Liberal Hypocrisy
If you have always wondered how your liberal friends can tout raising taxes (for compassionate reasons, of course!) in one breath and use the couch they bought for their home as a business deduction in another, than Peter Schweizer's new book, Do As I Say (Not As I Do) : Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy
, is for you. The book looks at the way famous liberals live and finds that despite their attempt at moral superiority, their personal lives are a series of contradictions.
Social parasite Noam Chomsky denounces capitalism in one hypocritical breath, while taking millions from the Pentagon in the other (while, of course, denouncing the Pentagon as the epitome of evil). Corporate criminal Michael Moore states he does not own stocks because they represent the corrupt capitalist system, yet the back cover of the book highlights a number of Moore's stocks, including Halliburton (which made him some good money). Bill and Hillary Clinton, have claimed thousands in write-offs over the years that they were not entitled to.
Yes, Conservatives have their issues too. Rush Limbaugh has been addicted to OxyContin while going after drug addicts in his younger days, Dr. Laura posed nude in her younger days while preaching family values and Bill Bennett preached honesty, integrity and virtue, despite gambling. But they have all pointed out that they felt these acts were mistakes (except for Bennett who had never singled out gambling as immoral), and they did not benefit from their acts. Liberals, on the other hand, are not only given a pass by the media for their hypocritical behavior, but are rewarded for it. One of my readers put it best in this comment:
Given that these liberals don't think their advice and policies hold true for themselves, should we really base our politics on their views?
Social parasite Noam Chomsky denounces capitalism in one hypocritical breath, while taking millions from the Pentagon in the other (while, of course, denouncing the Pentagon as the epitome of evil). Corporate criminal Michael Moore states he does not own stocks because they represent the corrupt capitalist system, yet the back cover of the book highlights a number of Moore's stocks, including Halliburton (which made him some good money). Bill and Hillary Clinton, have claimed thousands in write-offs over the years that they were not entitled to.
Yes, Conservatives have their issues too. Rush Limbaugh has been addicted to OxyContin while going after drug addicts in his younger days, Dr. Laura posed nude in her younger days while preaching family values and Bill Bennett preached honesty, integrity and virtue, despite gambling. But they have all pointed out that they felt these acts were mistakes (except for Bennett who had never singled out gambling as immoral), and they did not benefit from their acts. Liberals, on the other hand, are not only given a pass by the media for their hypocritical behavior, but are rewarded for it. One of my readers put it best in this comment:
To me, that's the greatest value of the book: it shows how very smart, very successful liberals have become successful despite, not because, of their liberal principles. And unlike the armchair philosopher who fails to live up to his philosophy, these people are trying to persuade or even coerce others to live according to the principles and rules they themselves reject daily by their actions. To me, that's by far the greatest hypocrisy of all.
Given that these liberals don't think their advice and policies hold true for themselves, should we really base our politics on their views?
"Dr. Laura posed nude in her younger days while preaching family values and Bill Bennett preached honesty, integrity and virtue, despite gambling."
Re Dr Laura, somebody (it may have been her) said "Do as I say not as I do is hypocrisy. Do as I say not as I did is the voice of experience". Also, I'm pretty sure she wasn't preaching family values when she was posing nude. With respect to Bill Bennett, Bennett is Catholic, a denomination that openly uses gambling events as fundraisers. Whatever you think of the morality of gambling, it's pretty clear that the moral framework he operates from doesn't consider it sinful or immoral. Moreover, though most Protestant denominations condemn gambling, I'm not aware of any biblical passage that specifically does (though I'm ready to be educated on that one).
There are no passages in the bible that explicitly condemn gambling.
In fact, the casting of lots is used to make important decisions in a few places; although it's noted that the Lord works through this means as well ("The lot is cast in the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord.").
The proscriptions against gambling derive from a few sources. Foremost, the love of money is considered wicked (1 Timothy, and others) and that it could be considered covetuous. Also that obtaining money without work is immoral (Proverbs).
[And I thought all those years of Bible school were wasted!]
My favorite example of liberal hypocrisy comes from a few years back, when Norman Lear was preaching that we should all drive small cars so as to "save the planet," but he just hadn't been able to give up his gas-guzzling Mercedes. Poor baby. :)
To sissy willis,
Yes, my favorite example of liberal hypocrisy is when the Rosie O'Donnell's of Hollywood think that somehow their body guard has the right to protect them and their families with firearms but we lesser mortals are somehow supposed to go defenseless. These types make a case that they should have special privileges because of all the stalkers out there but let them do my job (or work as a taxi driver etc.) for awhile and they might change their tune.
Dear Dr. Helen:
GREAT review! But batton down the metaphorical hatches. The troll-fest will shortly begin (following Scott Adams' basic principles).
I don't know if you heard the story about Arianna Huffington (who has so much psychological baggage she requires several valets). She rails on and on about the evils of wasteful SUVs....and yet has been photographed being chauffeured (sp?) in one multiple times!
I honestly believe that all this is part of an age-old elitist and aristocratic movement that wishes the few and successful to have all their creature comforts, but have the average American toe every kind of minimalist line. Kind of an H.G. Wells Eloi and Morlocks theme, but without the cannibalism of the Morlocks.
At least not yet. If the New Aristocrats continue with their hypocrisy, we Morlocks will rise and throw them down from their highfalutin thrones!
Wow. Too florid, I know.
And yes, I include right wing hypocrites in this area, too...
Again, a great review!
"Eric Blair"
Vehicles are one of the most easily identifiable areas of hypocrisy. Another could be one's residence(s). The larger a residence the more raw materials required to construct it thus destrucion of trees and other natural resources. More energy is required to heat and cool larger residences which most likely results in the increased production or greenhouse gases from the burning of coal and/or natural gas.
If you rant against destruction of forests, the dangers of global warming, etc. and drive fuel inefficient vehicles or use more living space than you really need you make yourself a target for hypocrisy. A popular, liberal, semi-retired blogger with no children did all of the above but has two SUVs and a very large house for only two people. If you're going to talk the talk you need to walk the walk.
I know that my opinion is not popular on this, but I would have endless respect for leftists who gave things up voluntarily for causes in which they believed, rather than trying to REQUIRE me to do the same.
Like: not having a big car, but driving a hybrid. Heck, I love when Hollywood parakeets drive electric cars---very expensive and socially responsible on one level. Like: buying a reasonable small home, and installing solar collectors.
I don't mind that they are rich. I mind that they want to make OTHERS do what THEY won't do in private.
Then they flap their mouths about it. I couldn't believe Leonardo DiCaprio holding forth on the Kyoto Treaty recently. I would love to see old Leo asked to give the chemical structure of carbon dioxide, or discuss other greenhouse gases.
Oh well.
"Eric Blair"
I am in complete agreement with dadvocate with his "walk the walk" statement.
I think that works for any ideology: conservative, liberal, religious, etc.
I also think the problem is more to do with lecturing about ideology than the actual ideology itself.
All the specific 'liberals' you mention (who I generally refer to as 'dummies,' but I am a liberal, so I have to make that distinction) are far more interested in being smug and looking down their nose at others than they are at changing anything for the better. Folks like Michael Moore and Rosie O'Donnell make a great deal of money: they are 'entertainers' and 'moguls' and the left is really nothing more to them than an anti-establishment target market.
Yeah, I know that speaks wonders for the IQ's on my side of the aisle...
But if you truly believe in a code of behavior/way of life, you live it - liberal, conservative or centrist. Actions always speak louder than words.
And oh yeah: gambling's only a sin if you loose. ;)
To Patrick,
Good points--I definitely think actions speak louder than words and I do agree that the people mentioned are some of the extremes of the left. But I do notice much of this hypocrisy in everyday liberals (and of course, others are not exempt) from not paying all of the taxes they owe when they preach high taxation to preaching equality when they treat others like trash.
I certainly do not think that gambling is a sin in any way--nor posing for nude pictures for that matter if that is the way one chooses to express themselves.
I'm not sure some of those things really are hypocrisy. I don't think the government should provide for my retirement, but if they do give me money when I get old I'm not going to give it back.
The same rules should apply to everyone. You can argue about what those rules ought to be and at the same time make the best of the rules currently in existence. I don't think it's hypocritical to do that.
Nigel Dearney,
It is not hypocritical to not give money back to the government if you decide you want your Social Sercurity. It is hypocritical to preach for higher and higher taxes for the poor etc. and then cheat on your taxes.
Have you given the book back to your husband yet?
While there are hypocrits in each party... the Liberals seem to yell louder and (with the help of their Hollywood friends) they manage to get more television/film time to broadcast their hypocrisies to anyone who will watch.
The worst part is that they don't seem to ever realize how idiotic they look and sound.
As soon as somebody starts telling me how to live my hackles go up, and it seems I hear more of this stuff from liberals than conservatives. Trying to be fair, I take a look at how those preaching live and, sure enough, more often than not, they're advocating more sacrifice from others than from themselves. Sorry, but reduces their credibility to near zero with me. OTOH, if one leads by example in a good cause, I'm happy to dig a little deeper to lend a hand. Is this concept too difficult? I can't escape the conclusion that too many of those preaching don't actually believe their own words, and that's a contradiction big enough to make me stop listening.
This may not fall under hypocrisy but rather under irreconcilable ideals. This article in Vermont's Burlington Free Press shows the deep fissure between liberals' aspiration for land conservation and the adverse impact on the working poor. Development costs are prohibitive so no affordable housing is being built. Land conservation is partiallly funded by the State. All the Governor is asking is that when acreage is set aside for conservation that there be a set aside for affordable housing. Conservationist view this as a tax on farmers without factoring in that all Vermonters are faced with increased housing costs and increased taxes as we try to bridge the affordability gap. (This county may be approaching its 2nd school strike as teachers demand wage increases in order to afford homes. Meanwhile school enrollments are dropping as families move out of state for better job opportunties and affordability.)
Ummm... Rush Limbaugh hasn't just said drug abuse is wrong. He has said it should be illegal. Unless and until he volunteers to serve jail time for his crime, rather than fighting to avoid jail time, he's a hypocrite.
Kind of reminds me of Jeb Bush's daughter who did crack cocaine and went to rehab, not jail.
But yes, clearly prominent conservatives aren't hypocrites the way liberals are. Excellent point.
I have to agree with Ben. Its not hypocracy when a preacher runs off with the organ player, even though he's married. Its not if a preist rapes a young boy or girl. Its not for a drug using DUI politician to send soldiers to their deaths when he wouldn't. These are conservatives, they can't be hypocrites.
I feel as though this debate has succomb to the lumping of "conservatives" verses "liberals," which is a broad and sweeping generalization. People, by nature, are hypocritical in some respect or another. Yes, even you. And, certainly, even me. The problem is that we are discussing figure-heads, not day-to-day people, most of whom appear more moderate than anything. Both the Dems and the Reps have their fair share of skeletons in the closet.
The famous and the wealthy will always gain more airtime than the rest of us, but you cannot honestly believe that they are the voice of half of the country. That would be ridiculous. The ideas of 350 million (or so) citizens cannot be summed up by the thoughts of a handful of eccentric Hollywood-types, even if their voter registration cards carry the same party name. It is important that we not let our country become even more divided by claims to knowledge about our neighbor's political motivations, even if they do lean more to the left or the right than yourself. Lively political debate is an important aspect of a healthy democracy... it keeps us all a little more "in check." But slander and name calling only serve to set us back morally, as well as ideologically.
I, as one of the few "priviledged" citizens who has a concealed carry permit in California, am constantly amazed at the sheer hypocrisy of the leftists. They are masters of playing the strings of guilt of people. They will claim in all sincerity that while they have every right to self-defence in the form of armed bodyguards - regular citizens do not. Apparently their hyprocisy is only overshadowed by their innate elitism and their inability to recognize their own shortcomings.
Nigel Kearney said: "I'm not sure some of those things really are hypocrisy. I don't think the government should provide for my retirement, but if they do give me money when I get old I'm not going to give it back.
The same rules should apply to everyone. You can argue about what those rules ought to be and at the same time make the best of the rules currently in existence. I don't think it's hypocritical to do that."
Helen replied: "It is not hypocritical to not give money back to the government if you decide you want your Social Sercurity. It is hypocritical to preach for higher and higher taxes for the poor etc. and then cheat on your taxes."
Virtually every worker will qualify and receive Social Security, so I don't think you should feel obligated to send it back. It is noble if you don't need it and send it back, I believe President Reagan did that. However, it would probably be better to send it to a charity. There is a different with goods, like buying SUVs when you are preaching about how bad they are for the environment. You have a wider oppurtunites and choices with goods as compared to government services.
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