Rules for Radicals 101
I read with amusement this little piece over at CBS News on Hillary Clinton's hunting history:
So instead of talking directly about her policy on gun control and her crappy second amendment record (an F rating on gun rights, Clinton was one of 16 Senators who voted against the 2006 Vitter Amendment), Hillary instead tells a little story about being with some men in a swamp and how she shot a duck--to show how aligned she is with gun owners. Then she takes a pot shot at Dick Cheney to promote her "sensible" gun control legislation:
Her responses to questions about gun control indicate that perhaps she has just fallen back on the old tired techniques of Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals,
on whom she wrote her senior thesis.
In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky opens with a Prologue in which he describes some elementary techniques for those who want to change the world. Communication is key, and one should communicate with the experiences of the audience, and "give full respect to the others value." By telling a story about herself hunting, Clinton has aligned herself with the nearly two-thirds of Americans who say they believe the Constitution guarantees each person the right to own a gun. Next, by making fun of Cheney, Clinton uses another level of communication described by Alinsky:
By poking fun at Cheney, Clinton could laugh with the audience, but notice the twist, "Safety protocol would be useful, don't you think?" She is now shifting to Alinsky's chapter on "Communication." Here is one of Alinksy's maxims:
Okay, so this interchange goes on until everyone has decided that tactic Z, as the organizer suggested is the thing to do. This is generally reached through manipulation on the part of the organizer but the community feels that they have made the decision themselves. But they didn't. They were manipulated.
Will Americans fall for Clinton's manipulative tactics, especially in the area of gun control? It's possible, but then again, many Americans know when they are being fed a big pile of bull. Or at least, I hope they do.
At a campaign stop this afternoon, Hillary Clinton’s focus was on the economy and health care but some in the crowd had other things on their minds. Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas.
So instead of talking directly about her policy on gun control and her crappy second amendment record (an F rating on gun rights, Clinton was one of 16 Senators who voted against the 2006 Vitter Amendment), Hillary instead tells a little story about being with some men in a swamp and how she shot a duck--to show how aligned she is with gun owners. Then she takes a pot shot at Dick Cheney to promote her "sensible" gun control legislation:
Clinton continued, “Once he (Cheney) is out of office, the Secret Service is not around to protect people from him. We better be careful about where he goes hunting. Safety protocol would be useful, don’t’ you think?”
Her responses to questions about gun control indicate that perhaps she has just fallen back on the old tired techniques of Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals,
In Rules for Radicals, Alinsky opens with a Prologue in which he describes some elementary techniques for those who want to change the world. Communication is key, and one should communicate with the experiences of the audience, and "give full respect to the others value." By telling a story about herself hunting, Clinton has aligned herself with the nearly two-thirds of Americans who say they believe the Constitution guarantees each person the right to own a gun. Next, by making fun of Cheney, Clinton uses another level of communication described by Alinsky:
...humor is essential, for through humor much is accepted that would have been rejected if presented seriously.
By poking fun at Cheney, Clinton could laugh with the audience, but notice the twist, "Safety protocol would be useful, don't you think?" She is now shifting to Alinsky's chapter on "Communication." Here is one of Alinksy's maxims:
Another maxim in effective communication is that peple have to make their own decisions. It isn't just that Moses couldn't tell God what God should do; no organizer can tell a community, either, what to do. Much of the time, though, the organizer will have a pretty good idea of what the communtity should be doing, and he will want to suggest, maneuver, and persuade the community toward that action. He will not ever seem to tell the community what to do; instead, he will use loaded questions. For example, in a meeting on tactics where the organizer is convinced that tactic Z is the thing to do:
Organizer: What do you think we should do now?
Okay, so this interchange goes on until everyone has decided that tactic Z, as the organizer suggested is the thing to do. This is generally reached through manipulation on the part of the organizer but the community feels that they have made the decision themselves. But they didn't. They were manipulated.
Will Americans fall for Clinton's manipulative tactics, especially in the area of gun control? It's possible, but then again, many Americans know when they are being fed a big pile of bull. Or at least, I hope they do.
Labels: politics
Many Americans do. Wouldn't call it a majority, though. A great many prefer to vociferously repeat the bull-feeder's spin about how that steak over there is the real bull, and don't let anyone convince you otherwise; and then tuck into a nice, steaming crock, themselves.
I would like some sort of evidence that Hillary Clinton EVER stood in any swamp holding a shotgun with men who were hunting at any time in her life.
I'm sure it makes a great story, a great story no one can ever disprove. I need to order that Saul Alinsky book. I had been meaning to read it for years.
Obama's big on Alinsky, too.
Reminds me of Kerry talking about stalking deer by crawling on his belly with a shotgun.
Memphis Steven;
"I need to order that Saul Alinsky book. I had been meaning to read it for years."
Same here, we actually had it around the house but I had never read it --then we lost it so I ordered one the other day. While I am against almost every principal that Alinsky stands for, I think it is important to read in order to understand the manipulative principals of the liberal left in order to innoculate oneself from it and see it these strategies for what they are--propaganda.
Elmer Fudd Rodham Clinton. Why is it I never believe Mrs. Pinocchio?
I scanned the story via Glenn's link, and shrugged it off. Thanks for bringing out the context.
It would be interesting to see HRC's actions (and not only HRC's) large and small, interpreted in terms of Alinsky's rules. Perhaps a historian or other analyst will take up the task.
I haven't read Alinsky. Are his rules utilizable not just by idealistic community organizers, but also by amoral power-seekers? Just wondering...
"Are his rules utilizable not just by idealistic community organizers, but also by amoral power-seekers? Just wondering..."
I think they are are mainly used by amoral power-seekers.
I think they are are mainly used by amoral power-seekers.
Heh. It's my impression that Machiavelli's intentions were constructive too.
Helen, you've ordered Alinsky's book. IMHO a review, here or at Pajamas, would be timely.
I don't believe Hillary's story about duck hunting. I've never been but I know plenty of duck hunters. Some hunt in the creek behind my house.
They don't stand in the water. They sit in blinds or hunt in small boats. They may wade through a little water. But none are going to stand in cold water for any longer than absolutely necessary. No one wants to risk dropping a perfectly good shotgun in the water and ruining it. Plus, water has 200 times the thermal conductivity of air. Talk about getting cold in a hurry!
When I hear "don't you think?" my ears go up for the con job coming immediately afterwards. It's not just an Alinsky maxim, it's in many sales manuals.
Check out the many types of well- insulated waders on the market these days.
Hillary's story is possible but not plausible. You might wade out and set up decoys. You might wade across water to your blind. But, no one with any sense is going to stand in water for any period of time with a heavy shotgun in their hands having to make sure it stays dry.
"no one with any sense?" Maybe Hillary's telling the truth.
Duck hunters do sometimes stand in the water, particularly when hunting in hardwood river bottoms (like you find in Arkansas) where the ducks move around a lot in response to varying water levels, so building a blind isn't practical and a boat or boat blind can spook the birds. You stand up against a tree instead. If you have foresight, you brought a couple of screw-in hooks (made for climbing to tree stands) that you hang your shotgun and gear bag from.
Lots to criticize about HRC's answer, but the "standing in water" bit isn't an indicator that it is false.
@memphis steve
I would like some sort of evidence that Hillary Clinton EVER stood in any swamp holding a shotgun with men who were hunting at any time in her life.
Well, I just bet that the memory is seared ... SEARED! into her memory
Hillary's story is possible but not plausible.
Oh, I said nothing about the story's plausibility.
Just mentioned the existence of those waders.
And depending on the swampiness and woodiness of one's property in determining where you can off the best shots during duck season, it's not really that unusual to be finding yourself standing in a bit of water to get the best shot.
Not sure of your age or what you hunt with, but it's also really not all that unusual for some hunters to stand for the periods of time necessary to bag their limit, without running the risk of dropping their gun.
Some have flatboats, sure, depending on where they hunt, and usually it's the dogs retrieving the downed, but I would caution you on making blanket hunting statements. Depending on the flyzones, it also doesn't necessarily take all that much time for the ducks to come along, so you'd be standing in water all that long.
I'm just cautioning you on making assumptions based on those who hunt the hunt behind your house, is all. Not opining on the plausibility of Hillary's story so much, as this blanket assertation, which clearly is false, in many cases:
They don't stand in the water. They sit in blinds or hunt in small boats.
Whoops, should have continued to read on before responding.
mdmnm's 4:22 comment needed nothing added, really.
For a little on Alinsky, Hillary and Obama, go here:
"Reminds me of Kerry talking about stalking deer by crawling on his belly with a shotgun."
Yeah - I think he said he used his "trusty ol'" SxS or O/U.
The logical question would be "what size birdshot, Senator?" Or, what choke?
He would, in all likelihood, have produced the wackiest, most impossible SxS configuration that would also probably have been illegal in all 50 states for the hunting of big game.
Now that's some interesting commentary on a much-hated (at least amongst people who run in circles where people believe in individual rights) candidate.
Now, what I find scary is that people actually listen to candidates and just take in what they say. Don Boudreaux had some interesting commentary on politicians recently ( see "Low Standards"). This is really a scary election. On the one hand we have a guy who could care less about the first amendment and on the other we have a woman who could care less about any number of rights and a guy who isn't even old enough to be my father (late 20's). I weep for the future of this country.
"Reminds me of Kerry talking about stalking deer by crawling on his belly with a shotgun."
Does anyone remember this?
An interesting article by Diane Alden. Read the TYSK Note at the bottom of the article too. You will find some tidbits of interest to follow there.
Whether or not Clinton or Kerry have been duck hunting doesn't matter. It's a little off the point,eh? Their history in politics is a little more of a baramoter as to who they are and what they want for themselves (and us)in the future.
Not my cup of tea. That's not why this country was forged, and not what this country is about. There's always Cuba for folks who really believe that way.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the Clinton's have something for duck hunting.
"Remember Bill Clinton? During the campaign, he staged a duck hunt and posed for the cameras as a hunter and sportsman."
Interesting coincidence.
"Clinton was asked to discuss gun control which prompted Clinton to talk about her days holding a rifle in the cold, shallow waters in backwoods Arkansas."
I wonder if the mistake is hers or the reporters... but one normally goes duck hunting with a shotgun, not a rifle.
It goes beyond "normal".
Hunting migratory waterfowl with a rifle is actually a violation of federal regulations. See Title 50, Part 20, "migratory bird hunting".
"No person shall take migratory game birds:
a)with a trap, net, snare, rifle, pistol..."
Truth is malleable, especially in the realm of leftism. Let's just "move on".
The Alinsky - Clinton - Obama connection seems to be lost in the woods. Looks like folks want to talk about duck hunting.
It might be worth pointing out that the 2nd amendment isn't about duck hunting..
Now see, I actually didn't realize that most people were too dumb to see when they're being manipulated. That is, I mean, I thought that thought that but then I came here and, I mean, I guess maybe most everyone is too stupid or uneducated to know they're being told what to think. I don't know. Anyway, I guess its a good thing that we have you to tell us what to think. Man, I hate that Hillary Clinton. Right?
Sorry, zelda. My bad. What brand of waders do you use when duck hunting with your rifle?
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