Thursday, July 19, 2007

"This woman is just another elitist from some Socialist Indoctrinated University"

In my entire career, I don't think I have ever been described this way, it's kind of amusing.

Update: Eric at Classical Values wonders if I am an Orgytarian.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew she was too good to be true!

4:18 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger Derek said...

I think the tag for this post is the absolute best response. To say more would be redundant.

4:19 PM, July 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why, Helen! You are just full of surprises, aren't you?

5:30 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger Nate said...

yeah yeah... whatever... the real question is of course; is Fulmer on the hotseat yet?

The schedule has that 9-3 look to me. What do you think Helen?

5:57 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger TMink said...

Some folks brand anyone that the disagree with a socialist nitwit. Very diagnostic really.


6:01 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger Helen said...


I think I haven't watched Tennessee football like....ever. But from news reports, it looks like Fulmer may be in the hotseat.

6:12 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger tomcal said...

Yes, it's not something someone familiar with you would say.

On the other hand, your thread that got off on the tangent of "kissin' cousins" finally convinced me that if I am reincarnated as a turkey, cousins will be fair game. I've now decided that if I do come back as a turkey, I won't stop at cousins; mom and my sisters will also be fair game, at least until Thanksgiving.

11:05 PM, July 19, 2007  
Blogger Andrew Graff said...

Well, in my time I've been called a communist (by a conservative), a fascist (by a liberal), a Trotskyite (by a communist), and a whole bunch of other equally interesting names. I really should have started collecting them. I shun ego signatures, but I could take a certain pride in being equally challenging for everyone.

12:09 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger El Gringo said...

You are kind of like Dr. Jennifer Melfi, but hotter.

12:10 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Tatter said...

Eh, it only shows that there are still Falwell fans out there that think anyone to the left of Benito Mussolini is a communist.

Remember, Pat Buchanan was LGF's first idiotarian.

12:34 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a guess but I don't think Gary approves of gay marriage.

12:35 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Synova said...

That is funny.

But not surprising. Being somewhat libertarian myself I've found that people often don't, or can't, comprehend the idea that there is another axis of political thought other than liberal-conservative (or perhaps progressive-conservative).

It's like they are looking at a three dimensional chart in only two dimensions without any idea that a third dimension is conceptually possible.

1:59 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it hard to get past your unbearable hotness...especially that sly, sly, sly smile you have.

3:32 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In my experience people who pigeonhole me aren't particularly picky about which hole I go in, as long as they can get me out of the way.

4:53 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My first time over at Ask Dr. Helen
Wow, you seem to have attracted some folk with some compelling positions.
(um...folk who think like ME!)
As can be expected, you've also attracted folk that simply flew too close to the candle flame. (um...folk that don't).

Well done!

5:43 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so unremarkable as to invite the question: why blog about it?

Being called names by people who disagree with you is a routine occurrence for any public or semi-public figure. It comes under the category of "get over it."

7:15 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Eh, it only shows that there are still Falwell fans out there that think anyone to the left of Benito Mussolini is a communist." Tatter's comment is amusing. Benito was a socialist(ie liberal) who believed the people were too dumb to guide their own lives and required the government to tell them what to do. Sounds like Benito was one of today's Democrats to me.

7:25 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I haven't watched Tennessee football like....ever.

I admire your good taste.

8:35 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Tatter said...

No, Hitler was a socialist, at least until he realized he could get more by siding with the military than by siding with anarchist rabble. Wanting to control society isn't an exclusive hallmark of the left, just as wanting to be free to make your own decisions isn't an exclusive hallmark of the right.

Left and right are defined by their means, while authoritarians and libertarians are defined by their goals. There is plenty of room for overlap, and I would trust a left-wing libertarian before I would trust a right-wing authoritarian.

8:53 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you think you are getting a little old to leave your picture up on the blog like that? You're no spring chicken.

9:38 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding U. of Socialist Indoctrination, I might assume the same thing. Even after reading this blog. For isn't socialism an end result of narcissism?

My cat, for example, thinks he's a dog - that is, when the dogs are around.

And I think I'm brilliant when people are around.

9:44 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger TMink said...

One anon wrote: "In my experience people who pigeonhole me aren't particularly picky about which hole I go in, as long as they can get me out of the way."

Great post, a credit to anons everywhere!

Another anon wrote: "Don't you think you are getting a little old to leave your picture up on the blog like that? You're no spring chicken."

And so we return to the anon norm! Jealous woman posts crack me up.


10:19 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Barry Wallace said...

Anonymous posters are so...brave. And witty. They so impress me with their brave wit and their witty bravery.

At least Gatorfan had the guts to identify him/herself. Although they still didn't include a site/email link...

Doc, these anonymous comments would really bring me down if they were directed at me. Hope they don't bother you to terribly...

10:24 AM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, that explains the red Mao pajamas.

Dr. Helen, your secret is out. ;)

10:45 AM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger technochitlin said...

That comment would have been funny if it wasn't so sad...

12:09 PM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truth is based on perception, and like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. No mere facts will stand in the way.

12:38 PM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Serket said...

Direct link to Gary's comment.

Tomcal: Would you consider trying to contact me in private so we can reach a truce?

12:44 PM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gary sort of has a point in response to your position statement. A REAL libertarian answer to the question would be to
eliminate civil marriage completely.

The second place answer would be to acknowledge that civil marriage is not a benefit, but a government imposition (ask anyone who's been through divorce court) and, as such, the circumstances where the imposition would be allowable are limited to those where there's a compelling public interest served, like providing for the offspring.

Your answer to the question wasn't so much libertarian as libertine, and I can see where someone who isn't familiar with your other policy positions could get the impression Gary did.

1:20 PM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger TMink said...

A "real" liberterian is not really a useful concept. I prefer to think of ideological adherence to strict dogma as being high church or low church. (Acknowledging that there is libertarian dogma is a delicious irony don't you think!)

High church refers to people who are relatively ideologically pure, that is to say that they adhere to the vast majority of the tenents of the particular ideology, or hold to the older historical tenents. So high church Catholics prefer Latin mass, high church Republicans would vote for Old Scratch if he had an R next to his name on the ballot, and high church libertarians are alergic to anything other than bare minimum government and that makes the itch a bit.

Low church Catholics are happy to go to mass on occasion but ignore the Pope, low church Republicans vote for the best candidate but usually think that is a Republican, and low church libertarians believe in small government but support the war and laws making giving meth to kids illegal.

Then there are of course middle church people who split the difference. Like George Carlin's bit about other drivers, people who are lower church than us are suspect as infidels while those who are higher church than us are uptight idealogues. We say "How can you consider yourself a (fill in the blank) to the former and "Chill out" to the latter.

YMMV, and the examples are offered with tongue firmly in cheek.

I figure I am a high church evangelical Christian and conservative, low church libertarian and Presbyterian.


2:32 PM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger tomcal said...


You take me and the things I say too seriously. I am just the class clown, and I neither take offence at anything said about me in this forum, nor do I intend offence by anything I say here (some trolls excluded).

I view this as an intellectually stimulating and fun debate, which allows me a little relief from the rigors of my job and the responsibilities I have chosen to take on through the course of my life. I am thankful to Helen for creating this forum because I enjoy it so much.

I actually stumbled on this site while doing research into stalking behavior. A woman who works for me had picked up a stalker who appeared to me to be extremely dangerous and she was terrified. She is young, single, and did not have the financial resources to do what you have to do (hire private investigators, attorneys, security, etc.) to take enough evidence to the police and ultimately to the DA to bring charges. If giving out the stalker's name were prudent, I would give it to you, just so you could you could call him and see what happens when someone attracts my ire. I think it would convince you that you have not. He's easy to find, in fact I know where he is 24 hours a day.

I got the idea from one of your posts here that you are a student in your early 20's. My further comments are based upon that assumption. If I am wrong just disregard them.

I am a 48 year old real estate developer who devotes part of my time to philanthropy in Central America. I have seen and participated in my my share real life disputes where everyone is playing for high stakes(hah! a poker term)and for keeps. In some places in the world, there may be people who would like to see some unfortunate accident befall me. I honestly don't know off the top of my head how many legal actions, negotiations, and business deals with the potential for future disputes I am involved in right now.

When I graduated from college in 1980, I honestly believed I would never require the services of a lawyer or the court system (for dispute resolution) because I couldn't imagine myself doing anything that someone would dispute. Ultimately I learned that no matter how hard you try, at least in my business, disputes will occur.

As I became moderately successful I learned that there were lots of people who wanted part of what I had earned. The first time it became apparent that someone was really out to get me, I was shocked. Now, my response is "OK, get in line, it's a long one".

Along with power comes responsibility. People start to depend on you, and others will attack you. When the full force of that responsibility hits you, you have a big decision to make. Are you going learn the skills to live with the stress of it, or are you going to back away and make some sort of lifestyle change? And no, I am not talking about the Lifestyle in which some are speculating that Glenn and Helen participants.

When that moment comes, you have to decide whether you are going to be a sheep or a shepherd. Maybe you don't really decide, you just realize what you are. It happens to everyone and it will happen to you.

Believe me, there is no need for a truce because we are not at war.

7:30 PM, July 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems a lot of us who came here and stayed stumbled on the Doc's blog by accident, tomcal.

Pleasant surprise, this blog. I've been camping out ever since, myself.

By the way, can I bum 50 bucks?
(hearty guffaw).

Serket, tomcal's a one in a million person. No worries.

8:07 PM, July 20, 2007  
Blogger Serket said...

Tomcal: I got the idea from one of your posts here that you are a student in your early 20's.

You are basically right with this.

I am a 48 year old real estate developer

This is interesting because I was looking into getting my real estate license. My uncle's ex-wife is a Loan Officer and I was considering becoming a Loan Processor. I already contacted a real estate company that does classes and they have a 4-day night class starting the last week of July.

Thanks for the long comment explaining real disputes that you have been in. I was just concerned that I had upset you on that last topic, but I'm glad it's nothing.

I'll tell you how I found this blog. I was taking a college class that was basically "Internet Business" and the textbook had a section on blogs. I believe this was my first exposure to them. The authors recommended Instapundit as a good example of a blog. I guess they have Libertarian views! Well I visited his blog several times and once I saw a link to his wife's blog. She seemed more conservative than him and I liked the topics so I stuck around.

I am still single, but I think the topics she touches on with regard to relationships between men and women will be helpful to me in finding a good woman to marry someday. I've noticed several people on here who think American women are really awful, but I always think a conservative women would probably make a good choice.

Since this post is about "Socialist Indoctrinated University" I thought I would mention that oddly I think I became more conservative during college. The business classes definitely helped. Of course I went to a basically conservative state school. I was exposed to gay activism a little more than I would have liked, but overall it was a great school.

6:59 PM, July 21, 2007  
Blogger Eric said...

"isn't socialism an end result of narcissism?"

Funny but I've heard the same thing said about capitalism.

10:27 PM, July 22, 2007  
Blogger Peregrine John said...

The part that had me snickering for some time (in an attempt not to explode laughing and disturb my coworkers) was the equating of libertarianism to socialism... which are, by definition, pretty much opposites. Normally something to just shake my head at, for some reason in the context of the conversation it struck me as hilarious.

10:56 AM, July 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

視訊做愛視訊美女無碼A片情色影劇kyo成人動漫tt1069同志交友網ut同志交友網微風成人論壇6k聊天室日本 avdvd 介紹免費觀賞UT視訊美女交友..........................

11:24 PM, May 19, 2009  

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