
Monday, October 13, 2008

I was just looking at the Rasmussen polls and saw this report:

A plurality of voters (47%) say Barack Obama’s plan to raise taxes on those who earn over $250,000 a year is good for the troubled U.S. economy, even though 51% still believe that lower taxes are the best way to spur economic growth.

Thirty-one percent (31%) disagree with Obama’s proposal, saying raising taxes on these upper-income earners will be bad for the economy, but 16% say the proposal will have no impact, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey....

Men support Obama’s plan to raise taxes on upper-income earners by just four points, but women favor it more than two-to-one.

Only 19% of Republicans think it’s a good idea, compared to 70% of Democrats. Fifty-nine percent (59%) of GOP voters oppose the tax hike for those earning more than $250,000, versus just 11% of Democrats. Unaffiliated voters like the proposal 47% to 26%.

So basically, Democratic women are the ones most likely to support raising taxes on the top earners. That's probably good since they might possibly be the only ones left working after men and Republicans decide it's not worth the trouble to pay a good deal of their income for programs they don't want, should Obama be elected. Maybe all the feminists who want women to make more than men can finally do some good. If women--especially of the Democrat persuasion--make more money, then they can foot the bills and pay the taxes. Probably, though, like child support or alimony, they will complain so much if they have to pay that this tax will be easy to change.


  1. There is an old saying "he who robs Peter to pay Paul can always count on Paul's vote" should have said "he/she who robs Peter (through taxes, social programs, and the so-called "family courts") to pay Paula can always count on Paula's vote."

    Feminists love to talk about "equality." Frankly, if we started treating women the same as we treat men, I seriously doubt feminists would like it.

  2. I remember once here where cham said "those pesky women won't behave right to make men happy."

    Now, i like cham, but I never forgot that remark, since it is most commonly feminists who like to force those pesky men to behave right to make women happy. I can't think of any laws that dominate women in favor of men the way laws dominate men in favor of women.

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  5. Ummm ... there is a huge assumption here that "democratic women" earn their own money.

    Sorry, that's just not backed up by reality. Lots of women "earn" their money by getting it from men. Their husband or whatever.

    If anyone disputes that, I'd be glad to go into concrete figures. Usually, men don't want to go there because they don't want to admit that they are "paying for it" (even via marriage) and women don't want to go there because they know they are parasites.

    Cool nonetheless.

  6. "I can't think of any laws that dominate women in favor of men the way laws dominate men in favor of women."


    It is all I could come up with.


  7. How about the law of diminishing returns?

  8. no was a joke...really.

  9. Democrats hate "rich" people although their greatest icons are filthy rich, Kennedys, John Kerry, etc.

    Example in point, this quote from a comment at Katie Granju's blog.

    Why does anyone vote republican who is not a millionaire...they represent hate, greed and wealth.

    This is pretty much what I've heard all my life from my Democratic family members although the average person would consider them wealthy. There is no insight, no original thought, just "we hate rich people and Republicans like rich people."

  10. @dadvocate

    I agree with you.

    Isn't it a strange that greed has now been defined as not wanting the money you have been earned taken away and given to those who haven't earned it. Those who want what they didn't earn, now they are never greedy are they?

    That quote from Granju conveniently neglects to mention that republicans give a much higher percentage of their income to charity than democrats. Democrats give a higher percentage of other people's income to social programs (so they can live it up on their money). But its the republicans who are greedy.


  11. "Men support Obama’s plan to raise taxes on upper-income earners by just four points, but women favor it more than two-to-one. "

    A better argument to restrict the franchise I could not have made myself.

    Lott is right. Female suffrage just gives us bigger government and less freedom.

  12. My policy has been to vote Republican, and if more than one is running, vote for the male. My reasoning is that I would'nt vote Democrat on a bet, and that a given woman are more likely to be socialist in thought process than a given man. Looks like the data agrees with me.

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