The Inverse Authoritarian Personality
I recently wrote a post stating that I ordered the book, Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians, and the Left.
Well, it finally came and I have spent some interesting hours reading about studies done with Jewish and Christian leftist radicals in the 1970's and 80's. Please bear the age of these studies in mind when I talk about some of the information I gleaned from the book. Yes, this is old stuff but I think in discussing some of the traits of radicals on the left, much of it still holds true. I do not believe these traits are necessarily pathological--but they are descriptive in helping to understand those who follow extreme left-leaning thought.
The book discusses the classic authoritarian who adopts conservative ideas to defend himself against his underlying conflicts and insecurity--of course the authoritarian personality was first formulated by scholars who were quintessential outsiders: "leftist, internationalist, deracinated Jewish academics who were refugees from resurgent German nationalism, political reaction and virulent anti-Semitism." To read more about the authoritarian personality, read Theodor Adorno's work on the topic--it is beyond the scope of this post.
The authors of the book, Stanley Rothman & S. Robert Lichter spend chapters discussing how the same conflicts that underlie the authoritarian can be turned inside out. "The traditional authoritarian deflects his hidden hostilities onto outsiders and outgroups. The inverse (my italics) authoritarian unleashes his anger directly against the powers that be while taking the side of the world's 'victims' and 'outcasts.'" The authors ask an important question about the inverse authoritarian: "Was it not possible that the 'liberated generation' was bound to potentially dangerous unconscious personality dynamics no less than its forebears?"
The authors set about to study the new left in the 1970's with a variety of psychological tests and clinical interviews. I am certainly simplifying their work for the sake of space, but they found through testing that the inverse authoritarian rejects social authority out of hand and aligns himself with militant opponents of the established order. "These identifications give moral legitimacy to his desire to act out aggressive impulses by preaching or practicing 'revolutionary' confrontation and violence. Thus he identifies potency with force and militancy, projecting fantasized power and vitality onto society's outcasts and outsiders. At the same time, he scorns his own bourgeois intellectual background as impotent, a projection of the weakness he fears in himself."
Without going into too much detail, here are a few other things they found. Conservatives--particularly Jewish Conservatives--were found to be lowest on the need to feel powerful, followed by liberals but the need to feel powerful rose sharply among the New Left radical group--it was especially high in the Jewish radicals. Jewish conservatives, liberals, and radicals were all more affiliative (defined as a concern to establish, maintain and restore positive emotional relationships) than their non-Jewish counterparts.
What I carried away from the book is that there is no difference in the rigidity between fighting against outsiders or outgroups and fighting against the establishment---both are a form of rebellion that is based not on what is right, but on how one chooses to rebel. Basing politics and policy on how they fullfill our need for power, affiliation or hostility cannot be the best way of deciding what is right for our country.
Update: And, sometimes, being angry and stupid is not enough.
The book discusses the classic authoritarian who adopts conservative ideas to defend himself against his underlying conflicts and insecurity--of course the authoritarian personality was first formulated by scholars who were quintessential outsiders: "leftist, internationalist, deracinated Jewish academics who were refugees from resurgent German nationalism, political reaction and virulent anti-Semitism." To read more about the authoritarian personality, read Theodor Adorno's work on the topic--it is beyond the scope of this post.
The authors of the book, Stanley Rothman & S. Robert Lichter spend chapters discussing how the same conflicts that underlie the authoritarian can be turned inside out. "The traditional authoritarian deflects his hidden hostilities onto outsiders and outgroups. The inverse (my italics) authoritarian unleashes his anger directly against the powers that be while taking the side of the world's 'victims' and 'outcasts.'" The authors ask an important question about the inverse authoritarian: "Was it not possible that the 'liberated generation' was bound to potentially dangerous unconscious personality dynamics no less than its forebears?"
The authors set about to study the new left in the 1970's with a variety of psychological tests and clinical interviews. I am certainly simplifying their work for the sake of space, but they found through testing that the inverse authoritarian rejects social authority out of hand and aligns himself with militant opponents of the established order. "These identifications give moral legitimacy to his desire to act out aggressive impulses by preaching or practicing 'revolutionary' confrontation and violence. Thus he identifies potency with force and militancy, projecting fantasized power and vitality onto society's outcasts and outsiders. At the same time, he scorns his own bourgeois intellectual background as impotent, a projection of the weakness he fears in himself."
Without going into too much detail, here are a few other things they found. Conservatives--particularly Jewish Conservatives--were found to be lowest on the need to feel powerful, followed by liberals but the need to feel powerful rose sharply among the New Left radical group--it was especially high in the Jewish radicals. Jewish conservatives, liberals, and radicals were all more affiliative (defined as a concern to establish, maintain and restore positive emotional relationships) than their non-Jewish counterparts.
What I carried away from the book is that there is no difference in the rigidity between fighting against outsiders or outgroups and fighting against the establishment---both are a form of rebellion that is based not on what is right, but on how one chooses to rebel. Basing politics and policy on how they fullfill our need for power, affiliation or hostility cannot be the best way of deciding what is right for our country.
Update: And, sometimes, being angry and stupid is not enough.
Interesting observation about the rad-left's concern with "potency".
During my time on campus, and afterwards, I noted the rad-left's high, high proportion of weedy, chinless types.
Few mesomorphs cared to join. For the non-psychology types, mesomorph is not only an athletic build, but a forthright, assertive, confident personality. The originator of somatotyping felt there was a correlation--broad and not iron-clad--between certain body types and personality types.
Whatever the validity of his theory, there seemed to be something going on with the rad-left.
It was particularly funny when the twerps tried to recruit Division 1 football players for muscle.
Yes. Right on target, Dr. And in a sense I believe this is a good thing. While the hostile rebellious types like Dean are busy stirring up the fervent believers, those toward the middle of the political spectrum are going to be driven to the right by a natural aversion to the relentless, angry, content-free rhetoric. Go Howard (and Nancy, and Teddy, and Harry, and...).
B. F. Skinner showed, as I recall, that the most effective method of behavior modification was negative reinforcement coupled with positive alternatives. We on the Right need to present that alternative (to the negative spew of the Left) by remaining patient, rational, unswerving and positive. The evolution will come.
auld pharte,
Yes, my concern is how to address the Jewish tendency to lean heavily to the left. Many Jews are afraid of the right due to what they see as fanaticism with religion--yet the left, to me, is turning anti-semitic and engaging in so many troubling patterns such as gun control, anti-Israel and anti-American sentiment, social welfare programs that foster government dependency. I wonder how this can lead to anything positive for Jews in particular and for the country as a whole.
The need to feel powerful is an aspect of politics that really bothers me. For many being powerful means exercising control over others. While both the extreme right and left strive to exercise control over others, I see it more commonly in the left via political correctness, "civil rights" lawsuits to against religious expression, a ban on "offending" certain groups, etc.
Dr. Helen,re Jewish tendencies.
Jews face apparently unpleasant choices: Look to the Right and see Christian fanaticism as relentlessly painted by the Left, abetted by 2000 years of (unjustified) blame for the persecution and death of Jesus. Look to the Left, really look, and see the behavior and patterns you describe.
Resolution, for the moment, may boil down to individual decisions based on thoughtful evaluation of fact, but habits die hard. As neither a Jew nor a devout Christian, I am troubled by the Right's reluctance to reach out to a potential Jewish constituency. I can only surmise the reluctance stems from a concern that "The Base" will be offended. I personally think this concern is a Hypothetical Horrible on three counts:
1. If some Christians are offended, where can they go? The Left has burned that bridge and trampled on the ashes.
2. The message (join us) can be couched in humanistic terms that need not inflame any religious passions.
3. Interdenominational activities involving Christians and Jews are nothing strange or unusual. Influential religious types on the Right could, and I believe would, help greatly in pursuit of a greater good.
What's missing now is the Right's political courage, fostered perhaps by public outreach from Christian leadership, to move in this direction. And some encouragement by Jewish leaders of the appropriate persuasion wouldn't hurt. I for one would like to see Jewish intellect and other strengths firmly ensconced in the "right" tent.
Easy for me to say...
Perhaps you can divide people involved in politics into two groups. Group One consists of people who are involved in politics because of concerns about some specific set of issues. If these issues were resolved, they would happily leave politics alone. They don't look to politics for the meaning in their lives; they find that meaning elsewhere.
Group Two consists of people for whom the political struggle *is* the meaning in their lives: without the struggle, they would have nothing else they really care about.
Obviously an oversimplification, but I think a useful one. Also, highly related to Ralph Peters' categorization of terrorists into "practical terrorists" who engage in terror to obtain specific policy results, and "apocalyptic terrorists" who engage in terror because that's what gives them emotional satisfaction.
I went to college, a Catholic one in New York City, from 1966 – 70, sort of at the height of the hippy dippy/SDS craze – especially in 69/70.
The one outstanding thing about the SDS types was that they had not fit I well with most of the other students before their “radicalization”. They were not involved in activities. They didn’t attend athletic events. They didn’t have many friends. SDS seemed to be a haven for kids that just didn’t fit in with the majority.
In late 69, as college radicalization grew, The SDS managed to get the college to schedule a vote on expelling the Army and Air Force ROTCs from the school. My college was not exactly the hotbed of radicalism and it was readily apparent that the kids were going to overwhelmingly vote to keep the ROTCs. So then the SDS started holding demonstrations telling people to boycott the very election they had managed to get. So much for the “democratic” part in the name of their organization. The vote was held and the ROTCs stayed.
My experience with these clowns matches the description of the radical types in the study. They were a bunch of socially insecure babies who would never have any “power” in the normal world, so they sought this “power” in radical left organizations.
I was the lead bouncer at the big college bar (800 – 900 customers on weekend nights). The hippy dippies would always give me trouble at the door. They could not understand something like why I wouldn’t let them in because they were barefoot (against NYC law). They’d start screaming about their “rights” – over something as stupid as shoes. If I was proofing them, they’d go into more tirades about their rights. If they got too annoying they would find out the true meaning of power. They’d get hurt. Once that happened, they’d forever be as meek as little lambs.
I really don't think the "self-hating liberal" thing is (usually) correct. It's not *themselves* that these people hate; it's all the rest of us. Feeling contempt for the unwashed masses is psychologically useful, for example, if one is an individual with an advanced degree who is now working at Starbucks (or worse, as an adjunct.)
Long ago, C S Lewis analyzed this phenomenon very well in an essay that I excerpt here.
david, I believe that is the third time you have gotten in the apposite CS Lewis reference before I did. I would add his writing on the Inner Circle (found in The Weight of Glory and other Essays) as related in this instance. Good show.
I wouldn't carry the lefty stereotype too far. It is true that they seemed to have an especial dislike for football players, regarding them as militaristic and stupid, but many were popular or athletic or otherwise talented. Me, for example.
The preoccupation with power does seem to continue into the present day. There is a type of liberal who operates from the immediate assumption that the powerless are always taken advantage of by the powerful -- with power defined in narrow, convenient ways, of course.
Here's a link to a story about a former leader of the Weather Underground - from a lady who knew him in college. It's not pretty. Today the guy, a terrorist, is a respected college professor.
I ran across a long-forgotten source once who asserted that, "All anger is self-directed."
Food for thought, in case of hunger.
Anonymous 7:27,
Thanks for the link--what a story. It seems like this man should pay heavily for his crimes. But instead he gets a book and a career out it. Typical.
The stereotype of the weedy, ectomorphic lefty is not perfect. There are exceptions.
I would suggest, though, that the farther you went left, the more you would see.
My sister was in an organization on campus which read to the blind. One of the people she read texts to said she should be out in the streets (lefty talk for revolution, for you younger set). One can feel pity for the blind--one should.
But for somebody who wants to bring down the institutions which nurture him, which provide people wiht heart--my sister--the resources of time and energy freed up from sheer survival by our system to help him.... Where an institution like Tower Guard which has existed for decades to do this is considered unexceptionable but he wants it all to come down in ruin.
Leftism is partly--everything is partly something and never all anything--self-loathing. For whatever reason, people feel inadequate. To feel adequate, those people and institutions which seem to be holding them down, or showing their inadequacies merely by existing must be discredited.
In the college arena, that means athletes. I recall that even throwing the football around in front of the dorm was questionable.
True, the full-ride athletes in the revenue sports at Division 1 schools weren't the best possible examples of the student-athlete, but the guys playing ball without scholarships at little schools, who were true student-athletes, got the same crap.
It means attractive people. Ever notice how many average-looking lefty girls seemed to go out of their way to be homely? Dissing the entire concept so they didn't have to worry about competing.
Fraternities and sororities.
IMO, also, that's the reason for the easy and instant accusations of racism. Easiest thing in the world to make yourself one of the moral minority. And the fewer there are, the more wonderful are the few. So accusing the largest possible number of one's fellows of racism is a cheap way of overcoming feelings of inadequacy.
There are others, of course.
I'm not sure about the need to control. I don't want to control anybody. I am certain that anybody who wants to control me will regret the attempt. And that's all I need to feel in control. I think this comes from a self-assessment of a reasonable level of competence. "I can take care of myself.", if true, is a great stress reliever.
Now that I think about it, the hippy-dippies always acted as if they were helpless, feckless victims of The Man. Remember the movie "The Strawberry Statement"?
One of the Sgt Pepper movies showed the Kids fleeing in various directions from uniformed functionaries. Never did they show the slightest likelihood of turning to fight. It wouldn't have done to indicate that there was something that the Kids could do if they had the guts and competence. Then they'd be responsible and not victims lacking all responsibility for their position.
I haven't thought this much about times forty years gone in some while.
But this is nothing I haven't thought before.
Helen you are factually incorrect to state that Jews lean heavily left as a block. Judaism is not monolithic. While the Reform movement Jews are indeed mostly left leaning the Orthodox are increasingly leaning Republican. They like and are in agreement with many of the Republican views such as school vouchers and Pro Israel positions. They are also the only segment of Judaism that is growing in numbers. Indeed they scarcely consider Reform Jews to be Jews. Reform Jews are to make an analogy liberal Anglicans to the Orthodox traditional Catholic or Fundamentalists.
Even though these events happened 40 years ago--I think some of the studies in this book still hold true today. What is interesting is that the authors studied students for their samples and then adults in their 40's and found little difference in their heightened need for power and narcissism. The psychology of these individuals is important in that, rather than "psychological health" being the sign of "progressives," as liberals like to point out--it may be that those who are far left are not suited to lead anyone.
I sure as hell was never inspired to follow any of them.
One of the aspects of the mesomorphic personality is the tendency to elicit following behaviors in others.
Groups made up of mostly non-mesomorphs are deficient in this--all of which presumes the somatotyping theory holds any water.
And, taking another step, the unconcious awareness that they can't get much done by persuasion and leadership might be why they seek the power of the state to coerce people into taking up the prescribed behavior.
When I was in the Army, many of the Infantry officers--not all but a disproportionate number--seemed to have a high mesomorphic component, as if they'd all played some of the harder-nosed sports at a small college lacking a phys ed major and athletic scholarships.
Speaking of which, my father played football at UConn until he went into the Army in 1943. There was no phys ed major (or communications majors or playground management majors) or athletic scholarships. The men's group with the highest GPA was the football team. But the campus commies who had gotten themselves into the campus paper refused to include the football team in the list, forcing the coach to take out a paid ad.
Here's a mind game.
My son is 6'5". His shoulders go out to here. He was all conference in high school in football, basketball and tennis, captain and MVP of the latter two. He has the command presence of George Washington. He was also NHS. His wife is six foot even, slender and athletic, also multiple all-conference in high school, full ride in softball. Teaches at an upscale private secondary school. They are both attractive.
Now, having finished bragging, think of this. You see them walking down the street in the most innocuous, message-free clothes you can imagine.
Your instant assessment of their political views would not be that they were lefties, would it?
Another brilliant post!
And while I didn't see the above comment until today, the frontpagemag piece on Ayers and the gang rape triggered a long outburst of radical nostalgia on my part yesterday. Thinking about this made me wonder whether anarchism and authoritarian fascism aren't destined to merge.
Leftists come with several wrappings. There are the ones that can't do for themselves so they sublimate by feeling powerful doing for others. From what I've seen many in the leftist Jewish community are those who need the support of the community. They avoid getting information that would challenge their leftist views because they like the comfort of group think promoted by organizations like the ADL, the AJCs, etc.
There is also a third set of leftists whose backgrounds get little publicity, people like Gloria Steinem and Ron Karenga who were CIA plants in the movement. They act like agent provateurs who get the weakminded up front to do the dirty work. When reading Ayers story, I wonder whether the rape was a setup to see how far she would go to get Ayers approval.
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