Invasion of the TV People
I spent part of the morning helping our local production company with a new pilot they are doing for a cable station. They needed an expert to talk about drug problems, addiction and how a difficult childhood could affect a person's tendency to abuse drugs. It was a lot of fun--but what I am most amazed by was how fast and efficiently they turned my podcast studio into a TV studio. Take a look!

Probably the easiest setup they've had in months. It was already half done.
Grips are GOOD at what they do - very good. I deal with them at work. I did a bit of it in college - the pros make it look easy
Yes, it always looked like a good career to me to be a Grip or a Gaffer but I would not have the slightest clue how to deal with all of the lighting. You're right though, good film professionals do make it look easy--I can attest to it not being easy at all-once when working on my documentary, I had to shoot one of the scenes in a field with mosquitoes biting and a camera and lights that were not working well. I barely finished and got the video and realized that there was no glamor or glory in it, it's just hard work.
Always with the red decor.
Any decent grip or gaffer who's seen your web site and your sig photo knows...
just make everything red!
impressive. I assume they spoke with you on the show?
I hope your husband was around to make sure those fellas didn't try anything improper, would that you were alone with them.
Maxine- you seem to have forgotten- Helen can shoot anyone trying anything improper, she dont need no help from Glenn.
Are you jealous, because you cant protect yourself, and need a real (not a limp-wristed metrosexual or gay)man to protect you?
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