Interview: Brian Anderson on media freedom

One thing Anderson said that struck me was that with an Obama presidency, we might see more media regulation by subterfuge--that is, local broadcasting and media stations could be affected by regulations that might put some conservative broadcasting under more subjective control by lefty pressure groups like Acorn. This is extremely troubling and should concern all of us who care about free speech and diversity of ideas in politics. What can we do? Listen to the podcast and find out.
You can listen to the podcast directly -- no downloading needed -- by going here and clicking on the gray Flash player. Or you can download it and listen at your leisure by clicking right here. Music is byJohn T. Baker.
Folks, if you havent read City Journal, Give it a try. Grab a copy at Borders or B&N. Seriously, it is one of the best journals out there.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with the Journal or the Manhattan Institute in any way, except as a regular reader of the City Journal.
It is extremely troubling.
And, as Stephen Green pointed out, an all-Democrat government might very well decide to go after bloggers too. In that case, civil disobedience would be called for, and I'll second Stephen's pledge:
If (when?) it happens, I’ll break that law. I will break it with all due malice and in full knowledge of the possible consequences. ***END QUOTE***
If(when) Obama takes the white house, I have no doubt the fairness doctrine will be implemented. What needs to happen at that point, is all the conservative news/talkshow hosts (both radio and TV) need to start demanding equal time on CNN/NBC/ABC/CBS etc., and when they are denied the equal time, sue for the violation. It will be necessary to use the left’s tactics against them.
What is interesting to me in this discussion is that Thomas Jefferson, once the champion of a free press, by the end of his Presidency totally hated the press. Apparently, he had thought that the press would actually report facts and reasoned analysis, a non sequitor he was soon disabused of.
But he never advocated censorship, even when it would have benefited him. That's the difference between then and now.
Should the Democrats in their contemporary formulation win the Presidency, the House and the Senate with an overhwhelming majority, I have no doubt they would try to constrain free speech, if only on the right.
And they may very well succeed in doing so. But the salient fact remains: they may be able to constrain free speech on television, radio and the internet. However, they will never be able to constrain free thought.
People will simply not speak their minds, out of fear of prosecution or ostracization. That will not change the way they think; they'll simply keep their thoughts to themselves and their close circle of friends.
In the end, free people and free thinkers will reorganize and overthrow the tyranny. It's been that way since the beginning of civilization and will continue to be so.
"And they may very well succeed in doing so. But the salient fact remains: they may be able to constrain free speech on television, radio and the internet. However, they will never be able to constrain free thought."
Yes, but if you stifle communication it becomes much harder to correct misleading information. We are seeing this now in the way the MSM is not reporting on Obama and his campaign.
With the recent merger of the satellite satellite radio networks, we have an example of how the ratbags would slide into more regulating. The FCC decision to delay approval was because some were attempting to force the winner to load up its board with activists/Democrats. Shades of Acorn's coercion (With Democratic approval, and, of course, for all the right reasons) of the banks.
As long as free thinkers will vote
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