Heartwalk 2005

Thanks so much to all my readers (and Instapundit's) for their generous donations to the American Heart Association. The heart walk was this morning and was a lot of fun. This is a great t-shirt I got from Cafe Press to wear--you can order them here if you have a defibrillator or know someone who does. The back of the t-shirt is interesting. I will put it up in another post.
Ooooo! The doctor is IN!!
That T-shirt is the real "shrink" if ya ask me!
Love your blog :)
At the risk of making your husband "instajealous," let me just write here that you are one good-looking woman.
And you look so healthy. One would never guess that you have a life-threatening condition. It kinda' makes one think about things.
Love your pic - you have shown what these t-shirts are all about. Could we at MedTees.com use this pic on our website? It might help others see how someone has coped as well as you. Let me know..
--Wes Fisher, MD
Founder MedTees.com
I bet Laura Ingraham would love to see you in her shirts
All of your husband's pictures tend to look awful. Why is that?
A lot is two words.
I have to agree that Helen looks pretty good in that photo. She certainly doesn't look 44.
30, maybe.
But I don't think that Glenn Reynolds looks so terrible. If they are going to be Mr. and Ms. Famous on the web (if mainly in the "right blogosphere"), then they should put up some family photos.
Now THAT is a T-shirt. I'd love to have that for every one of my patients that we defib in the ER!
Nice t-shirt. Lovely smile.
What a beautiful woman.
i hope its genetic...
This guy is a lucky man.
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