Your Right to Leer

I guess not since I'm a woman and can do no wrong except for being a right-leaning libertarian. However, if you're a man, particularly a Republican man, who looks at his wife with affection, you are now accused of "leering"--especially if you are Fred Thompson. For those of you not familiar with the story from the other day, MSNBC talk show host Joe Scarborough made a crude comment about Thompson's wife "working the pole."
I then read this post by someone named "Libby" at The Newshogger's Blog, saying:
But what really struck me about this piece was the photo. If you didn't know, you would think it was a father and daughter, well except for the slightly lecherous look in his eyes. It's clear he's proud of his beautiful young wife, who is actually four years younger than his real daughter....
Even assuming they fell crazy in love and just had to be together, it's somewhat jarring to see them together in the photo. She looks so young, you expect that she signs her name with a little smiley face instead of a dot on the "i" at the end. In studying that shot, I couldn't help but think if Fred has been dating her only a few years eariler it would have been considered a sex offense [see update].
Now Libby updates her post to mention that she misread Ms. Thompson's age, thinking she was in her 20's when she was actually forty but I say, so what? This is yet another example of a woman who deep down believes that men have no right to leer at women, lest it be considered a sex offense. And she is not alone, there are many other women who feel that unless one is Bill Clinton or the object of their own lecherous desires (of course, for these women, their own desire is called empowerment--not lechery!), a regular joe has no right to look at a woman--not even in pictures--with desire in his heart. In their eagar quest to control men's sexual rights, some "feminist" women (and other prudish ones too!) go to extremes to shame, expose or intimidate men who let their lust for women dare come to the surface.
In an extreme example, one of my commenters (thanks!) linked to this website called Porn Detective whose mission is to catch men reading porn and reprimand them. If this site is real, isn't this intimidation and stalking to take pictures of men going into porn stores and posting them on the internet? How would women feel if a site called Abortion Detectives elected to take pictures of women going into abortion clinics and post them on a website? I bet the site would be shut down pretty fast.
My point here is that men have a right to sexual expression just as women do and leering or even an interest in porn is not a crime--but if some women have their way, it soon may be. So, I say to you men out there who believe in your right to sexual freedom, stand up for your right to leer--or it may soon be a thing of the past.
Update: Ann Althouse weighs with some keen observations: "But back to Fred Thompson. He's leering at his own wife. Does that make it okay? Well, there are lots of things you can do with your wife that people don't want to see in public. But what are people seeing with Fred Thompson? He doesn't stare at her breasts, does he? More likely, you're staring at her breasts, and then you're looking at him -- egad! he's older! -- and you're projecting your own feelings on to his face -- including, perhaps, the feeling that you don't want him to be President. You can still insult him. Go ahead! Just know what you're doing."
Labels: men's rights
Finally, a right a man will really use
When did feminism become all about making sure that men don't enjoy . . . anything?
Don't worry, Helen. Men will still leer at you and Glenn can still enjoy porn.
Post about something that matters, instead of hysteria about something that doesn't.
Liberals leer whenever they read about a proposed tax hike. Someone like Hillary not only leers, she climaxes. (If Bill Clinton is reading this, he's probably thinking: "So that's what it takes!")
Feminism is a way for spiritually and physically unattractive women to level the playing field.
Kind of like troll comments on blogs.
What about young girls leering at older men's wallets?
It really is utter hypocrisy, because women think it is completely acceptable when they do it. Look at the covers of cheap romance novels.
And this whole "older men with younger women is at best victimization, at worst child molestation" has its roots in hypocrisy and an attempt to control men, take away their rights, and diminish any advantages they have.
Women are at their peak of attractiveness when they are relatively young, so they have the most choices available to them then. And most of these women have no problem dating an appealing older man. With men, one of the advantages of their gender is that in a lot of cases they become more appealing to the opposite sex as they get older - more established financially, more experienced, more confident, etc. This attempt to demonize men that date younger women is an attempt to short-circuit this - for women to take advantage of their prime and deny men the advantage of their prime. And it is utterly hypocritical because the same women doing it would have had no problem dating an older man if he was appealing enough when they were younger.
Plus a lot of this is due to the high amount of older single women. Part of why they might be single is that they didn't treat some of the men they dated very well when they were younger because they had all these opportunities. So now all of a sudden the doormats from a couple years ago are supposed to dust themselves off and sheepishly come back to them to ask for another trampling - they aren't supposed to pursue other opportunities.
And note that a lot of these women run down other cultures where older men with younger women are more common, when those cultures may in fact have the right idea. There may be fewer bitter single women in those cultures. They may also have fewer women who are upset or frustrated because they are worried about having children.
anonymous 8:52:
Apparently, there are entire websites dedicated to helping these women--such as
What I don't like is how Feminism has successfully defined pornography as "photos of naked women", while ignoring the romance novels, movies, and daytime TV porn. Why is it that Feminists are so concerned about creating healthy states of mind in males, but not in females? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
In exercising my right to leer, Dr. Helen,I must say you look a lot like Andie macDowell's pretty sister.
My Bride is only a year younger than I am, so the kiddie angle doesn't work. So I guess when I "leer" at her would they consider that incest like she was my sister?
I agree, with reservations.
I find the equivalence drawn between a man looking at his own wife, and a man perusing skin mags to be troubling.
I'd like to think that, even with marriage in it's current state, the husband "leering" at his wife has some sort of spiritual/emotional bond with the woman he desires. There is no such bond with porno. A husband wants to make love to his wife (at least I do) a Playboy reader just wants to f*** someone.
This is not to say porno should be criminalized, but let's not pretend lust and love are the same thing. They're not even close. And I think that people who assume there is no difference to a man disrespect men greatly.
As for my own right to leer, I abstain. Both out of respect for my wife, and of respect for my three-week-old daughter. I must lead by example if I want her to marry someone who won't just use her to bleed off the energy he built up reading the latest issue of Hustler.
"...thinking she was in her 20's when she was actually forty but I say, so what?"
You are mixing age and maturity in this post. Obviously, Mrs. Thompson was mature enough to make a rational decision when it came to something as irrational as love - she looks very happy in the pictures. But, if she were in her early twenties - I'd have very serious questions about Senator Thompsons intentions.
I'm all for pornography, prostitution, etc. Anything that two consenting adults want to do is fine by me. But, in some cases, that younger woman isn't enough of and "adult" to understand that she is being taken advantage of by the older man.
You are probably right about Libby and you are definitely right that men have a right to sexual expression (except for Speedos), but part of Libby's point under her initial assumptions is correct. There really are dirty old men perverts out there.
This reminds me of my last day on AOL. I was in a chatroom when a topic much like this one came up.
My comment was something to the effect that it has becoming a crime to walk around in America with a penis.
Some feminazi turned me in to the monitor, and they cut off my account for terms of service violation.
The last straw came when I received a phonecall from some clueless woman AOL rep in India, demanding that I repent my "crime".
There really are dirty old men perverts out there.
Yes, and that fact alone clearly implies that it's just fine to then paint the entire gender with such a broad brush.
But, if she were in her early twenties - I'd have very serious questions about Senator Thompsons intentions.
But if such were the case, would you not also have serious questions about her intentions too? Or is it always a one-way street with you?
A woman in her twenties is an adult and can choose her own sexual partners. To rule out all older men as potential partners is agist, to say the least. We are talking here about consenting adults--not children. The same holds for women who choose younger partners, as long as they are over 18. Attraction is not always about age.
I think it is interesting that in these comments "Feminists" and "Women" apparently all think exactly the same thing. While there probably are some unreasonable people out there who don't think men should ever be attracted any woman, or look at her with a naughty glint in their eye, these people are probably so sexually repressed I don't know why we're worried about their opinions on this subject.
I will point out though that there is a fine line between being a creep and admiring an attractive woman. For instance, if in this photo it was just Fred, and she wasn't his wife, and he looked at her like that I'd be like "Oh.. ew." The way he is looking at her clearly implies that he's going to be getting some, and that kind of assumption from a stranger is just gross. The thing is, she's looking back at him in a naughty way too, clearly into him, and it's not just him having some lustful fantasy in her head, they are sharing a lusty look. (On camera, how unfortunate)
It is totally possible to admire a beautiful woman or man without assuming that you have the right to "tap that." As long as you are respectful and realize that the person whose ass you are admiring is actually a person and not just an ass there for your enjoyment, then I say ogle away. (oh, and I'm a woman and a feminist)
the hit whore strikes again
I thought the Clinton presidency made leering a requirement for the job. Oh that's right it was leering (among other things) at interns that became a requirement.
Sorry meant to leave my pseudonym with that last post - plus I forgot that it was interns who were under 25 (thus those at least half the age of the President) that were to be leered at and whatever else. Most of the time this is referred to as lecherous but if you're a Liberal Democrat its considered a forgivable indiscretion, hardly worth mentioning.
Perhaps it is a case of jealousy. No one would ever think of leering at Hillary Clinton
Gee ... and here I thought "feminism" was about empowering women. Silly me. Apparently, that is not the case, if 20-something year old women are not able to make their own decisions about who they have a relationship with.
The other thing is how do we really know he is even learing or to what extent he is learing? A photo is one instant in time. Learing occurs over several moments. If you took a picture of someone and they're eyes were closed, would you then assume that they actually sat there for several seconds with their eyes closed? Everyone is acting like for the several seconds they look at the picture, that he was actually there looking at her like that the whole time -- as if it was a movie and not just a picture.
Perhaps it is just me, but when I went and looked at the enlarged photo, I just didn't see a man leering. The detail is not clear in the smaller photo, so I could see how one might get that impression, but looking at the larger photo, it just is not there.
Perhaps Shinobi has a greater ability at reading intent into people's expressions than I do, but I am seeing two people clearly having a good time, but see no lechery in either's gaze.
Apparently, that is not the case, if 20-something year old women are not able to make their own decisions about who they have a relationship with.
Oh, there's no problem at all with Jeri's choice. Fred's, OTOH, makes him a patriarchal predator.
Once you chuck the logic, it all falls into place.
This comment has been removed by the author.
here I thought "feminism" was about empowering women. Silly me. Apparently, that is not the case, if 20-something year old women are not able to make their own decisions about who they have a relationship with.
You've forgotten "their principles are as flexible as their interns". Femininsts [rightly] insisted Lewinksy was an adult able to make her own decisions about relationships [and ignore all that stuff we said about sexual discrimination & harassment in the workplace, we were just kidding].
Situational ethics.
Bill trading sex for jobs? No biggie. But a conservative leering at his "trophy" wife? Huge deal.
Anon. 7:59 AM says - "When did feminism become all about making sure that men don't enjoy . . . anything?"
Pretty much right from the start. It's the "if we're not happy, you can't be happy either" syndrome.
It amazes me how the left wingers become more and more oppressive.
Hey maybe if Clinton had leered at Lewinsky the liberals would have ben concerned :p
But, if she were in her early twenties - I'd have very serious questions about Senator Thompsons intentions.
You're right. We definitely need a law limiting the allowable age differences between two consenting adults. Heck, let's just authorize the government to pick your life partner for you.
Oh and anyone who thinks Thompson is leering in that photo is simply projecting. But take heart, it's not uncommon. In fact I think it's a common occurence when we see an 'old guy' with a 'young woman'.
It's the "if we're not happy, you can't be happy either" syndrome.
Or is it the "We're not happy if you are," syndrome?
This feminist sensitivity reminds me of a required HR video on harassment everyone in my company is now taking. It’s an hour-long interactive web-video with actors portraying different scenarios of harassment where you are given multiple-choice selections at the end to choose. What I found a little grating was one on sexual harassment. Here it is in a nutshell: A successful female project developer runs into an old flame from college. He has just joined her firm as a supervisor in a different department. After college they parted as friends. He basically asks her over for dinner multiple times and she puts him off by saying she has plans that night etc. She puts him off without saying, no she isn't interested or no, she doesn't want to pursue a relationship with someone at work etc. Of note, in the scenario he was not her supervisor, but they did have some interaction on various projects at work (economic harassment?).
The HR video classed his actions as sexual harassment because of the repeated attempts to ask her out. It wasn't presented as though he was constantly bugging her. She even said she liked him, but just didn’t want to date him. What annoyed me is the web-training video won’t let you move on until you pick the correct answer, which classifies his actions as sexual harassment and her correct option is to go to HR. Not even to confront him first to explain she isn’t interested. Go to HR…They know what is best for you. UGH!
Well, she got a hit out of you, didn't she? You must like what the hit whore's sellin'.
Actually, Dr. Helen, the anti-choice people ARE doing exactly that:
I see the man is smiling,as he converses. So if one smiles at a woman this is ipso facto leering?
First of all,
I leer at my wife every chance I get, whether in our home or out and about as I think she's the hottest woman in the room.
And, as long as drooling isn't involved, what's the harm? I suppose scowling at someone is just as bad?
Second, they're married. Legally. End of story. If she's above the local age of consent (which is what again in the various states of the South?), then it's a non-issue in regards to his age. More power to them both!
Finally, (hold your applause) the real issue here had nothing whatsoever to do with the future President and First Lady--it's about Scarborough commenting that she looked like she was "working the pole!!!"
Who the h*ll is he to comment ( as a public commentator, no less) on another man's wife (or independent woman, for you feminazis) in what was meant to be a derogatory fashion? Personally, I have nothing against exotic dancers (much as I would have liked to in my youth), but I dare Joe Scumborough to make that crack within hearing range of the former Senator from TN and see what he gets for his trouble.
For whatever reason, libertarian and Republican women are just, uh, hotter than those who eschew razors and plucking devices on the far Left, so lechery and leering will raise their, ahem, heads from time to time and smart, capable, sexy, confident women will deal with it.
It reminds of an episode of West Wing where one of the office automatons accused Rob Lowe's character of inappropriate leering and comments towards Emily Proctor's character. (Proctor, you may remember, portrayed a Rupublican lawyer on the show.) Anyway, when Lowe asked Proctor, point blank, if he had crossed the line, she eloquently stated her position as a modern sexy, confident woman and then told the nosy intern, "...and you! Stop ruining my fun!"
Here's to women worth leering at and those that leer right back.
Well, he is smiling at her, and maybe she just told him a good joke. But there is a reason behind the accusations of leering. The intent is not just to control behavior but to control thoughts.
If Lucy Lawless ever makes it to Detroit I intend to find out where she is and leer at her as much as I can. They can put me in jail for it.
Well, in Thompson's defense, he's not really leering. He's smiling with his eyes, but so what.
And, it's his wife so why should anybody else care? The busybodies should MYOB.
That said, I hope we get some substantive discussion over Fred Thompson's decades of work as a DC lobbyist, a fact too often ignored. He represented foreign nations before our government, for Pete's sake.
He's a rich man posing as a pickup-driving regular guy. Uh-uh.
Wife is attractive (on the outside) though.
I have been putting up all kinds of porn stories lately.
Climate Porn
Arab Porn
and the Porn Petective never came after me. What am I doing wrong?
among others.
Let me see.
I can't spell and I can't edit. Maybe that's it.
The implication of "leering" is that it's unwanted and is making the leeree uncomfortable. That doesn't seem to be the case.
mmm, much ado about nothing. Without seeing the original image from the original camera, I can't be 100% but his eyeline is to her eyes. That would not be leering, for most people. Deciding the intention of the look by an outsider might well be considered projection. I think only Jeri Thompson is in a position to decide...
on the other hand... I am not afraid of the pronouncements, because I am used to them. How many men have had a woman tell them to stop looking, while the woman decided to wear a bikini top and short shorts to the mall. An argument may be made about exactly what kind of attention she is looking for, but it amazes me that she would demand that I not look. [yes, true] Same with adjusting your skirt or bathing suit in public, as if no-one will see. The movement of your hand actually draws the eye, just like a plunging neckline does.
I'm not saying any of this is a problem, other than a lack of honesty, and mixed messaging. I doubt seriously if women leer at me, but even if they did, I'd say fine. It's nice to be desirable. It just seems like there are more than a few people who want it both ways...
'don't look at me unless I want you to look at me... and don't look at her either.'
Sorry kid, it's not your place to tell me what to do... there is only one person in this world you can truely control, and it's yourself... YMMV, of course.
I agree with those that say he's not even leering in the photo. What might be confusing some people is that it's a genuine smile, which admitedly is pretty rare in politicians. She is smiling back. They probably shared a rude comment about some bozo at the fundraiser, hence the slight impishness. "Can you believe what a butt licking today he is? ", "Yeah, no kidding, honey." sort of thing.
And isn't "trophy wife" a demeaning thing to call a womyn anyway? Maybe he's her "trophy husbad". I mean, he has been in the movies on TV. People gotta get a grip.
Anonymous 11:16:
Thanks for pointing me to that site. The abortion cam is not right just as the porn detective pics are not right. The difference seems to be that laws are being implemented to protect women from having their pictures put on these sites:
I doubt that anyone will be protecting men from much.
This is much ado about nothing, indeed! I don't know that he's leering at his wife, not from that one image. As someone who has done pro photography and worked with other photographers, I can tell you that all kinds of fleeting expressions pass over our faces all the time. A camera captures an instant. I don't know that Thompson didn't just turn his head and focus back on his wife, which can cause an expression like that. The angle can affect the look also (that very same instant might look different from another angle). Then there's the context: She's obviously making some light remark to him, he seems to be preparing to laugh. His body language says, "I am listening and am in agreement with you."
As a previous commenter noted, men don't leer while looking into a woman's eyes. They leer when (1) they think the leer is not being observed, and (2) at certain other body parts (list on request). (Occasionally of course, there is the Alpha-male bold leer, designed to challenge the leeree. I don't think that is what's going on here.)
They are at a fundraiser, working the room – do you really think a man at that age, running for president and surrounded by photogs (there's one behind him as well), has his mind on prurient interests at that moment? Thompson's quick wit was not born of that type of behavior. Lastly - do men leer at their wives, or at women they are not supposed to have?
All this garbage about 'leering' is the fictional byrpoduct of many dirty minds who wish to hell they could be Fred Thompson right about now. I am glad to see that so many of your readers see through this. For the rest – Geez, get a GRIP.
Somehow I think if the genders were reversed, and this was a powerful woman dating or marrying a much younger man, Libby would have spun it positively, perhaps about female empowerment or the options women have in this brave new world.
As other posters have noted, what defines something as pornography is not the sexual content but rather which gender enjoys it. If it arouses men, it's porn, if it arouses women it just a copy of Cosmo or Redbook.
As Mister Snitch said, the picture is not one of a leering man. I would be more concerned with the photographer behind her who is obviously taking a picture of her backside. Now that's leering.
the porn detective seems to be holding onto to a shapely instrument that i've seen elsewhere ditto the hairdo. bad choice when your fighting porn people might get the wrong impression.but then what do i know about erotica/porn.c.j.g.of eroticalee
"Leer" is one of those words people use when they want an emotional response regardless of, in spite of, or in excess of any factual substance. "Traipse" is a lovely one as well, used by the same folk as "Leer" (Shakespeareans excepted), and I invite you to ask the next user of either word to define it and explain why they selected it over far more commonly used words. If you do it right, the squirming is a lot of fun to watch.
Other favorite examples of mine:
- right
- prerogative
- empower
- disenfranchise
- McCarthyism
- fascism
- rape
- murder
- Nazi
- censorship
- imperialist
Use responsibly. Abuse the abusers.
He's a rich man posing as a pickup-driving regular guy. Uh-uh.
alphalib - I thought Dems like rich guys a la Edwards, Kennedy, Kerry, etc.
Thompson grew up poor and hasn't forgetton his roots.
Alex Bensky said...
If Lucy Lawless ever makes it to Detroit I intend to find out where she is and leer at her as much as I can. They can put me in jail for it.
I'm guessing there may have been a pinup calender or two in the back of Grand Schafer North. Unless, that is, that Mrs. B objected.
I just love the way the author implies that Fred Thompson's wife is less than intelligent (with that smiley face comment) because she's well endowed, youthful, and pretty. And that she couldn't possibly love an older man? Why the hell not?
I doubt seriously if women leer at me, but even if they did, I'd say fine.
I have a small embroidery business and I sometimes have to shop for supplies at JoAnn Fabric and Bed Bath & Beyond. I also do a lot of cycling and use my bicycle for transportation. I'd like to believe my sunny disposition and good looks are why women stare, but it probably has more to do with my lycra bike shorts.
(1) Fred Thompson was never what I would call poor. Small, rural Southern town does not equal poor, despite what some people think.
(2) Definitely who cares if he's leering at his own wife. Is the thought of the two of them together disgusting? Absolutely. Is Fred most likely a dirty old man? Yes. But it's a free country, thank god.
(3) The remarks about Fred's wife were offensive and inappropriate. Just like Don Imus' remarks about the Rutgers basketball team. Did you guys criticize him or stand up for his freedom of speech rights? Just curious.
My husband leers at me. He doesn't leer at other women. I always thought that was a good thing. Somehow we didn't get the memo that middle aged married people who were Republican and, in our case, Baptist weren't allowed to be attracted to each other sexually after 30 years of marriage.
It's not like they were groping each other at the reception. Hopefully they did a bit of that in the car on the way home, though.
Gosh, liberals are such prudes.
That is a really good quality picture, as far as clarity and color. When I saw the picture I just assumed he was talking to a fan or maybe someone he met at a press event. His wife does look good, but not in her 20s, possibly mid-30s (she is actually 40 and he is 64).
As far as him running for President, I know he has become the popular candidate, but I just wonder if his views are really conservative. It seems like the other three major Republican candidates have questionable records on abortion, guns and immigration, though I only have a cursory familiarity with any of them. I've heard that McCain is reliable in his opposition to abortion.
Some dems are really coming out as hypocritical scum on this one. As soon as they found out that Fred Thompson's wife is relatively young, and very attractive, they began slinging mud, accusing him of robbing the cradle, accusing her of being an unintelligent goldigging homewrecker, and generally making asses of themselves. As it turns out, she's a lobbyist, 40 years old, and Thompson had been divorced for almost 20 years when they married. This from the people that seem to think we should have repealed the 22nd amendment so Bill Clinton could be president for a couple more terms.
The only thing that bugs me about Mrs. Thompson is that she's a lobbyist.
Did you guys criticize him or stand up for his freedom of speech rights? Just curious.
The two are not mutually exclusive. And he suffered no legal action.
I'd love to leer at my wife like I used to, but she's let herself go and it's mighty difficult to even perform. So, congrats to Fred for finding a beautiful woman who has some self-pride.
What? I was busy leering at Helen;)
When I look at my husband with affection, am I leering?
I saw that recent picture of your husband giving blood.
You might give him a wifely look, but "leering" implies some degree of sexual attractiveness on the part of where you're looking that is not just in the eye of the beholder.
Instapundit has a link to a Don Surber article that is related to this.
My husband leers at me. He doesn't leer at other women. I always thought that was a good thing. Somehow we didn't get the memo that middle aged married people who were Republican and, in our case, Baptist weren't allowed to be attracted to each other sexually after 30 years of marriage.
Again, what your husband is doing is not truly "leering". You're stretching the word's definition so everyone can feel leered at. No. You may be getting amorous looks from your husband, but what your husband is doing in looking at you is not "leering". The word is losing all meaning here, and you women are flattering yourselves to the point of falsehood.
May I cut to the chase?
Fred Thompson's wife is never going to be America's first lady so her attractiveness, if this is what you define as attractive -- bit tight and not so classy for my tastes -- is not really a public issue.
Mrs. Romney or Mrs. Obama realistically may become the first lady; Mr. Clinton the first husband. Or other candidates to be named later.
But Fred Thompson's wife, we don't have to worry ourselves, or pant, over either way. Reality folks.
I don't find Mrs. Thompson the least bit attractive. Can't figure out what the big deal is.
She is what's considered manufactured beauty these days. You buy that look. So it's like a beauty status symbol, I think.
She has a tummy so that outfit is designed more for younger or flatter, I think. There's a word for being rounded below the tummy too where they lose muscle tone, but I forget what it is.
Per the upthread comment, Thompson has a much better chance of being elected than either Obama or Hillary, neither of whom has any chance. None. The former is a flyweight, the latter's negatives ratings are reported in log units.
Regarding Scarborough's nasty and uncalled-for comment, lots of liberals work the pole. Just not the women, that's all.
All I'm saying is Fred Thompson's wife will not be our next First Lady.
You can add your opinions to that category if you like, but it won't be this Fred. Sorry.
This reminds me of the time that the University HR or some other nincompoops came and tried to "train" the psychology grad school about sexual harassment.
Things were going fine till we got to the hostile environment part. The people from the university said that the woman (their gender choice) did not have to inform the man that his attention was not wanted. It was enough that she felt uncomfortable. So there was a hostile environment every time some one felt uncomfortable. Really really.
We all tore into them, men, women, straight, gay, all of us. It was unanimous because all of us by then had worked with either untreated trauma victims or personality disordered patients for whom the entire world was a hostile environment!
The University people left battered and bruised, and quite confused that they had met with so much resistance from the psychology department of all places. "We don't understand why you are having so much trouble understanding this" they said at one point. "The trouble is that we DO understand it, and your policy is foolish and flawed" was the response from one of the lesbian students who went on to become faculty.
It was one of my proudest moments of grad school.
I can see you Republicans still prefer to put your faith in great unknowns though, over your not-so-great prospects on the ground.
I'll revise my predition: maybe you can keep your candidate and his wife in hiding until the election and people will elect the unknown coming miracle. It seems to be what's passing for policy in that party these days. Heh.
Some anon wrote: "You can add your opinions to that category if you like, but it won't be this Fred. Sorry."
Hmmm, and we should believe you or be swayed by your wise pronouncement because?????
You are some anon, you could be 12 or 55 and living in your mother's basement. You have no weight here.
Anons can post a reasonable idea of make a logical point and get some respect, but what you left is just chaff. If you want to get a modicum of respect, support your point or take 5 seconds to make up an interesting screen name, then make a point or share a thought instead of a pronouncement. That is the way things work around here.
For Pete's sake, the poor guy is not leering. Some men have really good times with their wives in public, and that includes smiling at and laughing with each other.
There is another school of thought, popular in Arab lands, that says women's effect on men is evil, and that therefore women have a moral duty to cover up. Completely.
I'm sure progressives will latch on this viewpoint soon enough.
"I can see you Republicans still prefer to put your faith in great unknowns though, over your not-so-great prospects on the ground."
Good point. Sounds like Republicans should draft Obama. (Can he find the Senate restroom now, without asking for directions?)
Hmmm, and we should believe you or be swayed by your wise pronouncement because?????
Oh Trey, there you go with the fatboy anger again. 5 question marks? Get over yourself.
Stop poking your nose into other people's comments please. I expressed an opinion, and responded cheerfully to someone else's. Skip over what you disagree with and stop picking fights. Helen welcomes all hits, why must you constantly personally attack?
*rhetorical questions, I won't respond to your cheap tricks if you comment back. Go get a life and realize other people are allowed to express opinions. Yeah, I know it's tough for you to realize without getting all personal big guy.*
Good point. Sounds like Republicans should draft Obama.
lol. Why, I quite agree. Won't it be sweet sweet revenge when the Republicans get whipped as the their tactics are adopted ... and played better? Praise the Lord!
I think Trey should take up his beef with Dr. Helen.
She chooses to allow the "anonymous" commenter button on her blog.
Did I miss something and Trey tells her what she can do and can't here?
I think he's just upset that nobody stroked him for that long comment he typed.
Do you read his comments anymore? I don't. They're always about him, his family, and his stories. He is very needy, I think.
And he thinks all the anonymous comments are talking about him. Heh.
Just looks like a smile to me. But yeah, as a republican, it must be more and very bad. :)
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Between right-wing broads pushing a very feminine corporate and religious agenda for men and left wing women trying to force men to pretend they do not have balls between their legs that are constantly producing testosterone, one wonders whether homosexuality is not the most natural of all activities for both the male and female. Everything else seems to be a construct for procreation and maintaining order.
Message to women-stop turning your husbands into liars and frauds! We are turned on all the time, attracted to many people, and have balls that need to be relieved quite often by virtue of biology. Deal with it.
These broads seem to want to be married to and involved with women, and will do all they can to turn their husbands and lovers into the woman they really want.
How else would one explain the many women that request their men shave their body hair(an epidemic in ever republican Orange County, California). They want women, not men.
Gosh, such a fuss. I see a guy who appears genuinely interested or excited by something the woman next to him is saying or has just said.
But, maybe I'm just projecting.
Replace the attractive woman in this picture with a more plain looking colleague of either sex. Then look at his expression.
Leer? That is projection on "Libby's" part.
I have to agree with Cosmo. He is obviously responding to a conversation he is having with her. And looking her straight in the eyes.
Is this what the feminist-left want us to believe constitutes "leering"?
I guess liberals hijack threads everywhere. A post about leering becomes a pissing match about whether Fred! has a chance.
This is such a nonissue. Men, don't just "leer" at your wife. Compliment her, help her, do things for her. Women, give your husband something to "leer" at every once in a while and take care of yourself.
I don't know exactly how poor Fred Thompson grew up. My sister's husband was an attorney in Thompson's firm. She described him as working his way up from being poor. What she meant by poor, I'd have to ask. My sister and I grew up upper middle class. These things are relative.
My sister and her now ex-husband are liberal Democrats. Her daughter was an intern for Clinton/Gore. But they both have the highest respect for Thompson as a person even though neither voted for him for Senator because they only vote Democrat. (Except once, but that's another story.)
I enlarged the picture and this is what I saw.A married couple who enjoy each other, can say the words "I love you darling" and really mean it. c.j.g.of eroticalee
These broads seem to want to be married to and involved with women, and will do all they can to turn their husbands and lovers into the woman they really want.
How else would one explain the many women that request their men shave their body hair(an epidemic in ever republican Orange County, California). They want women, not men.
Or, as I like to tell women, do you want a man in your life, or a girlfriend with a penis?
That is no leer. That is a look. Some of you haven't been leered at in so long, you don't know what the word means.
I think some people are obsessed with ladies breasts and think talking about them brings their blogs power, or more hits.
It the aging saggage factor I think. When you have to worry about how you're presenting your chest, all of sudden you start looking at the other ladies. And seeing things that aren't there.
No leer. Not all that sexxy. Just a married couple. Move it along, folks...
Or, as I like to tell women, do you want a man in your life, or a girlfriend with a penis?
Best of both worlds. Not to get too kinky, but I believe that ranks right up there in married couple sexual fantasies, with him playing her "girlfriend with a penis". Ask Rudy. Of course, it might take some planning to get the XXL hose and all, depending on how much you like to work with props and how much is just mindplay.
I'm married to a man 10 years older than I am and I am so grateful I waited for the right one. Because he's had a little more 'time' in life, he's not only mature and responsible but comfortable with who he is; he's also thoughtful, affectionate and considerate. He was divorced once and says it, and time, has made him appreciate what is important in a relationship. Our relationship is better than I could have imagined.
My father was 28 years older than my mother; he never looked that much older than her and was very active, smart and charming.
People find love in unlikely and unlooked for places; if Jeri Thompson is headstrong, she may have looked for someone who is strong and determined, like Fred Thompson. Women are attracted to men for a variety of reasons; intelligence, humour, charisma, ability to display affection are just a few; unless you have some inside knowledge, it's not appropriate for people to trash the Thompsons.
i don't see why everyone mocks feminists as empty-headed hypocrites; or laughs at feminism as the whining ululations of 4-year-olds stamping their feet when they don't get their way.
all they *want* is *everything*, man. including the right to impugn women who belong to or are married to men 'not of the right party'. so while it's WRONG to point out bubba's amazing serial infidelities, it's quite OK to make fun of fred thompson for not doing the same.
got it?
I enlarged the picture and took a close look at it. It looks like Fred Thompson is holding a water bottle and having a conversation and smiling, with a woman who happens to be his wife. That is not a leer so the discussion is moot.
Oh, my secret despiser is back! I thought you were over me, but it seems that you are still obsessed.
Show some courage and a little intellect, post a thought instead of an insult.
Trey (not holding his breath)
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My wife is younger than I. The woman I dated before meeting my wife was much older than I. I 'leered' at both. So what? I love my wife and like both my wife and ex girlfriend.
I happen to like looking at my wife: Big hairy deal. The same thign should apply to Thompson.
I think there's been a nasty bad habit created in many people which completely ignores males as fellow human beings: Males are PEOPLE and people can have sexual feelings. Too many cannot seem to understand that.
Besides, she could have just said something both private and funny: That too would explain the picture.
I see no leer, just a couple of happy people. Jeezus! Some people have too much time on their hands.
Really? What's the name of your sister's ex-husband? We must know some of the same people. I practiced law there for awhile.
God forbid he should want to bone his wife
It's always amazing that the media can't stand when a guy loves his wife.
I like this, Helen, the "insta-Trophy-Wife".
"Kehn (born January, 1967) is an attorney and a political media consultant at the Verner, Liipfert, Bernhard, and McPherson law firm in Washington, D.C. She had formerly worked for the Senate Republican Conference and the Republican National Committee."
So Mrs. Thomnpason is legally blonde.
And has had 2 kids in the last 5 years (in her late 30s).
Just remember -- Teresa was almost first lady.
The "pole" comment was totally out of line. An apology would be nice, but not necessary. Poor taste is/should not be against the law.
I think Thompson's father was a used car salesman. The story, IIRC, is the first marriage he married "up" (another one of those social things -- her father was a lawyer?) -- after he got his girl friend pregnant and married her in high school.
Maybe that is some indication of integrity, responsibility, and maturity there that is missing from the public forum these days.
Sorry, no names.
I work next to the sorority houses of a major DC university. It's 98 degrees outside. Don't talk to me about leering...
I happen to like looking at my wife: Big hairy deal.
What an unfortunate choice of words.
Hey, doesn't it look -- at the top of the blog -- like Helen is leering at the picture of Sen. Thomson allegedly leering at this wife? LOL.
The positioning looking down makes hers look more like a leers than his.
Anon 1:34, you are so right, I laughed out loud!
See Trey how much more pleasant our conversations can be when we don't overpunctuate and start getting bossy? :)
The pictures just jumped out at me...
I can't correlate taking photos of men going into porn shops as being the same as photographing women going into abortion clinics, but I do agree with the rest of this entry.
I have to say that the last sentence of the second to last paragraph is the absolute best and most subtle double entendre I've seen in ages! Brilliant;)
Rosie's off her meds again.
Did Rosie's meds ever really work? Mood swings, rapid changes in behavior and relational stances, sounds like borderline personality to me. And I do not think they have a medicine for a broken personality.
Taking a snapshot of a scene in a "moving picture" can be made to represent whatever the writer wants to get across. Isn't it done every day?
No different than taking a few words out of context and re-shaping them to suit ones desires.
Judging by others I see in the photo displayed, I can see no one else I would rather be talking to, were I Mr. Thompson. All husbands and wives should be so lucky.
I think they need to invent a medication for those people who see things that aren't there.
Anon 11:57, Haldol works really well for that. Usually no more little green men or flamingos on the ceiling.
There really are dirty old men perverts out there.
Yes, and? your point would be...what, exactly? that I, as an older man, don't have a right to enjoy consensual relationships with members of the opposite sex above the age of consent? Bah!
I just wish there was as much outrage when a woman junior high or high school teachers molests her male students. But somehow the old saw of 15 gets you 20 doesn't seem to apply to them...
Perverts, indeed!
TO: Dr. Helen, et al.
RE: This 'Flap'
Seems to me to be all about one of several things:
[1] Bimbo envy.
[2] Power envy.
[3] Penis evny.
As well as hypocrisy.
I think it's pretty obvious to the casual observer that the people trying to tear down Fred Thompson, because of his luck in bed, is prima facia evidence of the rank hypocrisy one can expect of the donkey party.
Look at their track record....
They love homosexuals, except when they are part of the Republican Party. Then they hold them up to exposure and ridicule.
The same is true in this instance. They love sex with hot blondes, except when they are associated with members of the Republican Party.
They remind me of the Nazis, who, historically, relied on the homosexuals and other disaffecteds in the 1920s and early 30s to come to power. However, after they had power, they turned on their erstwhile compatriots and sent them off to concentration camps.
The Democrats of today, based on their apparent track record to date, described above, would likely do the same.
[When our friends come into power, they are no longer our friends.]
P.S. I have not information about Fred's marital life. And it is something of a challenge for me. I think along the lines of the last good Democrat president, Harry S. Truman, who said, upon firing a member of his cabinet for getting a divorce.....
"He broke his promise to his wife. Why should I expect him to keep his promise to ME?" [Or words to that affect....]
P.P.S. Ronald Reagan's wife, Jane Wyman—foolish woman that she was—divorced HIM, because he was getting too involved in politcs....
TO: Dr. Helen
RE: There's a Simple Solution....
"So, I say to you men out there who believe in your right to sexual freedom, stand up for your right to leer--or it may soon be a thing of the past." -- Dr. Helen
Then there will be no leering.
On the other hand, if women insist on wearing tight or 'revealing' clothing, while insisting men should not 'notice' them...
...they are the sort of hypocrites that the Nazis became and the Democrats (of today) are.
[Where there is no religion, hypocrisy becomes good taste. -- George Bernard Shaw]
I read through this whole thread and nobody admitted to being jealous of the guy. Well, I am.
TO: ricpic
RE: Jealous? Moi?
"I read through this whole thread and nobody admitted to being jealous of the guy. Well, I am." -- ricpic
Not me.
But if YOU are, I suggest you go find yourself a 'good woman'. It's quite possible....
After all....I did.
P.S. See the latter part of Proverbs 31. Combine that with the Song of Solomon, as sung by the female lead in Life Force.
P.P.S. She has the same surname....too....
I'm going to say something that most of us guys are probably thinking, but won't say because it's decidedly not politically correct, but you know what, the hell with it.
Dude, that's your wife? All right!
Don't look now, but I think the lady in this picture is leering at Sarkozy. *gasp*
Assuming he can still get it up, he gets what he wants and she gets to spend some of what she wants now and the rest after the funeral.
While these old guys are lying to themselves the public is smirking.
With all the commercials about men needing a blue pill to get it up and women leaking when they move quickly or both heading for the pottie many times during the day, or the side affects of Gas X one wonders where is the appeal?
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