"I hope that some day, you marry a guy who chokes you and gives you a black eye!"
Read about Cathy Young's run-in with Judith Regan, publisher at Harper Collins, who was recently fired from her job. Good riddance, it sounds like after reading Ms. Young's post.
Ms. Regan got what she deserved: the same treatment she gave to many others. Based on what I've read about her from credible sources, she is a thoroughly abusive person who liked to use her position and authority to berate others. There are too many people of both genders who do this, so there's a certain satisfaction in seeing one of them fired for it. I did get a smile from the fact that articles somewhat sympathetic to her used euphemisms like "sharp elbowed" to describe her reprehensible behavior.
Mike Doughty
She seems to approve of men who choke women and give them a black, at least as long as she can make money off them. Utter hypocrite, bogus moral outrage.
Yeow !
" ... it's that she's an anti-father bigot. (A friend who used to work for HarperCollins, not directly for Regan but with a few people who had direct contact with her, told me that she was famous for referring to the father of her children as "the sperm donor.") Another sad thing is that women like Regan claim -- and perhaps sincerely think -- that they are disliked because our culture labels strong, independent, aggressive women as bitches. Unfortunately, sometimes the label fits."
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