Which Deadly Sin are You?
Okay Instapundit, I'll take your stupid quiz--Uh-oh:

Which of the Seven Deadly Sins Are You?

Pride -- Self-love. You have a way-too-high opinion of yourself, and anyone who contradicts you is stupid and wrong.
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Which of the Seven Deadly Sins Are You?

Pride -- Self-love. You have a way-too-high opinion of yourself, and anyone who contradicts you is stupid and wrong.
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Labels: More Stupid quizzes
I was sure that I would be outed as a glutton, but apparently, sloth edged out my other bad qualities.
Warren Zevon: I'm very well acquainted with the seven deadly sins. I keep a busy schedule, trying to fit them in.
I was lust?? Whoever came up with this needs a good beating. There was never any more obvious case of wrath than me!
Yes, I figured I would be wrath or pride with wrath winning out, but no such luck. Hey, lust sounds like the best of the lot.
Oh, I'm definitely wrath. There's no doubt about that. I must have just been feeling amorous or something. I find a good visit with the missus cures both wrath and lust, actually,....
Does it help if we have a high opinion of you, too?
Memphis Steve,
"Does it help if we have a high opinion of you, too?"
Ahhh, that's really sweet...
Oh helen, beware... I fear he's just setting you up for an even greater fall!
I was lust, and I have no idea why. Maybe it was because I happened to be wearing the color red when I took the quiz?
Oh, well ... you can think that about me if you want!
Quiz wouldn't do any good. I'm pretty much all of them pretty much all of the time, plus a few that aren't included. Why stop at seven, anyway? Life's too short.
Well, the point of the quiz is to accuse you of SOMEthing unflayyering. Coulda been worse, I guess, coulda been... I don't know, what's worse? I'll take it and see what I get.
OK, I checked it out. The whole thing is set up to make you fail, and I didn't find any acceptable choices, 'What is the meaning of life?" it asks, and the choices are: Me. • Scowling at other people's successes. • Revenge!!! • Sleep. • More stuff for me! • PIZZA! ICE CREAM!! CHOCOLATE!! • Doing "it."
Even as a joke, I can't take this yukky test. Well, take some comfort, maybe, in this: In 'the Devil's Advocate', Satan (Al Pacino) concludes the film, saying: "Pride. Definitely my favorite sin."
So at least you got a GOOD one.
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