Portion Control
Remember the old drugstores that doubled as diners in your youth? We still have one in Knoxville---Long's Drug Store has just celebrated it's 50th anniversary and has not changed much at all over the years. What's interesting is, neither have the portion sizes of the food. They still serve portions sizes of the past--it's no wonder people were not as fat in the 50's, 60's and 70's. But Long's is unusual--if another restaurant around here tried to cut back on its portion sizes, I have a feeling that it would not last long. We had a place like that downtown--The Elephant Room, an Indian Restaurant, that served the most petite portions I had ever seen. It was also quite expensive. Needless to say, it folded pretty quickly. Luckily for Long's, the portion sizes are small but so is the price. Lunch for two--$7.16 and a tip.
They still serve portions sizes of the past--it's no wonder people were not as fat in the 50's, 60's and 70's.
Absolutely! The simplest way to lose weight, or at least to gain less weight, is to eat less restaurant food. In the 1950s, fewer people had enough money to eat at restaurants all the time. One reason that the portions were smaller was just that it saved money.
People also get less exercise now on average, and that too is for the simplest of reasons. They spend more time watching TV and in their cars. The country has gone from "a man's home is his castle" to "a man's car is his castle"; from "a dog is a man's best friend" to "a television is a man's best friend".
But hey, if other people want to live that way, it's their choice.
Depends on the type of restaurant. Continental or European usually have small portions but Italian places usually give you enough so you can take some home and eat for a few more days.
I agree. The way I lost a bunch of weight was via smaller portions. I still ate what I enjoyed but in less quanity.
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