Female Porn
Dr. Sanity's Carnival of the Insanities is up this Sunday morning. In particular, take a look at the female porn that Dr. Sanity linked to--I don't find it sexy at all.
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That would perhaps be because it's a humour site?
I think you missed that I was being tongue-in-cheek. I realize it was a humor site.
Those men are incredibly sexy. Alas, they only exist in my dreams.
I thought that "female porn" is the romance novels that are sold in supermarkets. It seems funny that male porn is a $10-15 billion/year industry that is largely hidden (or at least it was before the Internet), while female porn is out in the open.
Actually, I think recent statistics say that the viewers of the media which you call "male porn" is about 50% female, since the Internet makes it easy and private. Women are less likely to purchase Hustler off the magazine rack.
Romance novels have their own market segment and I believe that does cater to women.
I've heard that 10-20% of viewers are female. I've also heard from the only two women that admitted to watching it that they are doing so because their boyfriends want them to and that they wouldn't watch it otherwise.
Vivid Video, which is a $1 Billion/year porn studio is supposed to be "couples friendly" as is Wicked Pictures. "Couples friendly" apparently means that their movies actually have plots and story lines. (Egads, what a concept!!) Playgirl has a whole series of vignette DVDs intended for female consumption.
FWIW, adultdvdempire.com has been the AVN retailer of the year for 5 or 6 years. Their website includes customer reviews and employee reviews that are pretty detailed. There are also the scene indices included for some movies. (That's the job I want on my resume - scene indexer for a porn movie retailer!) Judging from the scene idices, about 20% of porn is female-female with no male involved. That surprised ma a bit, but it explains one line in the "The Wedding Crashers" scene where Vince Vaughn is proposing.
Romance novels are porn for women. Think about how women describe the problems created by men viewing porn. They say it idealizes bodies and sex, creates an unmeetable standard that wives cannot meet.
Well what the hell do romance novels do? They do not just manifest in the bedroom, but all day as women really DO see the attributes in these stupid pictures as the ideal.
Unless and until the sistas stop with Harlequin, they need to lay off Larry Flint!
Romance novels are porn for women. Think about how women describe the problems created by men viewing porn. They say it idealizes bodies and sex, creates an unmeetable standard that wives cannot meet.
Well what the hell do romance novels do? They do not just manifest in the bedroom, but all day as women really DO see the attributes in these stupid pictures as the ideal.
Unless and until the sistas stop with Harlequin, they need to lay off Larry Flint!
Romance novels are porn for women. Think about how women describe the problems created by men viewing porn. They say it idealizes bodies and sex, creates an unmeetable standard that wives cannot meet.
Well what the hell do romance novels do? They do not just manifest in the bedroom, but all day as women really DO see the attributes in these stupid pictures as the ideal.
Unless and until the sistas stop with Harlequin, they need to lay off Larry Flint!
Helen, sorry ... what can I say .. I'm not used to subtle humour from Americans (see Flight of the Conchords).
I agree with cal that romance novels have the exact bad characteristics that anti-porn campaigners attribute to male use of porn. But I don't agree that it is the female equivalent of porn.
In many ways the vibrator is the female equivalent of porn. Both exist to make getting off without a partner faster and more convenient. Many women have no trouble getting their imaginations going but often need a little mechanical help. Men have no trouble with the mechanics but can do with a bit of visual help for the imagination.
But those women who are anti-porn see nothing wrong with their vibrators. (and neither do I)
Also, I know from personal communication that there are many women who do enjoy porn a lot. Perhaps not the airbrushed fake breasts fake orgasms of the other Hollywood, but more the "amateur" sites made possible by the internet, especially the ones run by actual couples.
First we learn romance novels are porn, now vibrators. I am getting chock full of new information today.
I don't know if I'd call that porn. But the only place a woman could expect see a man completely all that thoughtful in the proactive sense, would definitely be in her dreams only.
What is Jean Auel's "Earth's Children" series but smut for women mixed in with hunting-in-the-ice-age?
Traditionally, most porn for women is in words, most for men in pictures. Although that definitely seems to be changing. A friend dropped off two boxes of Harlequin romances at a senior center: The men were as fast as the women in grabbing them (although that's likely just 'cause the men were bored and looking for anything to read). As has been said, the number of women watching porn websites is way up.
A serious discussion from this? A funny site, and considering some of the decidedly asexual descriptions of "what I really want from a man" that I've heard, I found it hilarious. Think I need to pass around a large bottle of Lighten-Up.
My impression is that while male porn is about sex, female porn is about talking about sex with your girlfriends.
I thought the "porn" comics were really funny and I sent the link to my mom and some of my female co-workers.
Like serket, I found it amusing, and did send it to my wife and my mother. However, I have to say that this exactly the feminization of men that Dr. Helen has written about. So we can yuck it up, but when does it stop being funny and start being indicative of an agenda?
jw: Traditionally, most porn for women is in words, most for men in pictures.
Occasionally I read erotica; I prefer words to pictures. I guess it feels classier.
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