Oriana Fallaci Dies
Sadly, the writer Oriana Fallaci has died of cancer (Hat Tip: With Malice Toward None). I have always been a big fan or her work--especially The Rage and The Pride.
There is more at PajamasMedia.com.
Commentary on popular culture and society, from a (mostly) psychological perspective
Which part of The Rage & the Pride did you like best -- the one where she said "the sons of Allah breed like rats"?
As someone who is gestating one of those rat-like sons of Allah at the moment, that certainly made a strong impression on me.
Maybe if you expressed some phony outrage over Orianna's breasts this entry would get some responses.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe HATES
The Rage & The Pride
angry at Islam problems
because so many truths hurt
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