Election Feeling Meter
Professor Stephen Bainbridge's response if Obama wins: "I plan on throwing a major hissy fit, followed by a bender of historic proportions" (via Instapundit).
I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. No matter what happens, get out and vote!
I am hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. No matter what happens, get out and vote!
Labels: politics
I feel pretty energized. ;)
I should have added that to the poll, I guess that would be "Other."
I had a nice round of emails with some of my liberal friends yesterday. One of them posted "We will all be happy tomorrow" and I wrote that not all of us would.
Honestly, I was expecting to get some good natured and some not so good natured fecal matter thrown my way. Instead, my liberal friends responded with heart felt empathy and succor.
Two of them wrote me that I would be OK, one shared how he was almost suicidal when Bush won, and he encouraged me to not do anything rash.
While I was touched by their compassion to someone who does not share their views, I was also struck by how much politics means to them.
Don't get me wrong, I am VERY interested in politics, but having a horrible president will not make me miserable. Having health care screwed up, my taxes raised, and Iraq given over to terrorists would not make me miserable either. Concerned? You betcha! But not miserable and certainly not suicidal.
I think it is because I depend on my God and my family and my friends and not the government. When I get a little worked up, I pray. I stick with "Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done." I was praying it 14 times a day, now I am down to 3 or so. That is where my faith is. I have no faith that the best candidate could do anything better than REDUCE government! So I guess my world view makes me somewhat immune to the fear and drama.
And that seems to make so much difference.
Go out and vote everyone.
Then spend time with your family. Say a prayer or two if you are so inclined as well. 8)
I voted early, I was number 9.
I'm in Murtha's district, and I voted for Russell because I am not racist nor redneck. I'm optimistically hoping that we send Murtha packing. Obama too, he can try again in 4 years, if he moderates his vote.
I heard stories of Democrats passing the word to vote slowly, so that the Republicans who have to get to work will give up.
I think that politics is a substitute for religion for some on the left. Those on the right tend to find their religion in actual....religion.
I hear dems in Philly are purposely taking 15 minutes or so to vote, in support of javadoug's statement. Not to mention throwing Republican poll watchers out at various precincts in Philly.
Well, I'm a long time reading Dr. Helen...first time poster. I'm also a young 21 year old man. I'm currently in a University...but I haven't drank any of the liberal kool-aid that's passed around(thanks mainly to my father, a libertarian leaning conservative).
As for this election, I feel pretty good. I believe that John McCain has a good chance to win the Presidency...mainly because I don't take the polls at face value.
I do think there will be plenty of voter fraud from the left as well...but I don't believe that they'll be able to overcome us. I believe that conservatives are just more reliable voters at the end and the Hilary Clinton PUMA crowd will either vote McCain(or an third party candidate) or not vote at all.
Granted, I could foresee a possible Obama victory as well...and well, I'm already prepared for that.
As for the left using politics as religion, I definitely agree Dr. Helen. My liberal friends are so emotionally committed to Senator Obama, it's like a religious zeal. If Obama asked them, they would go on a crusade.
@Roman Wolf:
I want to optimistically agree with you, but at the same time I'd say: Don't underestimate wealth envy, and Obama has tapped into that.
javadoug - What's funny is that the leading democrats are all rather wealthy....Kennedy, Pelosi, Reid and let's not forget our buddy Kerry. Hell, Obama's not exactly poor. So one has to wonder, if the redistribution plan is put in effect, will they be giving up a larger portion of their income? Somehow, I doubt it.
What is really funny, is that the right gives more to charitable causes than the left, and yet the left says we are all rich snobs who don't care about the poor.
One last item:
For 40+ years the Democratic party has billed itself as the party that champions the poor...yet there are more poor people today than when all the social giveaway programs started in the 60's. When will they admit their social policies don't and haven't worked on the large scale?
think that politics is a substitute for religion for some on the left.
I agree completely. I think the human psyche desires, maybe even needs, religious experiences. Many liberals and lefties reject traditional religion. To fill the void they turn to politics, environmentalism, etc. for fullfilment.
Javadoug - Aye, quite agree. I think if anything helps Senator Obama and pushes him to victory it will be the class warfare that the left is so fond of.
wolfboy69 - Aye...kinda ironic isn't it? But I think, to the leaders of the Dem party it makes perfect sense.
Let me explain. They've already built up their wealth, thus taxing their income doesn't decrease their importance. They also advocate taxing more income because it helps create a barrier between them and the unwashed masses. I believe that rich leftists are trying to create a caste system in order to increase their own family's importance (politically that is).
As William Shakespeare said, "A friend i'the court is better than a penny in purse." and what better friend than yourself or a family member...and the more friends the better, aye?
"How are you feeling about today's election?"
Perhaps I should answer the survey after the results are certified. How I feel now is meaningless: there's sufficient cause for fans of both candidates to worry about winning.
If Sen. Obama wins, I will look towards paying more in taxes, I will look towards taking a 2nd job to prevent my family from being locked into a universal health (unless the gov't outlaws private insurance), I'll look towards the end of free, political speech on radio when the so-called fairness doctrine is enacted.
If Sen. McCain is elected, I'll be sad that I will likley disagree with him on about 305 of his positions, but will have the satisfaction of knowing he isn't completely socialistic in his policies.
Helen, agree with respect to liberals, politics, and religion. In fact, I would extend that to Marxist/socialists and environmental/PETA activists as well.
I have to ask, re: tmink's comment, what kind of sad person actually considers suicide over an election!?
Voted "Just get it over with," as some campaigns have been going for over a year. Enough!
tmink and casey: I believe it's the same as people who jump off building when the stock market crashes. These people have nothing else in life, therefore, they pour all their emotions into either their work or their political identity. When things go south, they have nothing left to live for.
"so that the Republicans who have to get to work will give up."
I thought all of us work! Not that I am a Republican, but, most of us have to and I bet the rest of them want to.
Conservatives are weird that way.
In defense of my liberal friends on another blog, they are not religious people. But I was touched and gladened by their consideration of me. They showed real kindness, and that was sure cool. I felt that they merely tolerated me over there, and that was OK. I was surprised at the sympathy, even if it was a little misplaced.
Bottom line is I did not write the post with anything other than appreciation of them as people, and a little sadness at our differing world view. I would not mock them because of their kindness.
tmink - I thought all of us work! Not that I am a Republican, but, most of us have to and I bet the rest of them want to
The Dems are pandering to those groups like the early to mid 20 somethings and those who want something for nothing (Redistribution). I would expect that most of those don't work, or those who do have the attitude I've seen in most that age. They don't seem to care about their work ethic or even about the job they are in.
It's a win-win: you picked the winner, or you're absolved, so long as you participated.
It's also a win if the socialists re-distribute our milkshakes, as pain is the only real teacher: complacency deserves enslavement.
Getting your "himbo" to lead a Constitutional revival could be a positive outcome... ;)
Wolfboy wrote: "I thought all of us work! Not that I am a Republican, but, most of us have to and I bet the rest of them want to."
Well, I get every month someone wanting me to exaggerate their problems so that they can get SSI. At least one a month. I tell them about a former patient with cererbral palsey that applied and applied for jobs and finally got one. I describe his symptoms and ask if they are worse off and cannot do any type of work.
Now I have a reputation as a hard ass when it comes to SSI and I still get people who want me to take care of them with my taxes. I bet I am a bit jaded from all that, but I cannot say that the problem is limited to 20 somethings.
And like you, I am not a Republican either.
Trey - when I worked at a mental health center the malingerers were common. The worst was a fellow in his early fifties who had been a welfare worker.
He openly admitted that he had put in his time and now it was his turn to get his. He was perfectly capable and was always working on a project, helping neighbors with car repairs and such. Generally a nice guy but simply didn't want to have to earn a living any more.
Helen --
Those on the right tend to find their religion in actual....religion.
Some of them write their own. I think L.Ron would qualify as a rampant capitalist at least. I wrote my own, but unlike L.Ron, I don't particularly want anyone actually believing in it (although if I make book sales, that would be nice).
Tell Glenn thanks for the link! Much appreciated!!
Tell Glenn thanks for the link! Much appreciated!!
tmink: I bet I am a bit jaded from all that, but I cannot say that the problem is limited to 20 somethings.
No arguing. And that has been a very large part of the problem with the current welfare system (individual or corporate). Too many people being given something for nothing, are perfectly capable (but not held responsible) of getting off of their collective A**es, and doing something. The wall street bailout is one of the biggest mistakes this government has ever made. I wish someone would pay me 700 Billion to screw up.
I think we should re-institute something similar to the CCC on the individual level. But of course, then you would have the unions all up in arms.
Keep being that hard ass. It's refreshing to see someone with honor and dignity in their profession. You just don't see it often enough anymore. And that more than anything, says volumes about our society.
Well, as a men's issues advocate and activist, about the only aspect of this election that really viscerally matters to me is Joe Biden, our Senator from Azkaban.
Republicans, Democrats, eh-meh-bleh; both parties only care about men in terms of how they can use and exploit us and to what degree. When I lean, it's republican only because they at least make the effort to lie to us about what a great lay we are while they're metaphorically gang-raping us; the democrats just keep donkey punching us and screaming that it's no better than we deserve.
But at least an Obama win will politically sideline Joe "Siscon" Biden for four years, and since he's the one single national legislator more responsible for the destruction of marriage and family in the usa, that's something of a silver lining.
Nevertheless, though, nothing will really change meaningfully tomorrow for men in this country as men per se. They'll still be commiting more suicides than both genders put together will be committing homicides; they'll still have virtually no reproductive rights worth mentioning; they'll still be the vast overwhelming majority of the debtor peon class, and so on, and so forth.
And our wonderful New Alternative Media Overlords -- Dr. Helen, as such, excluded, of course -- will still be ignoring men's issues, just like the legacy mainstream media.
Ho hum. So it goes.
Sarah Palin, America's leading practitioner of Parental Alienation Syndrome, was kept out of the White House. All persons of good will should be happy about that.
As I said above, now that the results are in, I can state my feelings:
I fear my predictions will be correct. I look towards paying more in taxes, I will look towards taking a 2nd job to prevent my family from being locked into a universal health (unless the gov't outlaws private insurance), of possibly retiring with none of my wealth I've accumulated in my 401(k) plan, as discussions to sieze it have begun. I'll look towards the end of free, political speech on radio when the so-called fairness doctrine is enacted. I fear my right to carry a gun is already endangered, as laws making it prohibitive to own are already planned.
Hope? Yes, I do have hope. Hope that President Elect Obama's plans are sealed in as much cement as President Clinton's promised middle class tax cut.
But I fear my hope is is for naught.
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