Where's the Men's Center?

Well, it's time for podcast #2 of the Dr. Helen/Instapundit show. In honor of the American Renaissance Film festival this weekend in Los Angeles, we will be talking with Stuart Browning and Evan Coyne Maloney of On The Fence films about their upcoming documentary, Indoctrinate U. It is a documentary about political correctness on college campuses and after seeing some of the footage, I have to say, it is a terrific body of work. For anyone out there who has had to bite their tongue in the classroom, been raked over the coals by a PC professor or lost their job due to unpopular political views, this podcast is for you. Click here to play the podcast. You can also subscribe via iTunes.
And if you have suggestions, leave them in the comments!
The U of Oregon had a Men's Center that was founded while I was there. The unfortunate thing was that it was run by sad, lefty men who bought the whole cult-of-the-victim thing and toed the same line as the the Women's Center folks.
Some friends and I joked that a true Men's Center would contain only the following five things:
1) Beer
2) TV showing Boxing
3) Various Meats
4) Benches/Stools
5) A guy to punch you if you got weepy or emotional.
My brilliant husband (really: an inactive Mensan), an excellent writer, received a D on a paper in what was supposed to be a Communication class, but was cross-listed as a Social Science course. Reason: He utterly failed to prepare the politically-correct paper the professor wanted. Other than that, he always had A's and B's on his papers. He's a quick learner, though, and subsequently parroted what the man wanted to hear.
P.S. I forgot the other part: The professor recommended that Bruce enroll in a remedial writing course.
He was an idiot with a J.D.
I enjoyed the first podcast. I don't want to run afoul of Steven Den Beste's rules for responding (e.g., I don't want to be annoying and picky). Some thoughts:
1) you have a great voice for radio. Glenn's voice next to yours sounds some distant and thin, as if he's farther away from the microphone.
2) I imagine this is a limitation of the telephone hookup, but Michelle Malkin's voice was sometimes hard to hear (of course, my driving at 70 mph down an expressway while listening on my iPod might have had something to do with this :-).
3) The musical cues were nicely done. Are these going to remain the same (your signature, as it were) or will you change them each podcast?
Podcasting has, I suggest, the potential to do to MSM TalkRadio what blogging has done to the MSM. In this respect it may actually upset the 'right-wing' talk show hosts (ask Hewitt!) as it may then to carve audience away from them, much as blogging has begun carving audience away from MSM news.
In the past I've considered blogging to be the 'Kodak Brownie Box Camera' of computing. In the early days of photography one could create good images but it required extensive technical knowledge and experience. It was left to professionals and the most dedicated amatuers. Once the Brownie can along, anyone could take a decent (good enough for themselves) photograph. Photography exploded.
Likewise, before blogger, one could create a website but it required extensive knowledge of HTML. Now pretty much anyone can create a personal webspace. It may not be as spiffy and it won't have the traffic that cnn.com will have, but it's going to cause news/opinion dissemination to explode.
Podcasting is going to do the same thing for voice. You may have heard this already, but Apple Computer's most recent update to 'GarageBand' (their personal music creation software) now allows you to move your music and voice to a podcast format with one click. Very cool, and just one example of how podcasting is going to take off over the next year.
Looking forward to the new podcast. I'll have to see if iTunes at home has it ready for me tonight ...
steve white,
Thanks for the thoughts. The new podcast should be clearer. The music will be different each time--depending on our topic and guests.
I went to get a CT scan today and was greeted by a big "Inova Women's Hospital" sign. I wondered, do they have a corresponding Men's Hospital? Why not?
I am enjoying the podcasts. I really don't like to listen to music (I know, horrors!), and podcasts are the perfect "spoken word" accompaniment to driving and walking, for me.
Technically, the phone interviews sounded much better on the Evan Coyne Maloney/ Stuart Browning installment, but I notice a background hiss with each word as they speak. It must be on the phone pickup, as neither InstaInterviewer comes across with that sound.
Anyway, keep it up. I love 'em!
Nice `cast--I want to echo Timothys observation: there are a few Men's Studies courses but they are simply repackaged Women's Studies (instead of "men are awful" it's "why are we men awful?"). And when I developed an unapologetic course in Literature By and About Men, the University of California initially refused to accept it as transferable. That's the mindset Evan is talking about--such a course was literally unthinkable for them.
I just finished listening to this current podcast - very nice job. (I still need to go back and listen to the Michelle Malkin podcast... I need more time in my days I think)
When Evan was talking about waiting for elective surgery in the UK and Canada - I was remembering a lady I know who lives in the UK - she had cataracts and needed surgery. She was put on a 9 month waiting list. But the cataracts were bad enough that she couldn't continue the work she was doing. Then about 3 weeks after having been put on the list, she was ecstatic to let all her friends know that she had been able to get herself moved up on the time table - thus she only had to wait 2 more months before her surgery. This was apparently because her job was "important".
While all the emails flew around congratulating her for her luck... all I could think of was - what about the person who got displaced because of her? Someone who has already had to wait the 9-12 month wait and now has to wait longer, because they aren't quite as "important".
But that's just me... personally I'll stay in the US.
When I was at the University of Arizona ('89-'93), and subsequently in teacher-education courses, I came to realize that men, especially *white* men, were considered unnecessary, at best. Mostly, they were decidedly inferior beings who needed to be put in their place at the lowest level of humanity. If the kinds of comments and reactions I witnessed being made to white men were made against any other segment of the population, protests would have broken out.
Men "of color" were not much better off, but because their skin was not white, the PC-ers were more circumspect so as not to be accused of racism. Sexism against [white] men: okay. Racism: okay, only if the target is white and not female.
Judging by the post, above, about Ann Coulter and her treatment at the U of AZ, the climate has not improved.
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