Katrina, Dr. Phil and Exploitation
What's with all the grown men blubbering in public on all the talk shows? Katrina is certainly a tragedy, but all the crying is not going to help and frankly, it's exploitative and irritating.
Watching the mayor of New Orleans and the chief of police crying with Oprah and Dr. Phil, I am reminded of all that is wrong with some aspects of American society: it is more important to look concerned and show emotion than to actually be effectual. Effectual problem-solving people do not put on a public show of tears (ok, so maybe just in front of a loved one or their shrink) . Have you noticed that all the blubbering usually ends with a request for money? And what about the people in Mississippi--do they not count for anything? I don't see too many of the talk show hosts hanging around the necks of the people from Biloxi and begging for help. What's the difference between the two states? The exploitation by the media in this natural disaster is astounding. Obviously, politics and posturing are more important to them than making sure that all victims (rich and poor, black and white, those from different states etc.) get the assistance they need.
What's with all the grown men blubbering in public on all the talk shows? Katrina is certainly a tragedy, but all the crying is not going to help and frankly, it's exploitative and irritating.
Watching the mayor of New Orleans and the chief of police crying with Oprah and Dr. Phil, I am reminded of all that is wrong with some aspects of American society: it is more important to look concerned and show emotion than to actually be effectual. Effectual problem-solving people do not put on a public show of tears (ok, so maybe just in front of a loved one or their shrink) . Have you noticed that all the blubbering usually ends with a request for money? And what about the people in Mississippi--do they not count for anything? I don't see too many of the talk show hosts hanging around the necks of the people from Biloxi and begging for help. What's the difference between the two states? The exploitation by the media in this natural disaster is astounding. Obviously, politics and posturing are more important to them than making sure that all victims (rich and poor, black and white, those from different states etc.) get the assistance they need.
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