1. If you don’t pay for your house, they take it back.
2. If you buy a house that you cannot afford, you will not be able to pay for it (See also: #1).
Addendum to rule 2: It isn't anyone's else's responsibility to help you pay for a house you cannot afford. Most definitely, it isn't MY responsibility to help you pay for your house.
1. If you don’t pay for your house, they take it back.
2. If you buy a house that you cannot afford, you will not be able to pay for it (See also: #1).
Addendum to rule 2: It isn't anyone's else's responsibility to help you pay for a house you cannot afford. Most definitely, it isn't MY responsibility to help you pay for your house.
larry --
Couldn't agree more. I bought a house at 25 -- a fixer. Then at 40 I built one. Nobody gave me any leeway and I didn't ask for any.
If one is not bright enough to work a budget, one should learn from the experience of losing things.
Rensselaer. I've been there many times (yes, I know where it is).
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