"These are the sort of wackos who gun down their fellow students at university."
Who are these wackos who might gun down their fellow students? Felons who have escaped from prison? Angry students who have been bullied within an inch of their life and are hell-bent on revenge? Terrorists who want to destroy all those who oppose them? No, they are .....bloggers, at least according to jealous journalist David Bullard at The Sunday Times who sees bloggers as such a threat that he wrote an entire column devoted to his fascist views of what should constitute freedom of the press.
His take? Bloggers are nerds who can't succeed and are out for his job. Funny, then, how many bloggers are high level professionals who often have much more expertise than journalists and much better and more lucrative jobs to boot. For example, the lawyers at Powerline, the Volokh Conspiracy, Talk Left and other blogs are hardly nerds with nothing to say who are pining away for a two bit journalist job. Bullard's biggest complaint about the blogosphere is that (gasp!) there are no rules! People might say anything, even something racist for which Bullard points out that they should spend time in prison--if only someone could catch these horrible anonymous bloggers. In his fascist world, all speech should go through some sort of censorship process where editors and publishers can determine what is appropriate speech for everyone's ears. It's no wonder so many bloggers remain annonymous, with fascists like Bullard out there who believe that they should be sent to prison for what they say--why come forward?
At the end of his diatribe, he suggests that print journalists call out "offensive" annonymous bloggers to "name and shame" them as well as publish their physical addresses. I would like to see him try, I can only imagine the backlash of the blogosphere to this little stunt. My guess is that Bullard is actually afraid at heart that his work will soon become obsolete because some little "nerd with nothing to say" will bypass him while happily playing air guitar to thousands of admirers.
His take? Bloggers are nerds who can't succeed and are out for his job. Funny, then, how many bloggers are high level professionals who often have much more expertise than journalists and much better and more lucrative jobs to boot. For example, the lawyers at Powerline, the Volokh Conspiracy, Talk Left and other blogs are hardly nerds with nothing to say who are pining away for a two bit journalist job. Bullard's biggest complaint about the blogosphere is that (gasp!) there are no rules! People might say anything, even something racist for which Bullard points out that they should spend time in prison--if only someone could catch these horrible anonymous bloggers. In his fascist world, all speech should go through some sort of censorship process where editors and publishers can determine what is appropriate speech for everyone's ears. It's no wonder so many bloggers remain annonymous, with fascists like Bullard out there who believe that they should be sent to prison for what they say--why come forward?
At the end of his diatribe, he suggests that print journalists call out "offensive" annonymous bloggers to "name and shame" them as well as publish their physical addresses. I would like to see him try, I can only imagine the backlash of the blogosphere to this little stunt. My guess is that Bullard is actually afraid at heart that his work will soon become obsolete because some little "nerd with nothing to say" will bypass him while happily playing air guitar to thousands of admirers.
I'm sorry, but is this David Bullard guy...like...somebody?
Envy. Pure envy. He's apparently encountered some bloggers who write better than he does and get more feedback than he does.
I say that, of course, without having read anything of his, that I can remember, anyway.
I've never heard of him, but I just thought the reference to bloggers being like guys who shoot up a school deserved some kind of mention.... or maybe not.
Wouldn't be hard for him to encounter some bloggers who write better than he does. That would include most of them.
Helen, I imagine he's just expressing clearly what a lot of journalists think about bloggers. But he sort of misses the point of blogging - at least what I consider the point. Blogs don't try to replace mainstream news - they just supplement it. They provide more context than any writer could pack into a single story. Insofar as bloggers and their commenters represent the citizenry as a whole, they *are* the context.
I don't know about all the stuff about racism. He's South African, so maybe that strikes a chord with his audience. Can you get arrested for racist writing in ZA?
But overall - yeah, "fascist" does seem to describe his little rant pretty well.
ah its south africa, i thought it was the UK sunday times. and we all know how repressive they were to the blacks.
but it isnt journalism, or at least its the proto journalism.
it may be offensive, but its a free press, he wants a regime that censors work, maybe he just wants his views seen, and no one elses.
Holy crap, the irony abounds in that one little article.
"It’s rather sad how many people think the tedious minutiae of their lives will be of any interest to anyone else."
As opposed to people who put tedious opinion and minutiae in paper print?
"... or is this just another example of modern narcissism?"
Like opinion writers for newspapers?
Best of all.
"I have no objection to reading my Sunday Times on the Internet because I know the content has been through the same process as the print edition."
Jayson Blair - NYT
Janet Cooke - WaPo
Stephen Glass - New Republic
Patricia Smith - Boston Globe
Jay Forman - Slate
Good one Olig! Blogs are inherently biased and personal they are supposed to be.
Modern mainstream "reporting" is inherently biased and personal, it is not supposed to be. That is the difference and the problem.
What's with journos and this 'they want my job' nonsense? I could be a journo but I like making money instead while writing is a hobby.
I had to come back and post again as the phrase "These are the sort of wackos who gun down their fellow students at university." stuck in my craw.
How someone can criticize others using that phrase at this time without any moment of reflection about how completely inappropriate it is completely negates the worth of anything they might say after that. For a long time.
I think I see what he is thinking: How can you print something without anyone to approve it? If you don't have permission to write it you must just sit and slobber on the keyboard.
He would be lost without an editorial board to hide behind.
I agree, there was no reason to use such an absurd metaphor that has no bearing on blogging.
I think it is just those journalists who are jealous and insecure who react this way. Most are professional and realize that bloggers are different than journalists and not out for their jobs.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe, laugh so hard I cry.
"These are the sort of wackos who gun down their fellow students at university."
On top of the absurdity, the sentence is grammatically incorrect. I expect better from a real journalist.
I left my previous job at a newspaper so I could actually make a living. Now I can afford to write without renumeration because I make more than anyone did at the newspaper.
Not only do 99.9% of journalists make a lousy living, most people making real money at a newspaper work in advertising which irks the hell out of the real journalists. This guy sounds like jealous loser.
If I ever start my own blog, maybe I'll call it the "Screwing the Mainstream Journalist Out of His Job" blog. Just to see what happens...
A raving fascist like this is the person who sounds dangerous.
Maybe he belongs on the Terrorist Watch List?
--> "offensive" annonymous ?
"Anonymous sources claim that . . . "
"According to anonymous sources . . . "
"Well placed anonymous sources have informed us that . . . "
And the best:
"An anonymous source has discredited Joe Bloe's statement / testimony / version / assertion / etcetera that . . . "
--> Bullard's biggest complaint about the blogosphere is that (gasp!) there are no rules!
He is certainly refering to the mainstream media. Perhaps he's just jealous that the Blogsphere has taken a leaf from the MSM's playbook.
So, I'm a nerd. With an ego. Who likes to be heard. So?
Some silent film actors freaked out when Talking Pictures came along. Others adapted. Some of them even made the transition to television.
Adapt or perish, I guess. Actually, Bullard should take up blogging himself. He'd make an excellent troll.
bugs --
Or, you could call it The Bug in the Craw of the MSM.
What makes you think he's not one of the ones that frequent here?
We are finally seeing the vision of a genuine freedom of speech coming to pass.
Any society that claims to be free that doesn't have a lot of speech that is offensive, nasty, mean, garbage and/or boring "tedious minutiae" isn't free at all.
Do you suppose being an idiot is an impediment in his day to day life?
Do you suppose being an idiot is an impediment in his day to day life?
Uh, he's a journalist....I think being an idiot is a qualification for that profession.
Nothing frustrates a gatekeeper as much as knowing that people walk AROUND the gate.
Anon posted; "Nothing frustrates a gatekeeper as much as knowing that people walk AROUND the gate."
That is certainly true, and a good phrase. Cool post.
It seems like David Brooks and/or George Will has attacked blogs before and I usually consider them to be good journalists.
oligonicella said: "Stephen Glass - New Republic"
I saw a movie about him in college and if my memory serves, I enjoyed it.
These are the sort of wackos who gun down their fellow students at university.
dadvocate responded: "On top of the absurdity, the sentence is grammatically incorrect. I expect better from a real journalist."
Now I am no expert on grammar, but if you are referring to the last word, I think that is the common usage in British English.
I've never heard of this guy, but it's cute when 'journalists' get all angry.
As far as the 'no rules!' complaint goes, if the 'traditional' media actually had credibility, did research, quoted people accurately, didn't fall for fake stories, didn't quote non-existant sources, didn't run doctored photos, etc etc....the appeal of blogs would be greatly reduced.
" I think that is the common usage in British English."
Well, yes. That's what makes it objectionable, old bean.
This man must really be insecure about his job to be writing an article like this. How inappropriate after this event at VA Tech.
We'll know he's really worried when he writes "These are the sort of wackos who gun down self-righteous journalists."
(God forbid...)
Bullard's comment referring to bloggers being the type of people who gun down fellow students was unnecessary and uncalled for. If he was trying to anger someone, for whatever reason, he succeeded. That was pretty close to home for me, and I am feeling for those who lost loved ones in such a senseless and violent way. And thanking God at the same time.
Journalists have been writing for years telling the masses how they need to re-train and re-educate themselves, for the world is changing; jobs of today will not be here tomorrow, blah - blah - blah. I suppose Bullard thought journalists were immune to such change. Maybe he thinks they're important. Maybe he thinks his opinion is.
Blogging is fun. I have read some hilarious things, wonderful things, intelligent, kind hearted things. Some great opinions as well. None of it from journalists, that I am aware of.
If allowed, the Internet and the desk top / lap top computer is about the closest thing to direct democracy this world can offer at this time.
Perhaps representative democracy will be able to become a thing of the past. Imagine what that will do for pork barrel politics. Look at the money we will actually be able to save.
Seems that would worry the hell out of elected "officials", bureaucrats, and journalists. Straight info without any opinion. What a concept.
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