Insider poll
The entertainment show, Insider, had a poll this week asking viewers to vote for one of the three women they would want for president. The three included Condi Rice, Hilary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey (Oh yeah, she's qualified). I mistakenly assumed that the Insider's audience would vote for Oprah or Hilary given the demographics that would watch a show about celebrities. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Condi Rice received 47% of the vote, Hilary 37% and Oprah, a mere 12%. Seems the American public knows the difference between a media darling, a socialist and a real leader.
The entertainment show, Insider, had a poll this week asking viewers to vote for one of the three women they would want for president. The three included Condi Rice, Hilary Clinton and Oprah Winfrey (Oh yeah, she's qualified). I mistakenly assumed that the Insider's audience would vote for Oprah or Hilary given the demographics that would watch a show about celebrities. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Condi Rice received 47% of the vote, Hilary 37% and Oprah, a mere 12%. Seems the American public knows the difference between a media darling, a socialist and a real leader.
Though I favor Dr. Rice of the three, I have to wonder what difference it will make. These days it seems like "party lines" are more blurred than ever. I recognize that Dr. Rice is basically carrying out President Bush's policies, so one could argue we haven't seen her at her best, but I am skeptical.
To paraphrase R.A. Heinlein, it can't hurt to elect women to positions of power. I don't see how they could do any worse.
(Barbara Boxer notwithstanding)
Best regards from NY! » »
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