Pretty Women Don't Get Sick
So I went to Cardiac Rehabilitation today; I had a heart attack over six years ago which was a shock to me and still is today when I think about it (which is often). Having heart problems is a drag--I love it when people try to console me by saying, "at least you don't have cancer." Thanks--I think.
Actually, heart problems can be just as debillitating as cancer although the prospects of treatment are better. I just got an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) last February to deal with the rhythm problems caused by the heart attack. It is a little device that regulates my irregular heartbeats and will give me a shock if needed. I love the website Zapper that describes those of us who have not been shocked by our device as "Joeys" and those that have as "Electric Kangaroos." I have not had a shock yet and hope I don't unless absolutely necessary. If there are any readers out there who have these devices, I would love to hear from you--especially women. I have yet to meet another woman with an ICD--hopefully they are few and far between.
However, I have read that women often don't want these devices implanted as they don't add to your sex appeal. I've talked with women who literally will risk their life rather than have a piece of metal inserted that could save it. Of course, these women are often asymptomatic and don't realize the consequences of a cardiac event that is not reversible. Once you have spent a few nights on a cardiac ward gasping for air and listening to the elderly woman in the next room taking her last breath, feeling sexy and attractive is the last thing on your mind. My roommate in the hospital (who had a horrible case of viral cardiomyopathy) and I spent most of one night laughing at late night tv commercials asking us how our sex life was going. "Not so good at the moment" was all my roomate could sputter after having a zillon medical tests and lying in bed with a catheter between her legs.
Heart problems among women are more common than breast cancer, yet they get less attention. I suspect this is because breast cancer marketing has to do with breasts and young women. In most people's minds, heart problems are assoicated with fat old men and to most people, there is nothing sexy about that. Isn't it time we changed our preconceptions about heart disease?
So I went to Cardiac Rehabilitation today; I had a heart attack over six years ago which was a shock to me and still is today when I think about it (which is often). Having heart problems is a drag--I love it when people try to console me by saying, "at least you don't have cancer." Thanks--I think.
Actually, heart problems can be just as debillitating as cancer although the prospects of treatment are better. I just got an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) last February to deal with the rhythm problems caused by the heart attack. It is a little device that regulates my irregular heartbeats and will give me a shock if needed. I love the website Zapper that describes those of us who have not been shocked by our device as "Joeys" and those that have as "Electric Kangaroos." I have not had a shock yet and hope I don't unless absolutely necessary. If there are any readers out there who have these devices, I would love to hear from you--especially women. I have yet to meet another woman with an ICD--hopefully they are few and far between.
However, I have read that women often don't want these devices implanted as they don't add to your sex appeal. I've talked with women who literally will risk their life rather than have a piece of metal inserted that could save it. Of course, these women are often asymptomatic and don't realize the consequences of a cardiac event that is not reversible. Once you have spent a few nights on a cardiac ward gasping for air and listening to the elderly woman in the next room taking her last breath, feeling sexy and attractive is the last thing on your mind. My roommate in the hospital (who had a horrible case of viral cardiomyopathy) and I spent most of one night laughing at late night tv commercials asking us how our sex life was going. "Not so good at the moment" was all my roomate could sputter after having a zillon medical tests and lying in bed with a catheter between her legs.
Heart problems among women are more common than breast cancer, yet they get less attention. I suspect this is because breast cancer marketing has to do with breasts and young women. In most people's minds, heart problems are assoicated with fat old men and to most people, there is nothing sexy about that. Isn't it time we changed our preconceptions about heart disease?
My wife has an ICD which she received about 3 years ago at age 44. Thirteen months after the birth of our third child, she was hospitalized for congestive heart failure resulting from cardiomyopathy. The cardiomyopathy has thankfully healed, but in the process she developed a tendency to tachycardia arrhythmia. Hence the ICD. According to your post, she is an electric kangaroo, having been zapped on 2 occasions. She is still the active mother of our three girls, ages 5, 11 and 14.
To Hazen Dempster:
Glad your wife is doing so well--it is good to hear other experiences with the ICD and realize how helpful they can be.
My friend is a young man who is very athletic and healthy. HOwever, he suffers from an electro embalance. This causes him to have heart problems. He takes beta blockrs and heart meds at low doses. HOwever, he does nothave devices implanted in him as of yet. That is a good think, and i hope to do what I can to help preserve his health.
I did find some information online about young people with heart problems: however, since things are mostly tairoled to the old folk, it was pretty difficult. Would you happen to have any info you could offer.
Take care of yourself and take a lot of omega 3. Omega 3 is found in fish oil and is said to be very helpful with heart trouble.
Take care and have a blessed day,
Reina Brown
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