17.4% --WTF?
Okay, I am tired of serious material for the moment and scoured the internet looking for something fun or at least, kind of dumb. I ran across a quiz called the Blog Cuss-Oh-Meter on Rachel Lucas's blog (via Army of Dog) and decided to give it a try. Surely, I thought, this blog has less cursing than many I have seen out there. But, apparently, I was wrong:

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating
Is your blog or website as tacky as mine?

Created by OnePlusYou - Free Online Dating
Is your blog or website as tacky as mine?
Labels: More Stupid quizzes
Naughty person of the female persuasion.
I, at least, am almost sparkling clean with a rating of 6.2 %.
0 percent. Downright saintly if you ask me. Ha!
Stinker bloody poop heiny weiner. There. I just quadrupled your score.
It is not me, it's the naughty commenters...okay, maybe it is me. Anyway, I tried putting in those blogs without comments like Instapundit and he got less than 1%. I think the thing is rigged.
You think it's rigged? How would you know? I went there and there's no way to see what they think constitutes cussing. How about poop?
Can't tell.
BTW Helen, idiot commenters (myself included) notwithstanding, this is a clean blog.
I got 0%, but it's not really a blog - it's a site. No commenters. Probably makes the difference.
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This is another reason I like your blog, I enjoy taking quizzes. I am surprised by your results also. I guess my blog is rated G as I scored 0%.
Wonder what rating the Daily Kos gets?
My blog has zero percent cussing.
Now, the Daily Kos:
Around 13.1% of the pages on your website contain cussing.
This is 64% MORE than other websites who took this test.
8.6% for my blog.
I think the test is rigged
to catch potty mouth bloggers like Dr. Helen.
@Mark K. Sprengel: "to catch potty mouth bloggers like Dr. Helen."
I'll take her potty mouth over the "kind and tolerant" venom that comes from those on the other side of the aisle. DrH's intellectual power far outshines those dolts.
I was just kidding, sorry if that wasnt clear.
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