I just read that Tim Russert died of an apparent heart attack --it reminds me that while politics is important, life is moreso. My heart goes out to his family and friends.
Commentary on popular culture and society, from a (mostly) psychological perspective
As a survivor of a massive heart attack, my thoughts and prayers go to the Russert family today.
RIP Mr Russert, you were a good man and a fair journalist.
Mr. Russert was a great journalist. I really enjoyed his pro-father book "Big Russ and Me."
I'll miss the guy.
We had an unpleasant exchange on another thread, but allow me to say "i second that" to your post. His book was a home run and he'll be missed.
Yes indeed. Russert was a truly good individual in his personal life, and the sort of journalist people keep telling us cannot exist: tough, fair, and as nonpartisan as a human can be. It's a lesser world without him.
This is unfortunate. I like watching the political shows on Sunday morning and I've seen "Meet the Press" several times.
He will be remembered for being quite the journalist.
I have watched and listened to many re-plays of various interviews with an array of interviewers, over the last few days.
He had a great father. He was a great father. I'll bet a six pack of IBC root beer he was a great husband.
Regardless of his personal political leanings, integrity lost a champion. Rest in peace, Mr. Tim Russert.
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