Thursday, January 11, 2007

"Who but Enemies of the Good would Object?"

The Countertop Chronicle's blog pointed me to an interesting article in the WSJ editorial page entitled: "The Michael Nifong Scandal" that states "that the Duke rape hoax is redolent of past decades' phony child-abuse cases." Here are a few excerpt's from the editorial by Dorothy Rabinowitz:

Mr. Nifong's confidence that he had nothing to fear from establishment opinion or from the leaders of the great university as he bounded about making hash of the rules of justice--prime among them the accused's right to a presumption of innocence--proved justified. And might have remained so longer but for the catastrophic effects of the accuser's unraveling stories.

For all the public shock and fury over his behavior, there is little that is new or strange about Mr. Nifong. We have seen the likes of this district attorney, uninterested in proofs of innocence, willing to suppress any he found, many times in the busy army of prosecutors claiming to have found evidence of rampant child abuse in nursery schools and other child-care centers around the country in the 1980s and throughout most of the '90s. They built case after headline-making case charging the mass molestation of small children, and managed to convict scores of innocent Americans on the basis of testimony no rational mind could credit. Law officers who regularly violated requirements of due process in their effort to obtain a conviction, they grasped the special advantage that was theirs: that for a prosecutor dealing with molestation, and wearing the mantle of avenger, there was no such thing as excess, no limits to what could be said of the accused. In court, rules could be bent, any charges presented, and nonexistent medical evidence proclaimed as proof positive of the accusation...

In his role of avenger of a young black woman alleged to have been brutalized by white males, Mr. Nifong proceeded with similar assurance. His was a crusade. Who but enemies of the good would object? (I bolded this for emphasis). Confronted with hard questions about his evidence, whether from the defense or the press, Mr. Nifong answered that these challenges were all designed to intimidate the rape victim. More than once the DA suggested, as criticisms of his case multiplied, that he was himself a victim of the press.

The jury to which Mr. Nifong played--the black population of Durham--duly helped re-elect him. This could not prevent his case of rape and abuse against the three Duke students from coming undone, thanks in part to his own heedless behavior but mainly to the accusing dancer herself, whose shifting stories and checkered past could not be hidden.

Have you noticed that in our society, that as long as you are fighting the "good fight" that little things like facts, innocence, evidence, freedom, autonomy and discrimination against groups deemed as "bad" don't really matter? When did appearing as a crusader trump justice and truth in our society? And when did the fear of appearing "hard-hearted" become so strong that the majority of people will go along with these abusers of justice to avoid looking like "enemies of the good"? Just a few questions I think about from time to time.


Blogger Peregrine John said...

Witch hunts are still witch hunts, even without black cats or burning at the stake. An attempt to punish when there is not even a crime must itself be made punishable before the self-aggrandizing hatred which such things represent can be halted.

3:04 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger Sissy Willis said...

Check out The Fjordman Report at Gates of Vienna -- if you haven't already! -- for some ideas of where this politically correct straighjacket that threatens to immobilize us came from:

Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment

As for individuals infected with the PC bug, it seems that how you "feel about yourself" trumps results, and unforeseen consequences be damned.

4:09 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger Sissy Willis said...

Correct link for Multiculturalism and the Enlightenment, above.

4:12 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...


Thanks--interesting essay.

4:20 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger knox said...

Political Correctness was unofficially "enacted," ostensibly, to protect oppressed people. It's been around long enough now that we can see how it works in the real world, outside academia, and it's scary.

Whether it's used to convict people of serious crimes in the court of public opinion, or to accuse them of being "racist" or the like for not subscribing to an accepted ideology, it has become a tool for self-righteousness (at best) and witch hunts.

6:14 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger knox said...

Oh, yeah, I forgot, it's also used to keep us from winning the war on terror. That's a big one.

6:14 PM, January 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Nifong did to these boys was not what a DA is elected to do. He conspired to with the DNA lab to hide evidence and is now under investigation for ethics violation, which an investigation into possible criminal misconduct will probably follow.

If people like Hamilton truly believe in our justice system, then stop attacking the 48 victims of the Nifong-Rape Case and start recognizing behaviors that will quickly identify elected officials who violate public trust.

If these boys are so powerful and privilege, then why can’t they protect themselves from a whore who lied about being raped enjoying all the power of victimhood?

What kind of power and privilege do these boys have that they couldn’t protect themselves from an elected official abusing the powrs of his office for personal gain, has conspired with the DNA lab to hide evidence, and is now conspiring with the poor little black girl to sacrifice three innocent boys lives to stay out of jail?

8:25 PM, January 11, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What Nifong did to these boys was not what a DA is elected to do. He conspired to with the DNA lab to hide evidence and is now under investigation for ethics violation, which an investigation into possible criminal misconduct will probably follow.

If people like Hamilton truly believe in our justice system, then stop attacking the 48 victims of the Nifong-Rape Case and start recognizing behaviors that will quickly identify elected officials who violate public trust.

If these boys are so powerful and privilege, then why can’t they protect themselves from a whore who lied about being raped enjoying all the power of victimhood?

What kind of power and privilege do these boys have that they couldn’t protect themselves from an elected official abusing the powrs of his office for personal gain, has conspired with the DNA lab to hide evidence, and is now conspiring with the poor little black girl to sacrifice three innocent boys lives to stay out of jail?

8:25 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger tomcal said...

I am constantly amazed by the levels of corruption that are regularly discovered being practiced by U.S. Officials.

Doing a lot of business in Latin America, I see corruption all the time south of the border. But down there, it is sort of expected; more like bluffing at poker, it's a game.

In my experience, corruption in this country, when it happens, is far more mean spirited and damaging to its victims than anything I have seen elsewhere. And for what? To gain a few black votes to retain the job of D.A., we have men willing to completely destroy the lives of young boys who at worst, had a juvenile lapse of judgement.

It can't be the money, a guy like this could certainly make more money in private practice. For the life of me I can't understand the motivations of such a man.

It makes me sick.

12:40 AM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now in Knoxville three black men have been arrested in the murder of a young white male and the kidnapping, repeated rape, and subsequent murder of a young white woman. Will anyone scream that this is a race issue? I doubt it. This story will probably stay right here in Knoxville and live on only in the lives of those close to the couple killed.

8:15 AM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon said
"What Nifong did to these boys was not what a DA is elected to do."
Let's look at
"These boys"
His constituancy
The contenders for THAT office

tomcal said
"It can't be the money, a guy like this could certainly make more money in private practice."
Market/Darwinian theory dictate only competant practitioners can survive, without "special protections".

Frankly-I see nothing new here.
Let me just historicly re-invent the wheel with-
It's always quite easy to "re-adjust" one's personal morals to ease the human nature of "Yay for the side I can belong to!" when there's an easy tatget to assign blame for one's own shortcommings, provided a target most "not like us" can effortlessly be denounced with few words on a Madlib.
merely another (fill in the blank)..,deserving of all agony dispensed by the chosen, lest our own hands own hands show blood, because they threaten our comfort by(fill in the blank again)...

Make no mistake, I claim no personal innocence in this issue.

10:24 AM, January 12, 2007  
Blogger DADvocate said...

What's as bad or worse than Nifong are all the Duke faculty and administration that immediately jumped on the band wagon. Bigotry in the South has taken a new direction. Looked like a modern version of an old Southern tradition.

TNP makes a good point. But if you lock your car doors or express any trepidation of being a victim of a black on white crime, you're a racist.

10:57 AM, January 12, 2007  
Blogger Soccer Dad said...

Dorothy Rabinowitz speaks with special authority. She was the one who uncovered the phony abuse cases and saved a number of people time in jail.

11:29 AM, January 12, 2007  
Blogger TMink said...

Helen asked: "When did appearing as a crusader trump justice and truth in our society?"

I am not sure when it happened, but I think that Watergate and the Nixon resignation had a lot to do with it. That time period has sucked John Kerry into a black hole of 1969 to 1972. Reporters now focus on "doing good" rather than good reporting which is fact based.

And I think part of it can be traced to the left focusing more on theory than data. When you are focused on writing (OK, I meant to type righting but writing is appropos as well is it not) wrongs for the least among us, all you see is wrongs done to the usual suspected victims. When all you have is a hammer, the world looks like nails. Especially if you do not really LOOK at and CONSIDER the object in terms of goodness of fit.


12:20 PM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tomcal said "It can't be the money, a guy like this could certainly make more money in private practice. For the life of me I can't understand the motivations of such a man."

According to what I read yesterday, the guy who ran Nifong's primary campaign is saying that Nifong's main concern was that he needed to get re-elected and serve 3 years and 7 months in order to qualify for a PENSION. He was way behind in the primary race and latched onto this case as a way to get himself elected by being the "champion" of blacks in his jurisdiction. It worked. Hopefully, he'll never make his 3 years and 7 months (except maybe in jail).

Mike Doughty

6:04 PM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that campaign manager isn't a guy, but rather a womwn named Jackie Brown.

Mike Doughty

6:12 PM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see any saints in "being tried in the media".

If you think the defense attorneys sat on their hands and didn't leak dirt (and there was enough to leak) to the media that would damage the accuser to prejudice the case in favor of their clients, then you haven't noticed how high profile cases usually work.

As you note: the political correct horse got out of the stall first and won the day -- at least for awhile.

Wouldn't it be nice if we all could have our day in court on the day of the trial.

6:52 PM, January 12, 2007  
Blogger Vader said...

I read an article the other day claiming that the NC Bar's Code of Ethics permits defense attorneys to respond to scurrilous reports in the media if such reports could reasonably be expected to taint the juror pool.

Even if such reports originate with the DA. Especially if such reports originate with the DA.

12:34 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a liberal-ish independent, this is what attracts me to your blog - your defense of the unjustly accused, whether a sexual abuse accusation or an accusation for simply being male.

I have special insight on this as my family has been affected by false accusations, during the child abuse witch hunt of the 80's. My relative was forced to make a plea bargain, as his family was so terrified that he would be sent to jail and murdered. Politics played a huge part in all of this - prosecuters, DA's, lawyers, judges - were all hyping this as a notch for their career. Ommitted from the trial was the accuser's mother's propensity for making such accusations. The myth of the sainthood of motherhood and childhood (incapable of lies)also played a part in how things transgressed. And now Megan's Law, which everyone seems to support.

Now this would be a great book! Who wants to write it! The new witch hunt and the politics behind them!


2:52 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Besides the accuser, there really is only one person to blame her - Nifong. This is an age old story: personal greed and ambition corrupting the soul of a public servant. Political correctness is just the wave of the moment, Nifong is the one who decided to surf it for his own gain. Forty years ago he would have surfed the wave of white racism and prosecuted innocent black men accused of raping a white woman.

Social movements, irregardless of the idealistic motivations behind them, will inevitably be harnessed by individuals and institutions for their own benefit, whether they be politicians, academicians, journalists , publicity-seeking celebrities, lawyers or for-profit companies. How many people and organizations are still riding the waves of the civil rights movement? How many are legitimate and how many are just usurpers?

9:23 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides the accuser, there really is only one person to blame her - Nifong.

Before we go painting these young men as innocents, here's some advice for your own sons:


No underage offcampus drinking parties with strippers. No racial slurs yelled. No expectations that two paid women will be able to get off a crowdful of horny young men.

Get out there boys, split up, and work for your women, like the rest of the reasonable men do. You start paying to play... well, sometimes you really do pay to play. For what? To look at jiggling naughty parts, surrounded by your pack? This can only bring out the ugly, and sometimes ugly well, gets ugly.

It's too bad about those 3 young men, just like it's too bad when black young men are suspected for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It happens too. I'm sure folks feel their pain, but the wise ones would give them advice on how never to get yourself in that situation to begin with.

Unfortunately, some seem to think paid strippers have some morality code because they're paid; that white athletes are entitled to such a paid service; and that no bad things ever happen to "good" people. Then you grow up and learn. And sometimes it costs ya.

Pass this on; protect the white boys.

9:31 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going to a drinking party, hiring a stripper, and shouting a racial slur are not rape. Bad behavior is not criminal.

Making false accusations and breaking the law just to move a questionable criminal case are, in themselves, criminal behavior.

It's not a question of "protecting the white boys." It's a question of justice. And being male or being white, or being both, does not disqualify one from being treated justly.


10:25 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger SGT Ted said...

"Before we go painting these young men as innocents, here's some advice for your own sons:


Uhuh. Don't wear that short skirt to the club, honey! If you get raped, well, you know you could have avoided that by staying home in your petticoats and knitting.

How 'bout:


oo surprise! Theres underage DRINKING!! going on at a COLLEGE CAMPUS!!!??!

I'm shocked! shocked I tell you!

and..they hired a stripper!!! ooo how uhh risque!!

Because it's certainly not illegal.

But, maybe some people think that behavior unique to males should be criminalized. For the Children you see.

20 years ago, 18 was the dringing age in NC. See, you can die for your country, but heaven forfend you should drink a beer or have a shot of Jack.

Bottom line: Distasteful activities like hiring strippers and the nominally underage drinking of military draft age males does not rate being falsely accused of rape as some sort of karmic societal retribution.

10:35 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...

Anonymous 9:31:

Do you also believe women who act imprudently deserve to be raped? Because the Duke students were raped by the justice system. Or maybe you are pro-rape?

10:37 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

SOrry Helen. I don't believe the "Duke students were raped by the justice system."

Can't photo times be altered? Doesn't a jury get to decide based on evidence, not the press? These men hired expensive defense attorneys who are playing out of court. Just because you are convinced of their "innocence", not all are.

No, strippers should not be raped, nor should "women who act imprudently". Do they get raped and assaulted? Yes. At parties by athletes. I bet it happens.

If your boys don't want to be "raped" by the justice system, tell them not to put themselves in compromising situations because there is always a risk.

And you know what Helen,
your emotions are showing here over reasoning: "Or maybe you are pro-rape?"

Try to take a walk outside (good for your heart too) and reread what is written with a cooler head. If you come away with me supporting rape, you are cocoloco

10:51 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Going to a drinking party, hiring a stripper, and shouting a racial slur are not rape. Bad behavior is not criminal.

So let's hear the "evidence in court that the boys didn't go to a drinking party, hire 2 strippers, make racial slurs when they didn't get what they paid for, and ...

Am I just not seeing the halos around these 3, or are the defense attorneys that go that we don't let this one go to trial?

Absolutely it is a question of justice. Just be patient, eh? Sometimes "innocents" are caught up too, such is life, black and white and all shades between.

10:55 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oo surprise! Theres underage DRINKING!! going on at a COLLEGE CAMPUS!!!??!

I'm shocked! shocked I tell you!

and..they hired a stripper!!! ooo how uhh risque!!

Because it's certainly not illegal.

Believe it or not,
sometimes alcohol, racial flames, young men sexually aroused in a team bonding can lead to other illegal activities from the drinking. No really. Check it out.

And I don't recomment sending your daughters out in short skirts into these drinking parties either. Maybe the Reynoldses' are just more liberal than me. I'm anti-rape, for prevention, you know.

Let the kids learn, take responsibility and have faith in the justice system, just like we ask so many others to do. Again, it takes time.

10:59 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, maybe some people think that behavior unique to males should be criminalized. For the Children you see.

Chicks hire strippers too!
And enough painting these boys as children. Others their age are dying in war. Let the men take responsibility for the situation and honestly defend themselves.

Painting them as victims (raped by the justice system) is yet another way of women like Helen victimizing our "boys". IF these 3 buy into that mentality, their lives are doomed. Once that victim mentality sets in, you always lose. No matter how many pretty things you're surrounded by to comfort you in your victimization. No really. Check it out in life, men.

11:04 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger SGT Ted said...

"Believe it or not,
sometimes alcohol, racial flames, young men sexually aroused in a team bonding can lead to other illegal activities from the drinking. No really. Check it out."

Just because it CAN doesn't mean that it DID!

So, when someone is falsely accused of a serious crime (rape)by Government officials, which results in your being tossed out of college for a year without even being tried, much less convicted of anything, and having your good name smeared across the country in the press, you aren't a victim of anything?

What!? Put down the crackpipe and read your own words. These guys are legitimately victims. This isn't a case of someone claiming they are a victim just because they didn't like what someone else said or from some injustice committed on their distant ancestors by someone elses distant ancestors.

This isn't some vague claim to being a victim because of ones skin color absent any real crime. This a case of abuse of authority which has had real negative effects on their lives.

You people who are blowing it off would be singing a different tune if it was YOU in the crosshairs and you damn well know it.

12:01 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just because it CAN doesn't mean that it DID!

So, when someone is falsely accused of a serious crime (rape)by Government officials, which results in your being tossed out of college for a year without even being tried, much less convicted of anything, and having your good name smeared across the country in the press, you aren't a victim of anything?

What!? Put down the crackpipe and read your own words. These guys are legitimately victims. This isn't a case of someone claiming they are a victim just because they didn't like what someone else said or from some injustice committed on their distant ancestors by someone elses distant ancestors.

This isn't some vague claim to being a victim because of ones skin color absent any real crime. This a case of abuse of authority which has had real negative effects on their lives.

So you have faith in the justice system and have a trial in court, not on emotion-spewing blogs.

Be patient and have faith. Justice comes a bit late sometimes, but comes she does for those who have faith.

1:13 PM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Unknown said...

Painting them as victims (raped by the justice system) is yet another way of women like Helen victimizing our "boys". IF these 3 buy into that mentality, their lives are doomed. Once that victim mentality sets in, you always lose. No matter how many pretty things you're surrounded by to comfort you in your victimization. No really. Check it out in life, men.

There's a difference between being a victim and having a victim mentality. If the men are being falsely accused, then they are victims and it is perfectly appropriate to say so. That's not playing the "victim" card. Helen is victimizing them by saying they're victims? Give me a break!

4:24 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be patient and have faith. Justice comes a bit late sometimes, but comes she does for those who have faith.

Easier than a stickup, isn't it?

7:01 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Helen is victimizing them by saying they're victims? Give me a break!

Helen is helping to victimize them via proclaimng the Duke students were "raped by the justice system." Ouch. Was that after booking but before they were bonded out?

7:18 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. Was that after booking but before they were bonded out? Neither
I'd say it was sometime between an amature rape examination and the exclusively caucasian DNA sampling party,
Of course, these were both founded on
accusations in continious flux as forensic data was progressively discovered so it's hard to say.

11:18 AM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger Bob's Blog said...

Your last paragraph was just beautiful. As a child protection worker I always derived as much pleasure seeing innocent people be freed from false charges as I did in seeing people guilty of heinous crimes get convicted.

10:43 PM, January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:13 AM, June 08, 2009  

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