Blog Juice
Well, apparently everyone is taking a look at their ranking on the new Blog Juice Calculator that determines one's blog rank by the number of Blogline subscribers, links, Technorati and Alexa ranking. Okay, so my blog does not have the highest ranking (why the heck would it? I work off a free blogger site, post less than most and have some odd ideas according to some) but it is not the worse. A Blog Juice score of 5.5--I'll take that.
I bet my score is much much worse than yours. lol
yep 3.4 for me
Interesting how they weight scoring
Bloglines subscribers 40%
Alexa 15%
Technorati 30%
Links 15%
Mark K. Sprengel,
Yes, the high percentage for bloglines is interesting. It would seem to come out differently if yahoo or another RSS reader was used. Hey 3.4 isn't bad either.
These kind of rankings always confuse me. Like politics, it seems the parameters are set to get the desired result. Seven of my nineteen favorites are on the list, of course you being one of my favorites. I look at your blog as one of quality over quantity and I look at your site everyday. It is always nice to read a blog that educates or expands the mind. I do not go to blogs to read filler. If I did I would read newspapers or watch tv instead.
I'd give you a ten just based on that photo. Rrrowrrr!
I would like to point out that most computer people in the know block alexa and by and large consider alexa spyware and therefore find ways of blocking them and similar tracking companies.
Ha! I've got ALL of you beat. A whopping, large, undeniably popular score of. . .
It is done Letterman style, right? Start with number 10 and end with number one? So that means I beat Daily Kos and a bunch of others? Right?
Okay. . .maybe not.
This is interesting. Speaking as a rationalist, I must ask:
How did they arrive at this formula?
I wonder whose doing the selling and the buying?
Hey, call me Mr. Suspicious. My father's spent 35 years doing public policy health research and my background is in journalism.
Any time I stare at a data set or qualitative analysis promoting X over Y, I tend to get curious as to who will benefit if X beats Y.
BJ looks a little fishy to me.
Mine is 0.1 (do they have a zero rating?).
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