What the Hell Happened to Freedom of Speech?
Can this really be true? thanks to SayUncle--another local Tennessee blogger.
Update: Here are some more thoughts and information on this annoying clause.
Update: Here are some more thoughts and information on this annoying clause.
Like the rest of the bill of rights, the way of the dodo, is where they're headed. Actually, I think amendment 3 is still OK.
I had just read this and the news.com story which I had found via SayUncle. The VAWA is not good law (no equal protection) and this makes it even worse. It sickens me that our politicians think that people need to be so pampered and protected that they shouldn't have to tolerate being "annoyed."
P.S. If any of my comments happen to annoy anyone at anytime, I have no intent to annoy, disturb perhaps, but not annoy.
Wow! That's the most unconstitutional thing I've seen since they tried to take some homes in Connecticut for private purposes. No way it'll hold up in court.
It's even worse than that unconstitutional McCain-Feingold nonsense that got struck down so soundly by the Supremes after Bush signed it for purely political reasons, feeling safe to leave the court to veto it for him.
Geeze - I leave town for a long weekend and now I find out that I can be arrested for annoying someone on the internet...
There are times when I want to slap all those "law makers" in Washington upside the head and ask them what in the world they're thinking! (or maybe it would be better to ask why they're NOT thinking!) Shame on President Bush for signing this into law!
I think Jay is right and it won't hold up under a challenge - but why should someone have to go to the time, trouble and expense of challenging this stupid excuse for a law?
Well... since they did go ahead and pass it... I wonder if we could get Congress thrown in jail for being annoying?
I certainly don't mean to annoy anyone, but I think SayUncle misrepresented--probably misinterpreted--the law. See the comments on the C/Net blog telling about the law. Several point up flaws in the panic-button response. One I picked up on while reading the article is the need to prove *intent* to annoy, as a commenter pointed out. Others raised other points that make it less a cause for concern than C/Net and SayUncle seem to think.
Vicki, I think the concerns are well-founded (though that post was written by #9, a co-blogger at SayUncle). After all, one person's dissent is another person's annoyance.
Your opinion annoys me and since you obviously intentionally wrote your comment....
Laws like this can and will be abused just as RICO and the Patriot Act already are.
Look at all you ACLU supporters!
Yes, it's true, but several organizations are already planning constitutional challenges.
This is why we need a line item veto.
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