Menace in Europe
Right Wing News has an interview with author, Claire Berlinski, on her book, Menace in Europe : Why the Continent's Crisis Is America's, Too.
It is an interesting interview. If you want to hear more from Claire, check out our podcast with her here.
First off, great podcast Helen!
I have no problem with immigrants even if they are "poorly educated [and] traditional." The same argument was made against Catholics, Jews, Orthodox and other groups a hundred-years ago.
The problem begins when they do not accept and assimilate into the American nationality. If Muslims want to stay in Umma, that's okay. If they refuse to accept that they are also Americans and wish to kill those who are not in the Umma, then there is a problem.
It's interesting that the interview begins by blaming atheism. In Berlinski's view, the Europeans unwisely and unnaturally created a vacuum of faith. It is now as a matter of course getting filled with left-wing flakiness and, worse, political Islam.
So, Helen, are you prepared for Pesach, two weeks from today? "Barukh attah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher kideshanu bemitzvotav ve-tsivanu lehadlik ner shel (shabbat v’shel) yom tov. AMEN" Learn it well, or you too may fall off the wagon in due time, just like the decrepit Europeans.
For readers who are not Jewish (I am not) and are wondering what the business above was, it is a Passover Prayer:
"Blessed art thou, Lord our God, Master of the universe, who sanctifies us with Your commandments, and commanded us to kindle the light of shabbat and of the holiday."
I certainly hope that Dr. Kuperberg wasn't being obnoxious with his transliteration of Hebrew. Perhaps he genuinely meant something kind, instead of being snarky to people who believe, or do not believe. If the latter, sir, please be more respectful of people who possess a different world view than you do. If the former, thank you for reminding all of us---gentile and Jew alike---of our history and relationship to the universe.
Oh, I have no trouble blaming atheism--as opposed to tolerance for belief and unbelief--for a lot of the world's woes.
In this day of 12th century Islamofascists, we tend to forget the bad old days of the Soviet Union, when the world teetered on the edge of incineration.
Those folks were pretty actively atheistic. Their spiritual leader---still followed on university campus world wide---was also quite opposed to people of belief.
Of course Professor Kuperberg will now attack me---perhaps in a variety of languages, to demonstrate his quite genuine learning---but he above all people should not have made the error of assigning evil intent solely to folks with a religious interest.
I have to question her warning that the UK could become a quasi-hostile state in one election.
She says there are 2 million Mulsims in the UK, and they form a hostile core. There are 60 million people in the UK. Where do those hostile Muslims get the other 29 million they will need?
If those 29 million are already there, then it hardly makes sense to blame a hostile reaction on the 2 million Muslims unless she claims that 2 million is the margin needed to tip a country already teetering on hostility. But that's not what she says.
Dear Anonymous
I think you will find that even two bad boys can terrorise an entire council estate.
You do not need a majority to cause significant trouble, or to raise both hostility and fear or to stir up hatred throughout a wide area.
A small comitted number can do the trick!
Angry Harry,
I agree a few can do a lot of damage. However, I take the following to mean the change would come through an election. Do you see a different meaning?
"Indeed, it is perfectly conceivable that Britain could, like France, become a quasi-hostile power within one election."
- Helen,
The “great communicators” of the PR & Propaganda section of Washington’s Conmintern are now jumping around in glee, exhibiting Moussaoui’s suicidal “full confessions” as proof of their wisdom and further justification of “why we fight in Iraq and Afghanistan” [sic]
Zach Moose’s theatrical self-indictment will no doubt contribute to the neurotic atmosphere of mass hysteria that the Neocon have been fostering methodically with their jingoistic “analyses” of 9-11, Islam, Arabism…etc. Expect an avalanche of jingoistic we-told-you-Ayyrabz-were-savages editorials in the columns of the National Review and the Weekly Standard!
How an inoffensive (except maybe for himself!) unstable Euro-Moroccan prole eager to get his proverbial 5 minutes of glory through the grandiloquent use of outlandish statements and other “jihadist verbiages” can attract the attention of so many “conservative” minds shows the extent to which conservatism, once the ideological home of our nation’s virile and rational minds, has become of sub-ideology of sensationalist pussies and other Neocon carpetbaggers…
TEX-AVIV NEWSWIRE: I mean like Jeez! The goateed brownie even said “and I shall destroy the un-white house of the koffir Emir Bôoch may the Almighty curse his tribe’s camels and women for 40 consecutive decades Insh’Allah”
What's your point?
as someone from the UK, na dhas seen terrorism, sustained for 33 years, and nearly getting blown up twice in my life(i sort of had a premonition and cancelled my trip to manchester and to warrington felt funny so didnt go).. it doesnt take many people to create an atmosphere, and that forces the government into foolish, and dangerous laws. the voting in the uk is declining so a block of 2 million, is a very large voting block, and the politicians will make laws to favour those, and so on..
The trouble with a democracy is that even those who would destroy it get to vote.
I always wondered how many religous groups seem to find some way to blame atheism for all the problems in the world, even though atheists are a small minority of the worlds population, unless you include buddhism. As for conservative Christians in Canada they frequently stoop to name calling. Political leaders that vote for gay marriage or other 'unchristian' things are called atheists or secularists even though the people voting for the laws are almost always Christians. The largest church in Canada is the United Church of Canada an extremely left wing radical feminist pro-abortion and pro-homosexuality denomination. Most liberals I've met either belong to this church, the Anglican church or some nutty goddess worshiping pagan church. Most socialists and communists I've met are Christians also. I believe their saviour said something about taking the plank out of your own eye.
The problem begins when they do not accept and assimilate into the American nationality
Oh but I thought America was the great melting pot. Can it not be a melting pot culturally, in values terms, as well as racially?
Make up your mind, schizophrenic Americanos.
There's two things that annoy me about this blog entry and accompanied link:
1. Americans talking down to Europe, talking about "crisis" and "menace" there; as if it their place to evaluate and determine European life.
2. Liberals like Dr. Helen who are all for low birth rates and mass immigration suddenly being xenophobic and anti when it comes to "the Muzzies". It's hugely hypocritical.
"The trouble with a democracy is that even those who would destroy it get to vote."
No. The trouble with democracy is democracy.
Democracy is an illusion.
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