Things That Speak for Themselves
I recently viewed a YouTube video of IDF women soldiers (Hat Tip: Classical Values) and was struck by the serious anti-semetic and hate-filled comments by other viewers. Here are some examples of the anti-semitic comments (Warning, not appropriate for work or those with a delicate nature) made by those viewing the video:
The fact that people out there feel like this --and that in their heart, they see it as acceptable--to me is disgusting.
I would not let one of you whores drink my piss. Go off and kill some more children, scum. Steal more land while you are at it. Fucking zionist scum bags.
It is good to see these sluts in uniform, now they are legit targets for the Palestine resistance.
i miss that nasty stinky jewish pussy
Has anyone read the book The "israel Lobby"Mearsheimer and Walt have really raised some powerful questions and were so accurate about how the book would be received. It is a must read for any global citizen.
what a douche bag country Lol you kill Liban and Palestinian " We are all survivor from a fake deathcamp, we can make everting , like kill inocent civilian " LOL Sorry but you're pathetic go fuck in burn fucking isreal. Deutschland über alles fickie alles untermensche und jude! Sieg Heil don't miss with the best fucking scum asshole bitchass jews
The fact that people out there feel like this --and that in their heart, they see it as acceptable--to me is disgusting.
Labels: anti-semitism, Hatred
One of the less-mentioned and so-to-be-lost truths of the civil rights victories in MS is that other white individuals stepped forward to aid/support/champion the prosecutions of violent racists. Many white children (I was one of them) were sent to desegregated schools without hesitation. Many white people made other white people feel shame for speaking a racist joke.
Yes, yes, yes. Many whites took no action or turned a blind eye to terrible cruelty. For too long, there was no action.
But when you look at turning points in the civil rights era, you will see that white individuals stepped forward and told others "enough".
What I find lacking in the UN, global community venues, and elsewhere is the line in the sand being drawn. This is wrong.
The anonymity of the Internet leaves a lot to be desired in the civility department, but these comments, of course, go way beyond just the issues of politeness and respect.
One wonders if their real lives are as hate-filled or if the lack of personal accountability on the Internet is a drug that pushes them over the edge.
Why is a troll, a troll?
The freedom of the Internet is a wonderful thing ... and often isn't.
What's touted as conversaton, engagement, dialogue and other social media buzzwords, all too often just isn't.
I'm angered by this.
It's called the disinhibtion effect and you can read more about it here:
The slide show was set up so that we may “respect these young woman's.” Note that it utterly failed to accomplish its purpose; amid the debates about Israel and the hotness of the women, you will see no respect for their abilities as "soldiers." It's not surprising; in 1948 the IDF learned the hard way that egalitarian and feminist ideology is the pitcher, and the battlefield is the rock against which it smashed. (They abandoned their “progressive” attempt to take children from their parents and raise them in unisex hives at about the same time: That reality check bounced also.)
When I read such pathetic, hate-filled comments, I wonder who these people are. I imagine some maybe people who think it's "funny" t leave mean, tasteless comments everywhere.
The "global citizen" probably imagines his/herself to be an enlightened person of the world. A liberal/leftist group that is becoming more and more anti-Semitic.
It is disgusting and unbelievable that while their are survivors of the Holocaust and their liberators still walking the Earth that so many are willing to allow it to be repeated. Being born in 1951, I grew up with friends whose fathers witnessed some of these atrocities.
As a final thought, maybe some American women would feel more liberated and equal if they had to serve in their country's defense at do the Israeli women.
I find this incomprehensible.
My guess is that those commenters that are leaving the abrasive racist hate-filled posts about Israeli women are probably the same set of anonymous commenters who leave racist comments about blacks, women, latinos, gays and any other group that can be targeted. It's okay, the Internet is alive and well with the unilateral free-speech concept. Any place that allows unlimited free commenting will get these occasional posts. I have noticed that the hate-comments seem to have a propensity to appear during the night. I visualize some loser at 3AM deep in his mom's basement working out his anger issues on the keyboard.
The latest Forbes has a pretty good article about anonymous hate comments.
Thank you Dr. H.
Actually the annonimity is a good thing IMO. I'd like to know what evil lurks in the heart of men.
As to the competence of the women, all you have to do is look at the pictures. You don't trust assault rifles to incompetents.
I am eager to read the book, "The Israel Lobby", the Israeli government acts as though it has the US by the shorthairs, and that has always troubled me.
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The Jew-hating punks who leave these sorts of remarks not only reveal the darkness of their souls, but also their timid and unmanly [the remarks sound male] selves. They seem to be very uncomfortable with the idea that women can be just as skilled and effective with firearms as men.
A real man knows better. There are plenty of women whose skills and mindset make them formidable fighters, and Israel has them in spades.
To these cretins, the high-calibre Jewish woman would say, "Are you feeling lucky today, punk?"
[Wonder if that sounds as cool in Hebrew as it does in English. Anybody know?]
Actually, I think I find it amusing as awful as that may sound. It's just so absurd. I remember a couple of times opening up random usnet articles and it turns out to be a ruse filled with "I hate jews. I hate jews...." Perhaps I've just been posting for too long -- you eventually see venemous "hate speech" like this directed at everyone. It just makes me laugh. I suppose as a sentiment, perhaps it is scary. But, as an idea, it is so non sequitur -- almost random.
Also, remember that this is just the bark, too. In terms of the actual sentiment, I think that is the real thing to be disturb by -- why would someone be so angry? If there's one thing I have come to believe over time it's that our modern norms that the angry person or the person "losing control" is always wrong is usually wrong. People don't just get angry for no reason. I doubt it has anything to do with jews, but there certainly is a source of this extreme hatered and anger. I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't kind of like what the first commenter said. White males get ostracized by society and some minority of them just get carried away with men's rights and white power. In fact, the more extreme the better -- it is like a big catharsis for them. "Ahhhhh.... Now I don't have to struggle so much and can just be the violent lunatic that everyone thinks I am."
i am not surprised by the hate spewed by people anymore.
i lost an entire (apart from 2 members) branch of my family is aushwitz and dachau. to hear such racist comments at first upset me, however the more i live the more i see hate is becoming main stream.
and so i am not surprised anymore, which is the worst thing, the most insidious. while the comments are bad, i have seen and heard worse.
and its everywhere. women vs men, men vs women, race against race, religion against religion. and its going to get worse. hatred feeds on hatred and will grow. But i am not surprised anymore at the shallow minded, bigoted people on the web and on the planet.
How I wish I could disagree with you, mercurior. But I can't.
I'm trying my best not to become one of them.
I am not against race, color, creed, mind you. Individual people. Some of them do band together and form groups. There was a time I thought I do not, could not, hate anyone. I can't honestly say that anymore.
"racist comments about blacks, latinos "
It really isn't the same thing. If someone expresses dislike for Latinos, they aren't necessarily calling for the destruction of a whole country. Nobody who makes those comments wants to blow up Mexico---in most cases.
That's what makes anti-Semitism particularly troublesome.
Most people aren't going to take the trouble to separate "Jews", the people, from "Israel" a country.
That's why every time the Left puts forth their anti-Israel agenda....they encourage hate piece against a whole race of people.
I love how the mental health community things that racism and anti-Semitism are nothing more than "illnesses" (DSM-IV ?) to be "cured".
I'm pretty sure they are coming out with some sort of psychotropic drug that can instantly make you like Blacks, and stop hating Jews.
I don't find this stuff laughable a bit. I take it seriously. The social order is more tenuous than most people think it is. It can break down in a matter of hours. Hurricanes show that to be true.
In a ten-day period in July of 1941 one half of the Polish village of Jedwabne murdered the other half, 1,600 Jews they had been living with peacefully for decades. They did it for only one reason. Or perhaps no reason. They did it simply because they could. The Nazis were in control and they made it clear that murder of Jews was permissible. Murder followed.
It can happen anywhere under the right circumstances. And all who find in this something to laugh at might remember one thing. The murderers may come for the Jews, but they don't stop with the Jews.
The story of Jedwabne is recounted in the book Neighbors by Jan Gross.
What is YouTube's responsibility? I would think there is some ... What?
The comments are beneath notice, they are disgusting.
Youtube doesn't have any responsibility, see terms and conditions for youtube account holders. I have a youtube account and those that post videos are free to turn on the comments moderation function. This particular videographer has opted not to do so.
Traditional anti-Semitism had been in decline in the U.S. for many years. To the extent that there has been a revival of this vile attitude, it is largely the doing of America's universities. It is from these institutions that the demonization of Israel has emanated, along with the excuse-making for, and the romanticization of, Palestinian terrorism.
When you read about somebody wanting to "boycott" Israel, it is never the Kiwanis Club or the Livestock & Feed Society. It is either an academic group, or a liberal church which is under the influence of academia.
This doesn't shock me anymore, because it seems so commonplace. I don't know if serious hatred of Jews is a 20th century invention or not, but it makes me think there must be something remarkable about the Jewish people.
Anti-Israel rhetoric? Americans can turn the page [article from Atlanta Journal-Constitution]
Cham, given all the hatred of Israel in this country and others, it seems more plausible that there is a strong Arabic Lobby. It seems to me like both Republicans and Democrats are constantly trying to convince Israel to give up more land.
JW, I remember some controversy several months ago on the conservative blogs because YouTube marked Malkin's conservative group as "adult" so you had to have permission to view it. I thought Google bought it and assumed it would improve.
I suspect that a lot of these comments come from outside of the USA. Perhaps many of them are by Muslims. For example, use of the term "Liban" for Lebanon suggests that the commenter is a native French speaker. I am guessing he is a Muslim. Someone here mentioned that many of these comments arrive at night -- another cue that they may come from abroad.
In the context of blogs or videos about Israel, I interpret anti-Jewish/Israel comments as info-war attacks. We should respond to them as such, both to provide alternative arguments for ignorant readers and to show that the anti-Semites aren't as numerous as their feverish (or perhaps calculated) high rate of posting suggests.
An interesting case in point, here.
Well, as one who travels back and forth between two cultures regularly, I can understand the beauty and devotion of these women, and also understand the sentiments of the people posting against them, whom I assume are mostly living outside the U.S. At least I hope so.
If you never leave the U.S., you really can't imagine the hatred that people feel against not only us, but against anyone who has different beliefs than their own, even against members of their own societies whose beliefs they see as threatening to their own well-being. The sentiment of the anti-Semitic comments is really no different than the sentiment expressed by most people in third world countries against people of their own societies whom they feel are inferior. They see anyone not exactly like them as threats to the status-quo, and in fact they are threats to the status-quo. My personal experience leads me to believe that the basis of this fear is the misguided belief that economics is a zero-sum game. There is only so much to go around; if you and I are in business together, I either screw you or you screw me. There is no way that the two of us working together can create wealth in excess of the sum of our individual assets.
I have come to believe that, although we must continue to fight it, such hatred has been with us for thousands of years and will continue to exist long after we are dead. All we can hope for is, for as long as each of us lives, is to do our best to convince people, one by one, that the only chance for long-term survival of the human race is to accept the fact that we are all different and must accept each other as we are, and that each of us has something to contribute. This dream is complicated by the fact that many would rather see us all die (including themselves) than allow those whom they hate to continue living.
Our adversaries are willing to fight to the death over petty differences, so to defeat them will require a long term (hundreds of years) demonstration of overwhelming strength by the U.S., Israel, and other forces of democracy. We have the capacity to do this, because as we have proven time and time again, democracy creates the economic strength necessary to carry on the fight, and no other system does.
The hateful comments about the slide show really arise out of the fear that if the young women of Israel are willing to fight personally, then Israel itself is unbeatable. This strikes terror into the hearts of those who wish to annihilate it.
That's the same sort of illiterate hate mail I get when I write about Islamic terror. The hate mail comes from Muslims, mostly young males, who are very undereducated but very arrogant.
I wish I could say these anti-Semitic rants shocked me, but they do not. They do however steel my resolve to fight back, at every opportunity.
It's been said well..."Walk softly and carry a big stick."
It will all come to a head, eventually. It has to. People will literally have to pick a side, and take a stand. No way around it. The face of war has changed. But that face will show up everywhere, and this new war will be fought everywhere at once. Every man, woman, and child will be drawn in. Hell, it already is, just at varying levels, that are all escalating. No flags, no distinct uniforms, no clear lines. Something different is in the air this time, Jeeves. Perhaps a civil war of sorts, on a world wide battleground.
Mercurior hit on it the other day in a post. Everyone seems to "hate" anyone who does not think and believe as they. The all forgiving, peace on everyone, live and let live liberal types are prime examples of it. Pathological cow manure.
I believe it is Biblical. I believe it is coming.
Putting green lights on the Empire State Building isn't going to do anything but get America laughed at. I'm embarrassed by that, personally. People demand a separation of church and state, unless it's Muslim. Why? They're scared. No matter what they say, they're scared. Bush is right, damn it. And it won't be any easier tomorrow.
Sit down and think about it. Would green lights on the Empire State Building even have been considered before September 11, 2001? Up with Muslims, down with Christianity - in a nation of Christian heritage. Up with green lights celebrating the end of Ramadan, down with Santa Claus and the manger scene. WTF?
Whatever happens, this country will have to win that conflict. We will not win it divided. Our nation, our world as we know it, will not survive as we know it, if we don't win it.
I once wondered if I was way off base to think like this. I am now convinced people are too scared to see it perhaps, to talk about it. Rightly so, it scares the crap out of everyone. Except those who can't wait to blow themselves up for their cause, if they can take others with them.
Maybe it's talk softly. But I'm into the big stick part, 100%
I'd wager that most of these misogynist twerps haven't seen a naked women without a staple in her abdomen.
21 years of age should be the legal minimum age to post on a website. :P
btw, women in uniform = rawr.
One of the reasons why I forego reading comments in public sites like youtube, etc is because there are usually racist comments so full of hatred. I can't understand how people can spew out so much venom.
The kind of anti-Jewish/anti-Israli venom spewed by these comentors is misogynistic only because there were women in the video. Had the subject of the video been young male soldiers talking about their service, then the vitriol would have been just as hateful, but without the sexist slant.
This type of hatred is frightening for it's intent to wipe out an entire culture. It has been tried before, and the world's guilt for it's inaction during WWII helped to create the Nation-State of Israel.
Now, because of a propaganda war,promulgated and fueled by the Arab nations, who created the Palestinian refugee problem with their own hatred and intolerance, not just of Jews, but of their own Muslim "brothers", their exists a multi-generational class of disaffected men and women constantly looking for reasons to hate. They hate Jews, Westerners, and Muslims who do not worship as devoutly as they "should". They seek to create a world-wide Caliph. They want all infidels to convert or die. This is what I hear, and fear when I read these hate filled comments. Sharia Law, coming soon to a neighborhood near you!
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