Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there.
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Previous Posts
- Empathy is not Justice
- Eight reasons I no longer read Men's Health magaz...
- Ask Dr. Helen: Do Husbands Owe Wives Post-Childbir...
- When Men are Stabbed, it's Apparently Funny
- Gardening for Dummies
- Podcast: Fred Thompson on McCain and the Judiciary
- " The question is why we feel no such decency towa...
- For Lock Lovers
- Clintonisms
- Rachel Lucas says we need a "REAL WOMAN" Manifesto.
Thank you and the same to you!
Mom and I have a humor based relationship. I'm not a holiday, card giving kind of guy, but this year I bought an expensive, lavender and frilly Mother's Day card.
I wrote and enclosed a letter. Perpetua font and written in the grand Civil War era style of "Dearest Mother...". Lot of "I would love to hold your aged face in my hands and gaze into your ancient eyes" kind of stuff. A full page long and printed in 14pt for her "ancient eyes".
Got a call yesterday and she could hardly keep her cackle down to speak coherently.
Better than a kiss.
I bet your mom really appreciated that.
Like the old AT&T adverts here in the South, from the 70's, with Bear Byrant saying
" Give your Mother a call today. I sure wish I could call mine."
I called my mom today and thanked her for not being like the parents in _A Nation of Wimps_. She may not have let me ride the subway when I was ten (because we lived in the 'burbs and there were no subways), but she had me walking a mile to school by the time I was five.
I think she appreciated the thanks. She said she'd be telling my dad that I didn't think she was overprotective. :)
Happy Mother's Day, Dr. Helen! Thanks for helping perpetuate the species so people like me don't have to. ;)
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