Winner (s) of the Liberal Hypocrisy Contest
There were a total of 45 comments and entries for the liberal hypocrisy contest in honor of Peter Schweizer's book, Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy.
I enjoyed reading them all but I chose the first place winner based on my being the angriest. It is from Donna B:
This boss from hell seems to have broken every politically correct rule in the book --she treats females like crap, pays men higher wages (but still treats them like pedophiles), and touts empowerment for women while firing or getting rid of anyone who stands up for themselves. Bravo to Donna B. for having the wherewithal to put up with this woman and keep her sanity.
The entry that made me laugh the hardest came from Addison (runner-up):
As a psychologist who works with angry clients, I have to say that Addison's entry was priceless in terms of imagery for me. It reminds me of the logic of past antisocial patients who tell me that they are angry that ordinary citizens can own guns because now they have to carry one too, in case they get "jumped" while robbing a house.
Donna B and Addison, please email me at so I can get your prizes to you.
Thanks to everyone for participating!
An ex-boss, the CEO of a local non-profit. She talks feminism, hires almost exclusively females (except for those jobs she considers "male only" that have anything to do with construction or repair), but pays meager salaries (except to those males and herself).
Most infuriating is the way she demoralizes the few females she's "grooming" in high visibility positions. Whenever they try to spread their wings and fly, she shoots them down with a "my (male) lawyer, accountant, doctor, etc., says that's not wise." The board of this non-profit is hand-picked by her and dominated by male professionals. The female members fill demographic slots she's required by some funding regulators to have and they are actively discouraged from taking part.
I'm proud to have been fired by her for not being a "team player". (I defended Laura Bush and Condoleezza Rice during a staff meeting, though the official reason for my "dismissal" was that my position was being eliminated. True to form, she contracted what I'd been doing to an all male accounting firm at triple the cost.) Sorry there's absolutely nothing funny about this "liberal feminist" nutjob.
....I failed to mention the way this ex-boss treated the few male social workers she hired - they were not allowed to work with children and their every word and action was minutely scrutinized for signs of sexual harassment. They were also held to a higher performance threshold, justified by the higher salary she said she had to pay to hire them!
This boss from hell seems to have broken every politically correct rule in the book --she treats females like crap, pays men higher wages (but still treats them like pedophiles), and touts empowerment for women while firing or getting rid of anyone who stands up for themselves. Bravo to Donna B. for having the wherewithal to put up with this woman and keep her sanity.
The entry that made me laugh the hardest came from Addison (runner-up):
Addison said...
Admit it, you're trying to get enough material to fill your own book.
Let's see.
Guy in CA I know:
Screams about "tax cuts for the rich". Insisting bigger government is ALWAYS better.
Makes his living on ebay sales, cash transactions, and brags about not sending money to the IRS for 10 years.
Also, talks about the anger inherent in the "religious right" , then in the next breath, talks about keying SUVs in his parking garage. (Because they were big, SUVs, and probably Republicans).
As a psychologist who works with angry clients, I have to say that Addison's entry was priceless in terms of imagery for me. It reminds me of the logic of past antisocial patients who tell me that they are angry that ordinary citizens can own guns because now they have to carry one too, in case they get "jumped" while robbing a house.
Donna B and Addison, please email me at so I can get your prizes to you.
Thanks to everyone for participating!
Congratulations to the winners....
Although having to deal with those two situations must have been awful.
"Eric Blair"
What about ROSIE O,DONNELL who calls for gun control then gets gun for her adoupted childs bodyguard and same for MICHEAL DOUGLAS who has recently gone to the UN for more gun control and a world wide gun ban. Then theres the hollywood celeberties and various liberal columist who whine about people driving SUVs then ride to their fancy award shows in their gas guzzling limos theres LEONARDO DICAPRIO who flew from LA to WASHINGTON D.C. then drove to a park to give a inpassionate SAVE THE EARTH speech on earth day a few yrars back i mean DICK GEPTHART drove a SUV to a place to critisize bushes energy plan. I mean if you realy look at it there plenty of liberal hypotcrits
I as most other people, find hypocrisy abhorrent. I think it would only be fair to do a Conservative Hypocrisy Contest. Wouldn't it be hypocritical not to? I mean, aren't the people that this was about really conservatives, posing as liberals? Therefore there should be one for people who are liberals, posing as conservatives. Are they really the same thing, really just middle Americans? Perhaps, just as confused as anyone else, just unfortunate enough to be seen as they are because someone doesn't like them?
The liberal hypotcrits can be brought up whena few years ago some cable channels same up with some popycock called VOICES AGAINST VIOLENCE and one of them was the controversial M-TV they showed the guns confiscated from crinimals and as we know M-TV has produced some of the most infamous music videos of all time including if a do recall ICE-Ts imfamous music video COP KILLER
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