen, no one is defending the sins of our ancestors. But,
1. thank God the republican party won on the issue of slavery, even though the democratic party was hell bent on keeping blacks enslaved.
2. thank God women now have the right to vote, so that women like you probably have never lived a day without that right.
3. and thank god the founders of this country created a system that overcame these evils.
i'd ask you to define neo-cons and xenophobes, but I doubt you have a good definition.
I hope you enjoy your freedom in this country you dont' seem to have must respect for.
How do we define freedom these days?
Ellen, these are old fashioned values like personal responsibility. Very edgy and controversial stuff.
It is instructive that ellen thinks that Americas core values include discrimination, slavery and genocide, rather than wrongs that were overcome. Talk about indoctrinated; all those canards stem from old Soviet "moral equivalence" propaganda that is still parroted by the left.
It is also intellectual bigotry to claim that slavery, genocide and discrimination is "conservative", in the American sense. Tell it to the Muslims, who still engage in slavery, genocide and true discrimination based on race, religion and sex to this day.
Funny how also no one seems to know off the top of their head what "vibrant intellectual traditions of the West" are. Primary education has been so corrupted with the Howard Zinn "evil America" bullshit "history" that some cannot think of what "American core values" might be, if they aren't a leftwing/socialist value.
You know, free inquiry, individual liberty, marketplace of ideas, etc. What you don't find in Africa, most of Asia and even in some parts of Europe. It wasn't in Muslim countries that equality and human rights were birthed, sustained and expanded.
Ellen can't get over the fact that her country - or should I say 'the country she was unlucky enough to be born in' - is not and never has been perfect.
You won't impress her with the argument that it's still better than most countries in the world. That's not good enough for her and those who think like her. You also won't change her mind by mentioning that our worst "offenses" were committed in the past by people who are long dead. No, we profited from those long-ago acts and were never properly punished. Our morality account is still way in the red - at least to Ellen. Somehow America must pay - not that she or anyone else knows exactly how, or how much, or how long it will take to satiate the angry ancestral spirits, in whose voices she and her political kind believe themselves to speak. It is quite possible, if Ellen has her way, that America will have to suffer forever.
That's what liberals call "social justice."
There are nearly 5800 colleges and universities in the US, so it would be nice to have a list larger than 50, so you have a better chance of being able to attend one of these good schools.
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