Who Needs Vegetables Anyway?
So here is a guy who has not eaten a vegetable in over a quarter of a century. One doctor's verdict: "Perhaps your diet is not ideal as a long-term strategy, but you are healthy now," he says. "In fact, I would say that you are as healthy as our vegetarian clients." Read the whole thing.
Man, I could not eat that way! My family belongs to a Community Supported Agriculture setup in which we get a big box of fresh, organic (not that I care) vegetables every Wednesday afternoon during the season. Last night I grilled some zuchinni and yellow squash to go along with the pork ribs. Yum. As Southerners, veggies are a big part of our diet. And most of the time they are not even fried or cooked till the are mush. But sometimes they are!
I am sure there are people out there that can get along just fine on an all-meat diet. There are people that run marathons that celebrate afterward with a tasty cigarette. Some people don't exercise but are also a vision of health.
However, I've learned the hard way I don't fit in those catagories. My mother and I get to battle high cholesterol, fatty red meat just isn't in the cards for us. We have to be very diligent in what food we put in our mouths.
I'm sure there are other people out there that have similar problems. Vegetables have valuable vitamins, complex carbs, antioxidants and fiber. I'll stick with the 5-9 servings/day of the fruits and veggies, thank you very much.
Vegetables are not food.
Vegetables are what food eats.
Vegetarian is an ancient word meaning "lousy hunter"...
Is "as healthy as our vegetarian clients" a good thing?
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